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Opponent has damaged my Druid with no full HP . BUG?
Ok, this is an amazing card. Great removal at any point, works perfectly with prep, but also don't overlook that it damages a CHARACTER, not just a minion. This means if you're playing a priest or any other hero with a lot of heals you can start your combo with this if they are at full health and easily do 30+ damage in one turn (ex: Malygos rogue)
Rogue was really hooked up in this expansion, I agree
my first impression... is this Zeratul? :D
Control Rogue incoming...... ;)
I feel this was the removal tool the rogue needed. Kills so many important minions and is a great tempo play for only 3 mana. Some amazing targets for this are Emperor Thaurissan, Fire Elemental, Savannah Highmane, Faceless Summoner and Princess Huhuran. Can also deal with an early Thing from Below. I love the value here.
Also nerfs Yogg-Saron, Hope's End as it can kill itself. Also nerfs Majordomo Executus and most importantly deal with sneaky Am'gam Ragers on a perfit curve.
Character means anyone?!!?!?
It looks like a protos from starcraft 2.
Great card! Rogue having some love :)
This is more useful than it looks. It can, for example, remove things like Emperor Thaurissan as soon it comes to board (for 3 mana only).
It is conditional.
This can hit face and is conditional on the target being at full health
Turn 1, prep, shadowstrike face, wow emote, concede
Stop playing concede rogue. Too much of this cancer in the ladder 4Head
I wish they would have called this Ambush.
Seems pretty good though.
great answer for a lot of cards, notably thaurrisan
A very nice, useful tempo card. You can combine it with SI:7 for 6 mana 7 damage.
This can kill many turn 5 minions on curve, and it's ridiculously cheap. Wow.
As a priest player, FeelsBadMan
Finally, the on-curve answer to Am'gam Rager that we've all been waiting for.