Majordomo ExecutusDeathrattle: Replace your hero with Ragnaros the Firelord.
You thought Executus turned you into Ragnaros, but really Ragnaros was in you the whole time. |
NefarianBattlecry: Add 2 random spells to your hand (from your opponent's class).
They call him "Blackwing" because he's a black dragon...... and he's got wings. |
Volcanic LumbererTaunt
The roots, the roots, the roots is on fire! |
Activate MagmatronActivate Magmatron!
ChromaggusWhenever you draw a card, put another copy into your hand.
Left head and right head can never agree about what to eat for dinner, so they always end up just eating ramen again. |
Rend BlackhandBattlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, destroy a Legendary minion.
Rend believes he is the True Warchief of the Horde and he keeps editing the wikipedia page for "Warchief of the Horde" to include his picture. |
Activate ElectronActivate Electron!
Activate MagmatronActivate Magmatron!
Dark Iron BouncerAlways wins Brawls.
Drakonid CrusherBattlecry: If your opponent has 15 or less Health, gain +3/+3.
Drakonids were created to have all the bad parts of a dragon in the form of a humanoid. But, like, why? |
Volcanic DrakeCosts (1) less for each minion that died this turn.
Volcanic Drakes breathe lava instead of fire. The antacid vendor at Thorium Point does a brisk business with them. |
Volcanic DrakeCosts (1) less for each minion that died this turn.
Volcanic Drakes breathe lava instead of fire. The antacid vendor at Thorium Point does a brisk business with them. |
Dragon's BreathDeal 4 damage. Costs (1) less for each minion that died this turn.
Dragons breathe fire, sure, but did you know they can also breathe Cotton Candy? It's harder to give them a reason to do that, though. |
Solemn VigilDraw 2 cards. Costs (1) less for each minion that died this turn.
Each year, folk gather in front of Blackrock Mountain to mourn those who were mind-controlled into the lava. |
Blackwing CorruptorBattlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, deal 5 damage.
He got his name when he gave Blackwing some comic books and rock & roll records. |
Dragon ConsortBattlecry: The next Dragon you play costs (2) less.
Everybody wants someone to snuggle with. Even giant armored scaly draconic beasts of destruction. |
Emperor ThaurissanAt the end of your turn, reduce the Cost of cards
His second greatest regret is summoning an evil Firelord who enslaved his entire people. |
Grim PatronAfter this minion survives damage, summon another Grim Patron.
If you love getting your face punched, come to the Grim Guzzler! |
MagmatronWhenever a player plays a card, Magmatron deals 2 damage to them.
MagmatronWhenever a player plays a card, Magmatron deals 2 damage to them.
Activate ElectronActivate Electron!
Activate ToxitronActivate Toxitron!
Activate!Activate a
DismountSummon Gyth.
DismountSummon Gyth.
Living BombChoose an enemy minion. If it lives until your next turn, deal 5 damage to all enemies.
Sonic BreathDeal 3 damage to a minion. Give your weapon +3 Attack.
Tail SwipeDeal 4 damage.
TIME FOR SMASHDeal 5 damage to a random enemy. Gain 5 Armor.
Axe FlingerWhenever this minion takes damage, deal 2 damage to the enemy hero.
Once a lowly "Stick Flinger", he's been relentless on the path to his ultimate dream: "Tauren Flinger". |
Chromatic Drake
Chromatic Drake
Core RagerBattlecry: If your hand is empty, gain +3/+3.
It takes a special kind of hunter to venture deep into a firey lava pit and convince a monster who lives there to come home and be a cuddly housepet. |
Dark Iron SkulkerBattlecry: Deal 2 damage to all undamaged
He loves skulking. He skulks after hours just for the joy of it, but his friends are pretty worried he'll get burnt out. |
Dragonkin SorcererWhenever you target this minion with a spell, gain +1/+1.
Dragonkin Sorcerers be all "I'm a wizard" and everyone else be all "daaaaang". |
Fireguard DestroyerBattlecry: Gain 1-4 Attack. Overload: (1)
Ragnaros interviews hundreds of Fire Elementals for the position of "Destroyer" but very few have what it takes. |
Hungry DragonBattlecry: Summon a random 1-Cost minion for your opponent.
Hungry Hungry Dragon is NOT a fun game. |
Hungry DragonBattlecry: Summon a random 1-Cost minion for your opponent.
Hungry Hungry Dragon is NOT a fun game. |
Brood Affliction: BlackWhile this is in your hand, whenever Chromaggus draws a card, he gets another copy of it.
Brood Affliction: BlueWhile this is in your hand, Chromaggus' spells cost (3) less.
Brood Affliction: BronzeWhile this is in your hand, Chromaggus' minions cost (3) less.
Brood Affliction: GreenWhile this is in your hand, restore 6 health to your opponent at the start of your turn.
Brood Affliction: RedWhile this is in your hand, take 3 damage at the start of your turn.
DemonwrathDeal 2 damage to all
Demons are not angry most of the time. You have to play this card in order to really bring it out of them. |
FlameheartDraw 2 cards.
Get 'em!Summon four 1/1 Dwarves with Taunt.
Living BombChoose an enemy minion. If it lives until your next turn, deal 10 damage to all enemies.
Rock OutSummon 3 Firesworn. Overload: (2)
Rock OutSummon 3 Firesworn. Overload: (2)
Blackwing TechnicianBattlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, gain +1/+1.
This is who you go to when your Blackwing needs a tune up. Don't go to a cut rate Blackwing tune up shop! |
Druid of the FlameChoose One - Transform into a 5/2 minion; or a 2/5 minion.
Druids who fought too long in Northrend were easily seduced by Ragnaros; a mug of hot chocolate was generally all it took. |
Druid of the Flame |
Druid of the Flame |
Druid of the Flame |
ElectronAll spells cost (3) less.
ElectronAll spells cost (3) less.
Fire Hawk Form |
Firecat Form |
FlamewakerAfter you cast a spell, deal 2 damage randomly split among all enemies.
Flamewakers HATE being confused for Flamewalkers. They just wake up fire, they don’t walk on it. Walking on fire is CRAZY. |
Imp Gang BossWhenever this minion takes damage, summon a 1/1 Imp.
His imp gang likes to sneak into Stormwind to spraypaint "Ragnaros Rulez" on the Mage Tower. |
Activate ArcanotronActivate Arcanotron!
Activate ToxitronActivate Toxitron!
Activate!Activate a
Bone MinionsSummon two
Bone MinionsSummon two
DIE, INSECT!Deal 8 damage to a random enemy.
DIE, INSECTS!Deal 8 damage to a
Old HordeSummon two 2/2
Old HordeSummon two 1/1
Open the GatesSummon three
Open the GatesSummon three
Power of the FirelordDeal 30 damage.
The MajordomoSummon a 3/3 Flamewaker Acolyte.
The MajordomoSummon a 1/3 Flamewaker Acolyte.
Chromatic MutationTransform a minion into a 2/2 Chromatic Dragonkin.
Gang UpChoose a minion. Shuffle 3 copies of it into your deck.
If you are thinking about visiting Moonbrook, you better roll deep. |
Lava ShockDeal 2 damage.
Chocolate lava cake is shockingly delicious. |
LAVA!Deal 2 damage to all minions.
Quick ShotDeal 3 damage.
Han shot first. |
Quick ShotDeal 3 damage.
Han shot first. |
Release the Aberrations!Summon 3 Aberrations.
ResurrectSummon a random friendly minion that died this game.
I walked into the dungeon and noticed a slain adventurer. In his final moments, he had scrawled out a message in the dust on the wall beside him. Two words: "rez plz" |
RevengeDeal 1 damage to all minions. If you have 12 or less Health, deal 3 damage instead.
This is better than Arcane Explosion, so I guess warriors are finally getting revenge on mages for Mortal Strike being worse than Fireball. |
Chromatic DragonkinWhenever your opponent casts a spell, gain +2/+2.
Chromatic PrototypeTaunt
Flamewaker Acolyte
Flamewaker Acolyte
Imp Gang BossWhenever this minion takes damage, summon a 1/1 Imp.
His imp gang likes to sneak into Stormwind to spraypaint "Ragnaros Rulez" on the Mage Tower. |
Moira BronzebeardThaurissan's Hero Power can't be used.
Moira BronzebeardThaurissan's Hero Power can't be used.
BlackwingSummon a
BlackwingSummon a
EcholocateEquip a weapon that grows as your opponent plays cards.
Jeering CrowdSummon a 1/1 Spectator with Taunt.
Magma PulseDeal 1 damage to all minions.
ME SMASHDestroy a random damaged enemy minion.