The Ceaseless ExpanseCosts (1) less for each time
If you play this for its full Mana cost, you know what? You win. Good day sir! |
Fanottem, Lord of the OperaTaunt, Lifesteal
Writing a compelling symphony takes time. Usually around 20 turns or more. |
Reska, the Pit BossRush. Costs (1) less for each
Overseer of the Bloodrock Mine, Reska will work you to the bone. They'll then reanimate your bones and work THOSE bones to the bone. |
Shirvallah, the TigerDivine Shield, Rush, Lifesteal
On bended knee Thekal placed his weapon upon Shirvallah’s altar, whereupon she slowly knocked it off with her paw. |
Bloodreaver Gul'danBattlecry: Summon all friendly Demons that died this game.
"Still you refuse to bend your knee? None can escape death, you old fool. And in death… all will serve me…" |
Bloodreaver Gul'danBattlecry: Summon all friendly Demons that died this game.
"Still you refuse to bend your knee? None can escape death, you old fool. And in death… all will serve me…" |
Reno, Lone RangerBattlecry: If your deck
With an uncertain past and a questionable future, Reno was lucky to find his home on the range. |
The Amazing RenoBattlecry: Make all minions disappear. *Poof!*
"Reno!" "Please address me by my proper title." "<sigh> <i>Amazing</i> Reno..." |
Zul'jinBattlecry: Cast all spells
If you can dodge an axe, you can dodge a ball. |
Climactic Necrotic ExplosionLifesteal. Deal {0} damage.
The less legible the band's logo, the more hardcore it is. |
The Galactic Projection OrbRecast a random spell of each Cost you've cast this game (targets enemies if possible).
Look closely in the ball and you'll see the expansion of space and time itself. Or their projections, anyway. |
Arcane OrbDies at the end of the turn.
Balinda StonehearthPassive: The first time this Merc would take fatal damage, prevent it and become Immune this turn.
Baron GeddonChoose an enemy each turn.
Captain GalvangarCharacters can't be healed.
ChromaggusChanges Role at the End of Turn.
Colossus of the MoonDivine Shield
Strike him down, and you'll face the Colossus of the New Moon. |
Coren DirebrewWhenever a character Attacks, give it +3 Attack.
C'Thun, the ShatteredStart of Game: Break into
My grandfather's deck has no useless cards! |
Darkmoon RabbitPoisonous. Rush.
Darkmoon RabbitPoisonous. Rush.
Darkmoon RabbitPoisonous.
DeathwingBattlecry: Destroy all other minions and discard your hand.
Once a noble dragon known as Neltharion, Deathwing lost his mind and shattered Azeroth before finally being defeated. Daddy issues? |
Deathwing the DestroyerBattlecry: Destroy all other minions. Discard a card for each destroyed.
"He’s Deathwing? That one's Deathwing? You're Deathwing!? I'm DEATHWING! ARE THERE ANY OTHER DEATHWINGS I SHOULD KNOW ABOUT?" |
Deathwing, DragonlordDeathrattle: Put all Dragons from your hand into the battlefield.
To his credit, Deathwing really took to heart the feedback he was receiving that he needed to be "more of a team player". |
Drek'TharHas +@ Attack for each other friendly character.
EmerissBattlecry: Double the Attack and Health of all minions in your hand.
Taste your world's corruption! It tastes like chicken. |
Emperor ThaurissanAfter this is damaged by a Fire ability, restore that much Health to ALL characters.
Eonar, the Life-BinderTitan
Protector of all living things, she once saved the nascent world-soul of Azeroth from annihilation. It seems mercy was her greatest wisdom. |
GarrElementals have +20 Fire Resistance and +10 Frost Weakness.
General DrakkisathAt the end of each turn, restore @ Health to all your other Dragons.
GythDeathrattle: Enrages Rend Blackhand.
Hakkar, the SoulflayerDeathrattle: Shuffle a Corrupted Blood into each player's deck.
ATTENTION: Do not enter any major city while infected with the Corrupted Blood! |
High Justice GrimstoneWhenever a friendly character Attacks, deal @ damage to all enemies.
Highlord OmokkTakes @ less
Ivus, the Forest LordWhen Ivus takes @ damage, he goes Dormant and summons 3 Treants.
King PhaorisBattlecry: For each spell
When you're the king of the cats, the whole desert is your litterbox. |
Kun the Forgotten KingChoose One - Gain 10 Armor; or Refresh your Mana Crystals.
Aya siphons a bit of Kun's soul to animate each golem in her Jade army. To his credit, he's being a great sport about it. |
Lokholar the Ice LordAfter another character dies, gain +{0}/+{1}, and +{0} Frost Damage.
Lokholar the Ice LordRush, Windfury
Suddenly the names of Iceblood Tower and Iceblood Garrison make a lot more sense. |
Louis PhilipsUndead characters take 5 more damage from Humans.
MaestraWhenever this Attacks or is Attacked, change roles to have role advantage against the enemy.
Majordomo ExecutusDeathrattle: Summon Ragnaros the Firelord.
Majordomo ExecutusDeathrattle: Summon Ragnaros the Firelord.
Mecha'thunDeathrattle: If you have no
"Your software will fail. Your users will abandon you. You are already obsolete." |
Moira BronzebeardDeathrattle: Give Emperor Thaurissan +@/+@ and +@ Fire Damage.
NefarianCan't be targeted by spells.
NefarianCan't be targeted by spells.
NefarianCan't be targeted by spells.
NefarianYour characters cannot be Frozen.
NefarianYour characters cannot be Frozen.
Neptulon the TidehunterColossal +2, Rush, Windfury
Neptulon, tired of filling hands, is now throwing hands. |
NozariBattlecry: Restore both heroes to full Health.
In another timeline, she was called Yeszari. |
N'ZothImmune while Psychus is alive.
N'Zoth, the CorruptorBattlecry: Summon your Deathrattle minions that died this game.
Has not been able to get "Under the Sea" out of his head for like FIVE THOUSAND YEARS. |
Priscilla AshvaneWhen this Merc is damaged, Fire the Cannons!
Queen Azshara
Raid Boss OnyxiaRush. Immune while
Onyxia chose her guises to manipulate mortals, but her true form? That was reserved for ending them. |
Rend BlackhandWhenever an adjacent character takes damage, this Merc takes it instead.
Sire DenathriusLifesteal. Battlecry: Deal {1}
Sire DenathriusLifesteal. Battlecry: Deal 5 damage amongst enemies. Endlessly Infuse (@): Deal 1 more.
History has a way of altering villains so that we can no longer see ourselves in them. Unfortunately for the Venthyr, they all look like Sire Denathrius. |
Sire DenathriusLifesteal. Battlecry: Deal 5 damage amongst enemies. Endlessly Infuse (@): Deal 1 more.
History has a way of altering villains so that we can no longer see ourselves in them. Unfortunately for the Venthyr, they all look like Sire Denathrius. |
Thaddius, MonstrosityTaunt. Your odd-Cost
Feugen is positive that Thaddius will see play, but Stalagg seems negative about it. |
The Boom ReaverBattlecry: Summon a copy of a minion in your deck. Give it Rush.
“What’s better than reaving? BOOM reaving!” |
The JailerBattlecry: Destroy your deck. This minion
At one point, The Jailer served as Arbiter over the souls of the Shadowlands. He was the epitome of an unbiased, righteous judge of character. WAS. |
The JailerBattlecry: Destroy your deck. This minion
At one point, The Jailer served as Arbiter over the souls of the Shadowlands. He was the epitome of an unbiased, righteous judge of character. WAS. |
Millennia of evolutionary pressures turned his species into the Faerie Dragons we know today. |
Millennia of evolutionary pressures turned his species into the Faerie Dragons we know today. |
Undead Onyxia+{0} Spell Weakness.
VaelastraszAt the end of each turn, deal @ damage to all enemies.
Vanndar StormpikeAfter {0} turns, Vanndar will complete his conquest of Alterac Valley!
Varian WrynnBattlecry: Draw 3 cards.
Leader of the Alliance! Father of Anduin! Also he likes to play Arena, and he averages 12 wins. |
Yogg-Saron, Hope's EndBattlecry: Cast a random
I spell your doom... Y-O-U-R D-O-O-M! |
Yogg-Saron, Master of FateBattlecry: If you've cast
Yogg take the wheel! |
Yogg-Saron, UnleashedTitan
Has been known to monologue before he strikes. |
Y'Shaarj, Rage UnboundAt the end of your turn, put a minion from your deck into the battlefield.
When he's working out, he binds all that rage back into a ponytail. |
Y'Shaarj, the DefilerBattlecry: Add a copy of each
Y'Shaarj made an excellent office intern, doing the copying AND defiling. |
Bloodreaver Gul'danBattlecry: Summon all friendly Demons that died this game.
Frost Lich JainaBattlecry: Summon a
"Arthas was a spoiled child, playing with toys he could neither control nor understand. Come into the cold. I will show you the true power of the Frozen Throne." |
Frost Lich JainaBattlecry: Summon a
"Arthas was a spoiled child, playing with toys he could neither control nor understand. Come into the cold. I will show you the true power of the Frozen Throne." |
Uther of the Ebon BladeBattlecry: Equip a 5/3 Lifesteal weapon.
"Step forward. Confess! Once I was a mere servant of the Light. Now I alone stand in judgement." |
Uther of the Ebon BladeBattlecry: Equip a 5/3 Lifesteal weapon.
"Step forward. Confess! Once I was a mere servant of the Light. Now I alone stand in judgement." |
Valeera the HollowBattlecry: Gain Stealth until your next turn.
"Run away. Hide in your precious keeps, behind your walls and your bodyguards. Night always falls, and shadows will fill your hallowed halls. One day, one of those shadows will be me." |
Valeera the HollowBattlecry: Gain Stealth until your next turn.
"Run away. Hide in your precious keeps, behind your walls and your bodyguards. Night always falls, and shadows will fill your hallowed halls. One day, one of those shadows will be me." |
The BoomshipSummon 3 random minions from your hand. Give them Rush.
Dr. Boom ends his motivational speeches by dropping the mechs. |
The ScourgeFill your board with random Undead.
The ScourgeFill your board with random Undead.
“You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I will show you the justice of the grave and the true meaning of fear.” |
The ScourgeFill your board with random Undead.
“You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I will show you the justice of the grave and the true meaning of fear.” |
The SunwellFill your hand with random spells. Costs (1) less for each other card in your hand.
The Lich King had extinguished the light of the Sunwell once before - it will take all the might Silvermoon can muster to defend it! |
Zerek's Cloning GallerySummon a 1/1 copy of each minion in your deck.
Cloning can be a jarring experience. |
AlexstraszaBattlecry: Set a hero's remaining Health to 15.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder brings life and hope to everyone. Except Deathwing. And Malygos. And Nekros. |
AlexstraszaBattlecry: Set a hero's remaining Health to 15.
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder brings life and hope to everyone. Except Deathwing. And Malygos. And Nekros. |
Alexstrasza the Life-BinderBattlecry: Choose a
Friendly Fire: Off |
Alexstrasza the Life-BinderBattlecry: Choose a
Friendly Fire: Off |
Arch-Thief RafaamBattlecry: Discover a powerful Artifact.
He's very good at retrieving artifacts. From other people's museums. |
Avatar of HearthstoneBattlecry: Open a Standard Pack. Play all cards from it.
Now introducing -- Hearthstone Portable! |
AvianaYour minions cost (1).
AvianaYour minions cost (1).
Call her "Tweety". She'll find it real funny. I PROMISE. |