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I finally crafted dark arakkoa today because i only have 910 dust left
People play this without C'Thun, which should be a testament to how good a 5/7 taunt for 6 actually is. That +3/+3 buff to your writhing mass of tentacles and eyeballs is just icing on the cake.
this card is way OP! needs a nerf
The ancient one caws!
This is why we have things like The Black Knight. Otherwise, you're not gonna have fun
true but it could also be used to kill Cthun if they also played twilight geomancer since that gives cthun taunt
but destroy 1 taunt..... maybe if the effect was destroy 2 random taunt minions, then even better. otherwise decks like this druid cthun with powerful taunts is just gonna be wrecking.
This. This is the reason to play C'Thun in druid, not Klaxxi Amber-Weaver. Powerhouse 6-drop, insane on turn 5/4 with Innervate/Wild Growth. Curving after Druid of the Claw and Crazed Worshipper and into Twin Emperor Vek'lor / Ancient of War. There has to be a deck insanely powerful to take C'Thun druid spot as the number one deck post rotation.
The new auto-include minion for druids, replacing ancient of lore since 26 April 2016.
This card should read "Choose one: give your C'THun +3 +3, or gain taunt"
C'Thun decks are seeming to be very playable now.
wtf is a cthulu? why would anyone want to play that garbage
Because they can win with it
Yeah, it'll deal its final attack damage randomly among all enemies.
This card is honestly so good that I think it might see play outside of c'thun decks. I think that having a Boulderfist Ogre that trades 1 atk for taunt is a pretty good deal. I guess Sunwalker already fills the 6 mana taunt slot, but it never seemed to work out for me.
I see where you're going with this. Druid of the Claw sees play hands down with the stats 4/6 for 5 (yes, he also has the charge. Choice cards OP). A follow-up turn where you drop an equally-statted card is pretty strong. I'm really liking some of the new cards coming out for druid. Can't wait to see what people come up with in their new metagame environment.
Agreed! It will be nice to see a druid that performs well without needing to rely on its crutchy FoN combo. Here's to a new and reformed druid!
That actually wouldn't work because the animation for buffing C'thun wouldn't trigger thus indicating you don't have it