Shirvallah, the TigerDivine Shield, Rush, Lifesteal
On bended knee Thekal placed his weapon upon Shirvallah’s altar, whereupon she slowly knocked it off with her paw. |
Giant TentacleDormant
Giant TentacleDormant
Large TentacleDormant
Large TentacleDormant
Large TentacleDormant
Terrifying TentacleDormant
Terrifying TentacleDormant
Amplified ElekkTaunt
Before this show can continue, we have to bass-boost the elephant in the room. |
You'll all be singing along once he gets to the tyranno-chorus. |
Darkmoon RabbitRush, Poisonous
That's no ordinary rabbit! That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! |
Darkmoon RabbitPoisonous. Rush.
Darkmoon RabbitPoisonous. Rush.
Darkmoon RabbitPoisonous.
DrakanDrek'Thar is (@) Speed faster.
Duchess 3Rush
DurosDrek'thar takes @ less damage.
Millennia of evolutionary pressures turned his species into the Faerie Dragons we know today. |
Millennia of evolutionary pressures turned his species into the Faerie Dragons we know today. |
Evolved the really long neck to spy on its neighbors. |
Baku the MooneaterStart of Game:
In her defense, it did look like a cookie. |
Baku the MooneaterStart of Game:
In her defense, it did look like a cookie. |
Blight BoarCharge
Bull DozerDivine Shield
Leave them alone for two minutes and they go right into sleep mode. |
Giant MastodonTaunt
Still salty about it not being the "Year of the Mastodon." |
Giant MastodonTaunt
Still salty about it not being the "Year of the Mastodon." |
Giant Rat
HadronoxDeathrattle: Summon your Taunt minions that
The viziers of Azjol-Nerub released Hadronox as a last-ditch effort to hold back the Lich King. They did so by VERY carefully scooping him up in a LARGE newspaper and releasing him. |
HadronoxDeathrattle: Summon your Taunt minions that
The viziers of Azjol-Nerub released Hadronox as a last-ditch effort to hold back the Lich King. They did so by VERY carefully scooping him up in a LARGE newspaper and releasing him. |
King KrushCharge
The best defense against King Krush is to have someone you don’t like standing in front of you. |
King KrushCharge
The best defense against King Krush is to have someone you don’t like standing in front of you. |
King KrushCharge
King PlushCharge
He's so fluffy you're gonna DIE! |
Lightrays, much like rays of light, tend to be seen closer to the surface. |
MulchmuncherRush. Costs (1) less for each friendly Treant that died this game.
The latest advancement in hippo-botany. |
North Sea KrakenBattlecry: Deal 4 damage.
You have no idea how tired this guy is of being released. |
Adorning devilsaurs with armor and feathers is a respected job in troll culture, although it has a high turnover rate. |
TrenchstalkerBattlecry: Attack three different random enemies.
Cooler heads prevail. |
Nightmare Viper {0}This minion's Attack
Nightmare Viper 1This minion's Attack
Nightmare Viper 2This minion's Attack
Nightmare Viper 3This minion's Attack
Nightmare Viper 4This minion's Attack
Akali, the RhinoRush
Most trolls only get to “AAAAHHH!” and don’t make it to the “kali” part. |
Deviate DreadfangAfter you cast a Nature spell, summon a 4/2 Viper with Rush.
Even with wings, snakes STILL don't have legs. |
Fossilized DevilsaurBattlecry: If you control another Beast, gain Taunt.
This was the only job he could get after the dinosaur theme park debacle. |
Giant Sand WormWhenever this attacks and kills a minion, it may attack again.
Banned from every all-you-can-eat buffet on Azeroth. |
Goldrinn, the Great WolfDeathrattle: For the rest of this combat, your Beasts have +8/+8.
Goldrinn, the Great WolfDeathrattle: For the rest of this combat, your Beasts have +4/+4.
Grizzled GuardianTaunt
Favorite sandwich? Grizzled cheese. |
Hir'eek, the BatBattlecry: Fill your board with copies of this minion.
No it's not, I can see it right there. |
Nightmare Viper {0}This minion's Attack is always equal to its Health.
Nightmare Viper 1This minion's Attack is always equal to its Health.
Nightmare Viper 2This minion's Attack is always equal to its Health.
Nightmare Viper 3This minion's Attack is always equal to its Health.
Nightmare Viper 4This minion's Attack is always equal to its Health.
OctosariDeathrattle: Draw 8 cards.
Eight arms of sand-flinging, foe-wringing, card-slinging fury! |
Ourobos, World SerpentTaunt
OzumatColossal +6
<b>Deathrattle:</b> You'll be octo-sorry. |
Pit CrocoliskBattlecry: Deal 5 damage.
PIT! Not PET! |
Pyros |
Rampaging Beast
Robosaur |
Robosaur |
Snuggle TeddyGigantic
Star GrazerElusive, Taunt
Star gazing and star grazing aren't too different. Except for the part where you eat stars. |
The 8 Hands From BeyondBattlecry: Destroy both players' decks EXCEPT
It was a one-eyed, eight-handed, giant purple planet eater. |
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't stop it from electrocuting everything in the water. |
Violet WurmDeathrattle: Summon seven 1/1 Grubs.
It's wurms all the way down. |
Violet WurmDeathrattle: Summon seven 1/1 Grubs.
It's wurms all the way down. |
War Kodo
Zixor PrimeRush
Alliance GryphonRush.
AmalgadonBattlecry: Randomly Adapt
AmalgadonBattlecry: Randomly
Amani War BearRush
"I used to farm for hours! Now they just come in packs?" |
Beached WhaleTaunt
Call me Illidan. Some years ago — never mind how long precisely — having little or no gold in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on Azeroth, I thought I would fly about a little and see the demony part of the world… |
Bearon Gla'shearBattlecry: For each Frost
When you get hit by a royally bad pun, you just have to grin and bear it. |
Blackwater BehemothColossal +1
What's a Blackwater Behemoth's favorite meal? Fish n' Ships. |
BonemareBattlecry: Give a friendly minion +4/+4 and Taunt.
Attacks her job with unbridled enthusiasm. |
BonemareBattlecry: Give a friendly minion +4/+4 and Taunt.
Attacks her job with unbridled enthusiasm. |
BubbaBattlecry: Summon six 1/1 Bloodhounds to attack an enemy minion.
Captured Jormungar
You can keep him, but you have to promise to feed him and clean out his tank every day! |
Charged DevilsaurCharge
What happens when a dinosaur mixes soda and pop rocks. |
ColaqueColossal +1
Ten thousand years ago, the city of Zin-Azshari fell to the bottom of the sea... and partially onto Colaque's shell. |
Core Hound
You don’t tame a Core Hound. You just train it to eat someone else before it eats you. |
Corridor CreeperCosts (1) less whenever a minion dies while this is in your hand.
Corridor CreeperCosts (1) less whenever a minion dies while this is in your hand.
It likes the smell of dead things, which is curious, as it has no visible nose. |
Druid of the PlainsTaunt
Druid of the PlainsRush
Not to be confused with the aeronautically advanced Druid of the Planes. |
Frostsaber MatriarchTaunt. Costs (1) less
They say “don’t poke the bear”, but they NEVER said “don’t poke the frostsaber or her cubs”. |
Gahz'rillaWhenever this minion takes damage, double its Attack.
The Sen'jin High football team is The Gahz'rillas. |
Giant AnacondaTaunt
Must be something it ate. |
Glugg the GulperColossal +3
Food can be scarce in the Abyssal Depths, leading its top predators to pursue any potential source of sustenance. Even extra crunchy ones. |
Gluth-sicleBattlecry: Summon two Undead from your deck and Freeze them.
Like candy bars, some taste better frozen. |
Gonk, the RaptorAfter your hero attacks and kills a minion, it may attack again.
There’s a word for Zandalari druids who refuse to pledge loyalty to Gonk: “Delicious.” |
Grotesque DragonhawkWindfury
They say that "grotesque is in the eye of the beholder," but that's just because they've never seen a Grotesque Dragonhawk. Yikes! |
Harrowing OxTaunt
Dead or alive, you're pulling that plow. |
Humongous OwlDeathrattle: Deal 8 damage to a random enemy.
"Humongous what?" -Torug's last words. |