KhadgarSpell Damage +2
Alleria WindrunnerDormant
Broll BearmantleDormant
Exhausted RecruitDormant
Garona HalforcenDormant
Gelbin MekkatorqueDormant
Genn GreymaneDormant
Jaina ProudmooreDormant
Meryl WinterstormDormant
Prince ArthasDormant
Varian WrynnDormant
C'Thun, the ShatteredStart of Game: Break into
My grandfather's deck has no useless cards! |
Darkmoon RabbitRush, Poisonous
That's no ordinary rabbit! That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! |
Yogg-Saron, Master of FateBattlecry: If you've cast
Yogg take the wheel! |
Y'Shaarj, the DefilerBattlecry: Add a copy of each
Y'Shaarj made an excellent office intern, doing the copying AND defiling. |
Mass ResurrectionSummon 3 friendly minions that died
Blood of G'huunTaunt
An attempted cure becomes disease, blooming and thriving as rot and decay. |
Carnival ClownCorrupted
Carnival ClownTaunt
Send in the clowns! |
Fizzy ElementalRush
Loved. Hated. Carbonated. |
Fizzy ElementalRush
Loved. Hated. Carbonated. |
N'Zoth, God of the DeepBattlecry: Resurrect a friendly minion of each minion type.
It really just wants to cuddle all the creatures of Azeroth. |
Runaway BlackwingAt the end of your turn,
It has been 5 minutes since our last Azeroth Racing League violation. |
The RunespearAfter your hero attacks, Discover a spell
Cenarion WardGain 8 Armor.
Don't ask about his right hand. He's still growing into it. |
Grand FinaleSummon an 8/8 Elemental. Repeat for each Elemental you played last turn.
Considering all the other hazards at Darkmoon, overindulgent pyrotechnics seem downright pedestrian. |
Gul'dan's ReinforcementsGul'dan has betrayed you. Destroy all friendly minions.
Idol of Y'ShaarjSummon a 10/10 copy of a minion in your deck.
Without a tongue, it speaks in seven. Without a voice, its echo lingers forever. |
Jewel of N'ZothSummon three friendly Deathrattle minions that died this game.
This coveted gem calls for you to free it… and unleash an inescapable prison. |
Exploding Sparkler
G'huun the Blood GodBattlecry: Draw 2 cards. They cost Health instead of Mana.
All of the other Old Gods used to laugh and call him names. They never let poor G'huun join in any Old God games. |
High Exarch YrelBattlecry: If your deck has
There can be no neutrality in the fight against darkness. |
Kathra'natirBattlecry: Summon a random Demon from your hand and deck.
Tirion FordringDivine Shield, Taunt Deathrattle: Equip a 1/5 Sword of Justice.
FrostmourneDeathrattle: Summon every minion killed by this weapon.
Libram of JudgmentCorrupted
Libram of JudgmentCorrupt: Gain Lifesteal.
You really can't judge a book by its cover. |
Expendable PerformersSummon seven 1/1 Illidari with Rush. If they all die this turn, summon seven more.
When someone gets injured, it's considered performance art. |
Mask of C'ThunDeal 10 damage randomly split among all enemies.
Hide in the mask, but it will wear you. Through its gleaming eye, you shall see true. |
Darkmoon TonkDeathrattle: Fire four missiles at random enemies that deal 2 damage each.
"Ready to roll out!" |
Garrosh HellscreamCharge
Silas DarkmoonBattlecry: Choose a direction to rotate all minions.
"You might remember me from such attractions as 'Being Shot out of a Cannon' or 'That Carousel Ate My Friend.'" |
Silver Hand CrusaderBattlecry: If your deck has
Sure, it looks impressive until you realize it's a barrel of helium. |
Umbral OwlRush
It sleeps with one eye open. |
Warchief ThrallOn your turn, your hero has +2 Attack and Windfury.
Warchief ThrallOn your turn, your hero has +2 Attack and Windfury.
Equip GorehowlEquip Gorehowl.
Hammer of the NaaruBattlecry: Summon a 6/6 Holy Elemental with Taunt.
The naaru wasn't using it. It doesn't have arms. |
Windrunner's BowAfter your hero attacks,
Bladed LadyRush
While you were busy learning magic, she studied the blade. |
Bladed LadyRush
While you were busy learning magic, she studied the blade. |
Claw MachineRush. Deathrattle: Draw a minion and give it +3/+3.
"I have been mrglrlglr… chosen!" |
C'Thun's BodyTaunt
Grand Empress Shek'zaraBattlecry: Discover a card in your deck and draw all copies of it.
So is a Grand Empress an empress that's grand or an empress's empress? |
High Priest RohanAt the end of your turn,
Holy ElementalTaunt
Jaina ProudmooreSpellburst: Summon a 3/6 Water Elemental. Deathrattle: Shuffle into your deck.
Jaina ProudmooreSpellburst: Summon a 3/6 Water Elemental. Deathrattle: Shuffle into your deck.
Lor'themar TheronAt the end of your turn,
Maxima BlastenheimerBattlecry: Summon a minion
Believe it or not, this is only the faire's fourth most dangerous game. |
Rehgar EarthfurySpellburst: Summon a random Totem.
RexxarBattlecry: Summon an Animal Companion.
Ring MatronTaunt
But where does she keep them? |
Ring MatronTaunt |
Ring MatronTaunt
But where does she keep them? |
Sayge, Seer of DarkmoonBattlecry: Draw @ |4(card, cards).
There are no secrets between us... or refunds. |
TickatusBattlecry: Remove the
"These are all.... EXPIRED!" |
TuralyonRush. Whenever this attacks
Varian WrynnBattlecry: Summon
Varok SaurfangCharge
WrathionTaunt. Battlecry: Draw a card for each Silent Shadow you control.
Equip GorehowlEquip Gorehowl.
Equip Gorehowl Rank 2Equip Gorehowl.
Charged DoomhammerWindfury
DoomhammerWindfury, Overload: (2)
Arbor UpSummon two 2/2 Treants. Give your minions +2/+1.
If you can’t outrun a tree, you really shouldn’t be here anyway. |
Assassin's TrainingDraw the rest of
Body of C'ThunPiece of C'Thun (@/4)
Deck of ChaosSwap the Cost and Attack of all minions in your deck.
Yeah, it's chaos, but it's organized chaos. |
Eye of C'ThunPiece of C'Thun (@/4)
Heart of C'ThunPiece of C'Thun (@/4)
Holy WrathDraw a card and deal damage equal to its Cost.
Libram of JusticeEquip a 1/4 weapon. Change the Health of all enemy minions to 1.
Malevolent StrikeDestroy a minion.
"I don't know how those got in there, but I'm blaming you two." |
Maw of C'ThunPiece of C'Thun (@/4)
Bloodclaw DragonCharge
Bloodclaw DragonTaunt, Charge
Bristling WyvernRush
Carousel GryphonCorrupted |
Carousel GryphonDivine Shield
"When does this bird land in Stormwind? I've been flying for hours!" |
Dark Inquisitor XaneshBattlecry: Reduce the
Fear is the mind-killer, and also the name of my wurm. |
Derailed CoasterBattlecry: Summon a 1/1 Rider with Rush for each minion in your hand.
So long as it doesn’t kill you, it's considered part of the ride "experience." |
Ebon GryphonRush
Envoy RustwixDeathrattle: Shuffle 3
"Time to roll. Rusted Legion, ho!" |
Firework ElementalCorrupted
Firework ElementalBattlecry: Deal 3 damage
The brightest spark can still go dark. |