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Great card.
Synergizes well with Brann and Kangor.
Can replay it with Barista and Zola too!
That card is just nuts, if you are playing any slow deck these days you're pretty fucked up, so i looked my colection and found this, it just rised up my win rate against zoolock by a billion (playin with c'thun rogue, w/o any healing besides this)
This card has saved my ass against Zoolock so many times. I once played an entire game without needing to hit my opponent's face at all; he rage quit after I healed for 10 and then 14 back up to full health.
zoolock's nightmare
I like this card. This neutral minion will often give you 14 health against aggro, which is so cool. It adapts to the matchup you are having which i find really interesting. It also comes with some great stats so it's fine playing this on turn 5 for tempo :P
I'm really loving this card
if you're looking for a Healbot 2.0 give this dude a try ;)
I found it almost always better than healbot cos I always heal for like 10.
no healbot from expansion....
Hello that's a giant Zombie Chow.
I just wish there was a card that would help heal you a lot when facing decks that have no minions. Yes you can heal for 3 with a farseer, but that does jackshit against a double fireball death to a random burst from a mage.
lul unfinished art
Calling it terrible is a bit too soon. If the meta does not slow down to the point we think it will, aggro may still have a place. It isn't terrible against midrange Shaman (which is look pretty crispy right now with all these awesome cards) as well, since Cult Apothecary will most likely get a heal of six, which is definitely worth its cost in combination with a 4/4 body.
I am not writing off almost any cards except unjustifiably bad ones like The Boogeymonster and Wisps of the Old Gods.
Its going to be a big help in decks that relied on Antique Healbot like Freeze Mage and Handlock
I was thinking this card might see a play in Mill Rogue as a 1-of. You could play this then preparation plus vanish for 8 mana. You usually play vanish against a full board anyway. It also has synergy with Bran Bronzbeard. You don't even need a full board. Just 4 minions and you heal for 8 health.
For this to heal effectively, either the Rogue has Malygos down or they're about to lose.
I like this in combo with Arcane Explosion on turn 7 for 14 health in a control deck.
So many anti-aggro cards so far. I look forward to a meta shift but if everyone is playing control and midrange then each match will be 15+ mins.
Enables slow decks to live longer. Punishes minion-heavy aggro decks. Good work Blizzard!
will help in cotrol decks...
I have a feeling this will have amazing golden art!