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Does anyone else wish the golden version gave you golden beasts? Infest
Nope - the minion has to be gold for it to generate a golden beast.
Well I like this card. I play it with On the Hunt and Unleash the Hounds. It's really good value when it gets 3+ minions. It tends to refill my hand around turn 6-7, right before I play Call of the Wild
This card appeared when I searched for Battlecry card, I think it has the wrong tag attached to it.
I don't see why people are complaining so much, hunter players suffer from low card draw but if I pop an Infest in my Unleash the Hounds combo I'll get a hand full of beasts. thats crazy value
random beast CAN be much worse but not always, besides this combo is cheaper to pull off than one with starving buzzard for instance. besides if I were to remove all combos that require 2 different cards to work from my deck I wouldn't have much left would I
oh man a parasite card. just like how hearthstone is a parasite on the gaming community
I think that this card needs to have three minions on board, it will be good with Snake Trap, Unleash the Hounds and Knife Juggler.
I will definitely try to build a deck around this card, I have hopes :-)
On turn 3 with three minions on board this card would be great but I don't think that this will happen too often. And as a late game card it is a really weak card draw-ish effect. Although I really like random beasts in hunter.
Why you need more beast for hunter unless in arena cause more different cards it's better.
Arena 3 out 10
Normal 0 out 10
j4ck1e chan laughs with ben brode...
At first I thought this card said incest.
Turn 1-4: Play minions.
Turn 5: Infest + Feign Death
That comment actually made me realise this card is really bad.
Lemme explain: Your scenerio is kind of best case. Then you spend 5 mana and 2 cards to 'draw 4' (net 2). Nourish is 5 mana and 1 card to draw 3 (net 2). So this almost-best-case-scenario is basically a nourish but worse because you get random beasts instead of cards from your deck.
in Wild its going to be even crazier,
turns 1-3 play minions
turn 4 play Baron Rivendare then
turn 5 infest + feign Death
Well.. then your minions die and you get more cards than these 4 on turn 5.. + Sometimes cards outside of your deck are better because you have for example 36, not 30.
Zoo-Beast hunters may become a thing and it fits well there, besides that is an Ok card
from the looks of it, its like webspinner, tomb spider, and Ram Wrangler, so yes it can be from any class
add a RANDOM beast - WTF? this card would have been great if it was DISCOVER instead of RANDOM