Molten GiantCosts (1) less for
He gets terrible heartburn. BECAUSE HE IS FULL OF LAVA. |
Molten GiantCosts (1) less for
He gets terrible heartburn. BECAUSE HE IS FULL OF LAVA. |
Mountain GiantCosts (1) less for each other card in your hand.
His mother said that he was just big boned. |
Mountain GiantCosts (1) less for each other card in your hand.
His mother said that he was just big boned. |
Snowfury GiantCosts (1) less for each Mana Crystal you've Overloaded this game.
This minion goes all the way to 11! |
Snowfury GiantCosts (1) less for each Mana Crystal you've Overloaded this game.
This minion goes all the way to 11! |
Baron GeddonChoose an enemy each turn.
GarrElementals have +20 Fire Resistance and +10 Frost Weakness.
Greater Fire ElementalAfter an enemy uses an even-Speed ability, they have +@ Fire Weakness this turn.
Greater Water ElementalAfter a character uses an odd-Speed ability, they have +@ Frost Weakness this turn.
Ice Shard+10 Fire Weakness
Ivus, the Forest LordWhen Ivus takes @ damage, he goes Dormant and summons 3 Treants.
Living HorizonTaunt, Divine Shield
Even in the darkest of days, the sun never sets on the Badlands. |
Lokholar the Ice LordAfter another character dies, gain +{0}/+{1}, and +{0} Frost Damage.
Lokholar the Ice LordRush, Windfury
Suddenly the names of Iceblood Tower and Iceblood Garrison make a lot more sense. |
Lokholar the Ice LordRush, Windfury
Suddenly the names of Iceblood Tower and Iceblood Garrison make a lot more sense. |
Magma Rager
Mana GiantSpell more and save more with a GIANT discount! |
Neptulon the TidehunterColossal +2, Rush, Windfury
Neptulon, tired of filling hands, is now throwing hands. |
Scrapyard ColossusTaunt
Heap on heapin' on. |
Blood of G'huunTaunt
An attempted cure becomes disease, blooming and thriving as rot and decay. |
Fizzy ElementalRush
Loved. Hated. Carbonated. |
Fizzy Elemental
Fizzy ElementalRush
Loved. Hated. Carbonated. |
Lightrays, much like rays of light, tend to be seen closer to the surface. |
Menacing Nimbus
MuensterosityTaunt. At the end of
We were going to put some cheesy joke here, but we goudan't come up with anything. |
SnowgreFreeze any character damaged by this minion.
Walking MountainRush, Lifesteal,
The hills are alive with the sound of YEEEEHAAAWWWW! |
Ahune the FrostlordCan't be damaged.
Al'Akir the WindlordCharge, Divine Shield, Taunt, Windfury
He is the weakest of the four Elemental Lords. And the other three don't let him forget it. |
Al'Akir the WindlordCharge, Divine Shield, Taunt, Windfury
He is the weakest of the four Elemental Lords. And the other three don't let him forget it. |
AnomalusDeathrattle: Deal 8 damage to all minions.
That's short for "Anomnomnomnomalus". |
Arcane DevourerWhenever you cast a spell, gain +2/+2.
Likes her magic with a pinch of salt. |
Arcane DevourerWhenever you cast a spell, gain +2/+2.
Likes her magic with a pinch of salt. |
AvalanchanTaunt. Freeze any character damaged by this merc.
Azerite GiantCosts (1) less for each
Either that giant isn't really giant, or that doorway is HUGE! |
Cauldron ElementalYour other Elementals have +2 Attack.
Decorating tip: Unused cauldrons can make a lovely elemental display. |
Colifero the ArtistBattlecry: Draw a minion.
You are what you paint! And Colifero is paint. |
Exploding Sparkler
Frosted ElementalDeathrattle: Freeze all enemies.
HailbringerElementals cannot be Frozen.
Ice RagerElementals have +20 Fire Weakness.
Lieutenant GarrTaunt
Lieutenant GarrTaunt
Living LavaWhenever you cast a Fire spell, gain +2/+2.
Mana GiantCosts (1) less for each
Spell more and save more with a GIANT discount! |
Between you and me, Ozruk is a bit obsessed with his body. |
Primordial ProtectorBattlecry: Draw your
I thought the "shape of water" meant something else. |
Primordial ProtectorBattlecry: Draw your
I thought the "shape of water" meant something else. |
Pyros |
Raging StormRush
Ragnaros the FirelordCan't attack. At the end of your turn, deal 8 damage to a random enemy.
Ragnaros was summoned by the Dark Iron dwarves, who were eventually enslaved by the Firelord. Summoning Ragnaros often doesn’t work out the way you want it to. |
Ragnaros the FirelordCan't attack. At the end of your turn, deal 8 damage to a random enemy.
Ragnaros was summoned by the Dark Iron dwarves, who were eventually enslaved by the Firelord. Summoning Ragnaros often doesn’t work out the way you want it to. |
Ragnaros the FirelordCan't attack. At the end of your turn, deal 8 damage to a random enemy.
Ragnaros, LightlordAt the end of your turn, restore 8 Health to a damaged friendly character.
What happens when you try and corrupt a corrupted firelord? DOUBLE NEGATIVE, INSECT! |
Ragnaros, LightlordAt the end of your turn, restore 8 Health to a damaged friendly character.
What happens when you try and corrupt a corrupted firelord? DOUBLE NEGATIVE, INSECT! |
Red GiantCosts (1) less for each adjacent card played while in hand.
Lots of cards get played around it, but it's the real star. |
Splitting SpacerockDeathrattle: Summon two 4/4 Splitting Boulders.
Space rock. *pew* Spa ce ro ck. *pew* S p a c e r o c k . |
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't stop it from electrocuting everything in the water. |
Tidal RevenantBattlecry: Deal 5 damage. Gain 8 Armor.
A big minion that clears the board and gains Armor? Wow, Warrior is really in their element now. |
Walking FountainLifesteal, Rush, Windfury
The weirdest part is that it doesn't have legs. |
Whirlwind TempestYour minions with Windfury have Mega-Windfury.
And your minions with mega-windfury get... dizzy. |
Whirlwind TempestYour minions with Windfury have Mega-Windfury.
Air Elemental
AmalgadonBattlecry: Randomly
AmalgadonBattlecry: Randomly Adapt
Animated AvalancheBattlecry: If you played
Always sliding down mountains because it can't stop talking with its hands. |
Baron GeddonAt the end of your turn, deal 2 damage to ALL other characters.
Baron Geddon was Ragnaros's foremost lieutenant, until he got FIRED. |
Baron GeddonAt the end of your turn, deal 2 damage to ALL other characters.
Baron Geddon was Ragnaros's foremost lieutenant, until he got FIRED. |
Bearon Gla'shearBattlecry: For each Frost
When you get hit by a royally bad pun, you just have to grin and bear it. |
BoggyTaunt. Adjacent characters take @ less damage.
BoggyTaunt. After this is Attacked, Attack a random enemy.
BogshaperWhenever you cast a spell, draw a minion from your deck.
The tricky part is getting them to HOLD their shape. |
Bouldering BuddyRush, Taunt
Why would you buy a walking stick when the forest is full of them!? |
Charged DevilsaurCharge
What happens when a dinosaur mixes soda and pop rocks. |
Felcracked ColossusTaunt
Firesworn 1Deathrattle: Deal 15 damage to a random enemy for each Firesworn that died this turn.
Firesworn 3Deathrattle: Deal 25 damage to a random enemy for each Firesworn that died this turn.
Granite GuardianTaunt
Granite GuardianTaunt
Kalimos, Primal LordBattlecry: If you played an
All that's missing is a little heart. |
Kalimos, Primal LordBattlecry: If you played an
All that's missing is a little heart. |
NeptulonBattlecry: Add 4 random Murlocs to your hand. Overload: (3)
Neptulon is "The Tidehunter". He’s one of the four elemental lords. And he and Ragnaros get together and make really amazing saunas. |
Shining SentinelTaunt, Elusive
SiamatBattlecry: Gain 2 of Rush,
SiamatBattlecry: Gain 2 of Rush,
Skarr, the CatastropheBattlecry: Deal @ damage
We're not in Karazhan anymore, Reno. |
Storm TyrantDivine Shield
Storm TyrantRush, Divine Shield, Windfury
Aspiring meteorologist! |
Aspiring meteorologist! |
Aspiring meteorologist! |
The One-Amalgam BandBattlecry: Gain a random
Why be good with ONE instrument when you can be terrible with ALL of them!!! |
You thought we forgot about her, didn't you? *nervous laughter* |
White KingDeathrattle: Destroy all White Chess Pieces.