× Class
clear all

Garona Halforcen


Grace Farsail


Grace Farsail


Grace Farsail


Sherazin, Seed

When you play 4 cards in a turn, revive this minion.

Valeera the Hollow

Battlecry: Gain Stealth until your next turn.

"Run away. Hide in your precious keeps, behind your walls and your bodyguards. Night always falls, and shadows will fill your hallowed halls. One day, one of those shadows will be me."

Valeera the Hollow

Battlecry: Gain Stealth until your next turn.

"Run away. Hide in your precious keeps, behind your walls and your bodyguards. Night always falls, and shadows will fill your hallowed halls. One day, one of those shadows will be me."

Everything Must Go!

Summon two random 4-Cost minions. Costs (1) less for each card you've drawn this turn.

Go where??

Valeera the Hollow

Battlecry: Gain Stealth until your next turn.

Shadowcrafter Scabbs

Battlecry: Return all
minions to their owner's
hands. Summon two 4/2
Shadows with Stealth.

Sneaking behind enemy lines isn't so different from being a line cook. People are hostile, something's on fire, and your only hope is to get out of there with all your fingers.


Shuffle your hand into your deck.
Reduce the Cost of cards in your deck by (3).

No one is going to believe that quasars are a real thing, Durg'tash the Sorcerer.


Draw 5 cards. Trigger
any Deathrattles drawn.

Pocket smoke!

Snatch and Grab

Destroy two random enemy minions. Costs (1) less for each card you've played from another class.

Snatch grabbed the snacks and Grab snatched the grub. The perfect crime.

Spymaster's Gambit

Summon copies of each minion in your hand and give them Stealth. Allied: Rogue.

How can you be me when I am you?


Deathrattle: Summon a 4/4 Nerubian with "Deathrattle:
Summon Anub'arak."

Was actually a pretty nice guy before, you know, the whole Lich King thing.


Deathrattle: Summon a 4/4 Nerubian with "Deathrattle:
Summon Anub'arak."

Was actually a pretty nice guy before, you know, the whole Lich King thing.

Captain Hooktusk

Battlecry: Summon 3 Pirates from your deck. Give them Rush.

"You three! Get in the cannon!"

Tess Greymane

Battlecry: Deal 8 damage
to all minions and choose
a Passive Treasure.

Galakrond, the Nightmare

Battlecry: Draw 1 card.
It costs (0).

The enormous creature unfurled terrifying claws dripping with poisonous ichor. King Togwaggle was pleased, but inwardly disappointed the great Nightmare refused to wear the candle.

Triple Sevens

Deal 7 damage to a minion. Draw 7 cards.

If you count the 'seven' in the name, there's actually four total 7s, not three. Huge oversight from the designers.

Blade of C'Thun

Battlecry: Destroy a minion. Add its Attack and Health to your C'Thun's (wherever it is).

  • Type: Minion
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Set: Caverns of Time
  • Cost to Craft: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 100 / 400 (Golden)
  • Artist: Steve Prescott
  • Collectible

C'Thun demands a sacrifice! Preferably a Deathwing.

Blade of C'Thun

Battlecry: Destroy a minion. Add its Attack and Health to your C'Thun's (wherever it is).

C'Thun demands a sacrifice! Preferably a Deathwing.

Cursed Shadow


Cursed Shadow


Cursed Vagrant

Deathrattle: Summon a 7/5 Shadow with Stealth.

Little did he know… it was really the talbuk leg that was cursed.

Gurubashi Hypemon

Battlecry: Discover a 1/1 copy of a Battlecry minion. It costs (1).

  • Type: Minion
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Set: Rastakhan's Rumble
  • Cost to Craft: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 100 / 400 (Golden)
  • Artist: Ivan Fomin
  • Collectible

Throw your hands in the air! They cost (1).

Pirate Admiral Hooktusk

Battlecry: If you've summoned 7 other Pirates this game, plunder the enemy!@ ({0} left!)@ (Ready!)

You win some, you ransom.

SI:7 Assassin

Costs (1) less for each SI:7
card you've played this game.
Combo: Destroy an
enemy minion.

  • Type: Minion
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Set: United in Stormwind
  • Cost to Craft: 100 / 800 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 20 / 100 (Golden)
  • Artist: Mauricio Herrera
  • Collectible

You can't keep the streets clean if you're afraid to get your hands dirty.

Tak Nozwhisker

Whenever you shuffle a
card into your deck, add
a copy to your hand.

  • Type: Minion
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Set: Rise of Shadows
  • Cost to Craft: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
  • Artist: Rafael Zanchetin
  • Collectible
  • Elite

"One for me and one for future me!"

Tess Greymane

Battlecry: Replay every card
from another class you've
played this game (targets
chosen randomly)

  • Type: Minion
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Set: Core (2024)
  • Cost to Craft: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
  • Artist: J. Axer
  • Collectible
  • Elite

Those who cannot remember their card history are doomed to repeat it.

Tess Greymane

Battlecry: Replay every card
from another class you've
played this game (targets
chosen randomly)

  • Type: Minion
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Set: The Witchwood
  • Cost to Craft: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
  • Artist: J. Axer
  • Collectible
  • Elite

Those who cannot remember their card history are doomed to repeat it.

Galakrond, Azeroth's End

Battlecry: Draw 4 cards.
They cost (0).
Equip a 5/2 Claw.

Galakrond, the Apocalypse

Battlecry: Draw 2 cards.
They cost (0).

Assassin's Contract

Destroy a minion. Summon a 1/2 Patient Assassin.

Blood in the Water

Deal 3 damage to an enemy. Summon a 5/5 Shark with Rush.

Fish are friends, not food! Gilgoblins on the other hand…

Candle Breath

Draw 3 cards. Costs (3) less while you're holding a Dragon.

"And Waxadred shall light their fires, with roaring breath hotter than pyres! Come before him, scamp and vandal, pledge your faith and lift your candle!"

Cannon Barrage

Deal 3 damage to a
random enemy. Repeat
for each of your Pirates.

  • Type: Ability
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Set: Rastakhan's Rumble
  • Cost to Craft: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 100 / 400 (Golden)
  • Artist: Arthur Bozonnet
  • Collectible

Why fire your cannons strategically when you can fire them all at once?

Lucrative Contract

Destroy a minion. Add 2 Coins to your hand.

Recruitment Contract

Destroy a minion. Add a copy of it to your hand.

Thistle Tea

Draw a card. Add 2 extra copies of it to your hand.

Aren't Thistles prickly? Why would you drink them? I don't get Rogues.

Turncoat Contract

Destroy a minion. It deals its damage to adjacent minions.

Unidentified Contract

Destroy a minion. Gains a bonus effect in your hand.

  • Type: Ability
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Set: Rise of Shadows
  • Cost to Craft: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 100 / 400 (Golden)
  • Artist: Akkapoj T.
  • Collectible

The terms of service are constantly changing.


Return all minions to their owner's hand.

  • Type: Ability
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Common
  • Set: Hall of Fame
  • Cost to Craft: 40 / 400 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 5 / 50 (Golden)
  • Artist: Sean O’Daniels
  • Collectible

Akama Prime

Permanently Stealthed.

Aya Blackpaw

Battlecry and Deathrattle: Summon a{1} {0} Jade Golem. @ Battlecry and Deathrattle: Summon a Jade Golem.

Though young, Aya took over as the leader of Jade Lotus through her charisma and strategic acumen when her predecessor was accidentally crushed by a jade golem.

Aya Blackpaw

Battlecry and Deathrattle: Summon a{1} {0} Jade Golem. @ Battlecry and Deathrattle: Summon a Jade Golem.

Though young, Aya took over as the leader of Jade Lotus through her charisma and strategic acumen when her predecessor was accidentally crushed by a jade golem.


Colossal +2
Your Crabatoa Claws have +2 Attack.

This giant crab loves to sink entire naval fleets, but it'll settle for a single dinghy in a pinch.

Cursed Castaway

Deathrattle: Draw a Combo card from your deck.

She was an ordinary castaway... until she found that cursed volleyball.

Flik Skyshiv

Battlecry: Destroy a
minion and all copies of it
(wherever they are).

  • Type: Minion
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Set: Core (2024)
  • Cost to Craft: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
  • Artist: Matt Dixon
  • Collectible
  • Elite

Junior explorers scan the night sky in fear of her candle’s flame!

Flik Skyshiv

Battlecry: Destroy a
minion and all copies of it
(wherever they are).

Junior explorers scan the night sky in fear of her candle’s flame!

Grand Empress Shek'zara

Battlecry: Discover a card in your deck and draw all copies of it.

  • Type: Minion
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Set: Darkmoon Faire
  • Cost to Craft: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
  • Artist: James Ryman
  • Collectible
  • Elite

So is a Grand Empress an empress that's grand or an empress's empress?

Heistbaron Togwaggle

Battlecry: If you control a Lackey, choose a fantastic treasure.

  • Type: Minion
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Set: Rise of Shadows
  • Cost to Craft: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
  • Artist: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
  • Collectible
  • Elite

A staunch ally of Rafaam, at least while the shinies keep flowing.


Combo: Return a minion to its owner's hand.

  • Type: Minion
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Set: Legacy
  • Race: Undead
  • Cost to Craft: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 100 / 400 (Golden)
  • Artist: Dave Allsop
  • Collectible

He just wants people to see his vacation photos.

Luckydo Buccaneer

Battlecry: If your weapon has at least 3 Attack, gain +4/+4.

You can't just leave a Luckydo somewhere. You gotta keep 'em with you! Especially in Gadgetzan!

Raging Contender

Deathrattle: Fill your board with random Pirates.

Salty Looter

Battlecry and Deathrattle: Steal a card from your opponent's hand.

Scribbling Stenographer

Rush. Costs (1) less for each card you've played this turn.

A truly staggering 180 scribbles per minute!

Scribbling Stenographer

Rush. Costs (1) less for each card you've played this turn.

  • Type: Minion
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Set: Removed From Core
  • Cost to Craft: 100 / 800 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 20 / 100 (Golden)
  • Artist: Matt Dixon
  • Collectible

A truly staggering 180 scribbles per minute!

Spectral Pillager

Combo: Deal damage equal
to the number of other cards
you've played this turn.

It turns out you CAN take it with you.

Trade Prince Gallywix

Whenever your opponent casts a spell, gain a copy of it and give them a Coin.

Gallywix believes in supply and demand. He supplies the beatings and demands you pay up!

V-07-TR-0N Prime

This minion's abilities
repeat on another random
friendly minion.

  • Type: Minion
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Set: TITANS
  • Race: Mech
  • Cost to Craft: 1600 / 3200 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
  • Artist: Matt Dixon
  • Collectible
  • Elite

Long after the titans' departure, Mimiron dreamed of creating something with an approximation of their power. He may have actually succeeded!

Wildpaw Gnoll

Costs (1) less for each
non-Rogue Class card added
to your hand this game.

A big fan of four-claw discounts.

Warden's Glaive

If this kills an enemy minion, adjacent minions go Dormant for 2 turns.

Assassin's Training

Draw the rest of
your deck. Reduce the Cost of spells in your deck by (1).

Azsharan Vessel

Summon two 3/3 Pirates with Stealth. Put a 'Sunken Vessel' on the bottom of your deck.

Not even the sturdiest Highborne ship could survive the churning waters of the Sundering.

Contraband Stash

Replay 5 cards from other classes you've played this game.

“Coggsprocket! We happy?" "Yeah, we happy."

Crystal Core

For the rest of the game, your minions are 5/5.

Crystal Core

For the rest of the game, your minions are 5/5.

Cutting Class

Draw 2 cards.
Costs (1) less per Attack
of your weapon.

When you actually are the sharpest tool in the shed.

Greater Onyx Spellstone

Destroy up to 3 random enemy minions.

Lesser Onyx Spellstone

Destroy 1 random enemy minion.
@(Play 3 Deathrattle cards to upgrade.)

The trolls of old embraced the gift A jewel of black for daggers swift No party lasts who finds the stone Those wielding it soon stand alone.

Malevolent Strike

Destroy a minion.
Costs (1) less for each
card in your deck that
didn't start there.

  • Type: Ability
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Set: Darkmoon Faire
  • Cost to Craft: 400 / 1600 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 100 / 400 (Golden)
  • Artist: Hideaki Takamura
  • Collectible

"I don't know how those got in there, but I'm blaming you two."

Myra's Unstable Element

Draw the rest of
your deck.

What could go wrong?

Necrium Vial

Trigger a friendly minion's Deathrattle twice.

Two near-death experiences for the price of one!

Onyx Spellstone

Destroy up to 2 random enemy minions.


Give +2/+2 to all minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield.

Shadow Word: Steal

Return an enemy minion to YOUR hand.

Anduin will literally take your stuff and say it's a Shadow Word.

Snowfall Graveyard

Your Deathrattles
trigger twice.
Lasts 3 turns.

Live fast, die twice.

Snowfall Graveyard

Your Deathrattles
trigger twice.
Lasts 3 turns.


Draw 4 cards.

Rogues are not good joggers.


Draw 4 cards.

Rogues are not good joggers.

Subtle Butter

Add four Spy Gizmos
to your hand.

Sunken Vessel

Casts When Drawn
Summon two 3/3 Pirates with Stealth.

Warden's Determination

Give +2/+2 to all minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield.

Waxadred's Candle

Casts When Drawn
Summon Waxadred.

Anka, the Buried

Battlecry: Change each Deathrattle minion in your hand into a 1/1 that costs (1).

"You look familiar. Were you at my first funeral?"

Baduu, Outcast

Battlecry: Destroy
an enemy minion.
Outcast: Gain Stealth
and Poisonous.

Bazaar Mugger

Battlecry: Add a random minion from another class to your hand.

  • Type: Minion
  • Class: Rogue
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Set: Saviors of Uldum
  • Cost to Craft: 100 / 800 (Golden)
  • Disenchanting Yield: 20 / 100 (Golden)
  • Artist: J. Axer
  • Collectible

Premium muggings at a discount price.

Bone Baron

Deathrattle: Add two 1/1 Skeletons to your hand.

"Oil," "Rail," and "Blubber" were already taken.

Bone Baron

Deathrattle: Add two 1/1 Skeletons to your hand.

"Oil," "Rail," and "Blubber" were already taken.

Bone Baron

Deathrattle: Add two 1/1 Skeletons to your hand.

"Oil," "Rail," and "Blubber" were already taken.

Bootstrap Sunkeneer

Combo: Put an enemy
minion on the bottom of
your opponent's deck.

Part of the deck, part of the crew.

Bristling Wyvern

Combo: Gain +2/+2
for each other card you've played this turn.

Cera'thine Fleetrunner

Battlecry: Replace your
minions in hand and deck
with ones from other classes.
They cost (2) less.

World Record CTF Champion 16 years running.

Crazed Chemist

Combo: Give a friendly minion +4 Attack.

You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it helps.

Doctor Krastinov

Whenever this attacks, give your weapon +1/+1.

He is not a medical doctor.

Ethereal Peddler

Battlecry: If you're holding any cards from another class, reduce their Cost by (2).

Yeah, sure. That Ragnaros "fell off the back of a truck".

Gral, the Shark

Battlecry: Eat a minion in
your deck and gain its stats.
Deathrattle: Add it to
your hand.

“… We’re gonna need a bigger board.”

Jandice Barov

Battlecry: Summon two
random 5-Cost minions.
Secretly pick one that dies
when it takes damage.

Her parents own Scholomance. Of course she's going to play tricks on the students!

Keywarden Ivory

Battlecry: Discover a
Dual Class spell from
any class. Spellburst:
Get another copy.

She learned exactly one thing from her old man: copying.