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Should be a 3-6 buff to be somewhat different than the new Power Infusion
For the people in wild, this card is so bad that they literally printed the exact same card but now it's 4 mana into the basic priest set in the upcoming year. Now that's some powercreep.
There seems to be a bug with the animation of this card as it no longer shows tentacles when used
Huh. just played it on a dragon egg and it worked surprisingly well. Consistent stream of 2/1s were good for trading.
Needs to be a little cheaper; or it just needs to do something else, like increase Health at the end of every turn.
I like my anime girls with Tentacles for Arms.
Hentai is strong with this one
Tentacle Hentai Deck :D
Paladin gets +8 stat points for 4 mana from blessing of kings, so why does +8 stat points cost 5 mana for priest?
Should only cost 4 mana imo, or 5 mana and adds taunt.
Only Blessed Champion Kappa
Better name for this card: Chosen of C'thun
Power Word : Testicles.
Testicle of N'Zoth
While I agree with almost every thing you're saying I feel that the tools priest has to make use of that extra health pushes it into the 5 cost range.
Prepare for this card and tentacles for arms to define the new hentai meta
This is really shit compare to Velen's Chosen. 5 dust indeed!
Anduin's into some kinky shit.
Power Word : Hentai
Can we just stop for a moment to look at how ridiculously inefficient they made this card? Compared to Velen's Chosen you're spending 2 more Mana and losing +1 Spell Damage ONLY to gain 2 more Health. There's only one other 5 Mana buff spell in the game, Demonheart, and that blows this card away too. Reduce the cost from 5 to 4 and it instantly becomes usable.
Cards are only efficient if their Mana cost x2 is equal to the combined value of their effects.
Power Word: Tentacles:
5 x 2 = 10
2 + 6 = 8
Velen's Chosen:
3 x 2 = 6
2 + 4 + 1 = 7
Even if you completely ignore the +1 Spell Damage, Velen's Chosen is still significantly more efficient than this card. It's like releasing a 5 Mana Druid spell that only gives a minion +4/+4 when there's Mark of Y'Shaarj.