Phoenix EggDormant
Phoenix EggDormant
Thaddius, MonstrosityTaunt. Your odd-Cost
Feugen is positive that Thaddius will see play, but Stalagg seems negative about it. |
From De Other SideSummon a copy of each minion in your hand.
Why did Drakuru cross the road? |
The ScourgeFill your board with random Undead.
The SunwellFill your hand with random spells. Costs (1) less for each other card in your hand.
The Lich King had extinguished the light of the Sunwell once before - it will take all the might Silvermoon can muster to defend it! |
Brutal AnnihilanTaunt, Rush
Sometimes, problems can be solved by throwing everything you've got at it. This is not one of those times. |
Flesh BehemothTaunt
Perfect for fleshing out your Undead deck. |
Flesh BehemothTaunt
Perfect for fleshing out your Undead deck. |
Grand Magister RommathBattlecry: Recast each spell
A powerful mage known for his proficiencies in Fire, Frost, and Algebra. |
Overlord DrakuruRush, Windfury
<b>Overlord:</b> (1) |
Arcane DefendersSummon two
*Arcane batteries not included* |
Anub'RekhanBattlecry: Gain 5 Armor. Your next 3 minions
"Who's that?" "A noob, I reckon." |
Astalor, the FlamebringerBattlecry: Deal 7 damage
Boneguard CommanderTaunt
Commander? In Hearthstone!? FINALLY! |
Boneguard CommanderTaunt
Commander? In Hearthstone!? FINALLY! |
Crypt KeeperTaunt. Costs (1) less for each Armor you have.
How many crypts could a Crypt Keeper keep if a Crypt Keeper could keep crypts? |
No it's not, I can see it right there. |
SoulstealerBattlecry: Destroy all other
"Wanna see what destruction looks like? Here it is in undead form - it's your boy Soulstealer!" |
SoulstealerBattlecry: Destroy all other
"Wanna see what destruction looks like? Here it is in undead form - it's your boy Soulstealer!" |
FrostmourneDeathrattle: Summon every minion killed by this weapon.
Faithful CompanionsDiscover a Beast from
That's just how they cuddle! |
Alexandros MograineBattlecry: For the rest of the game, deal 3 damage to your opponent at the end of your turns.
Mo' graine, mo' problems. |
AnachronosBattlecry: Send all
"That's it, you're all in time out!" |
Blightblood BerserkerTaunt, Lifesteal, Reborn
He should really go see a dentist about that tusk. And a dermatologist. And a therapist. |
Dar'Khan DrathirLifesteal
You're telling me that you didn't suspect him of being evil, even though the first four letters of his name are D-A-R-K? |
Frost Queen SindragosaColossal +2
With her final breath, Sindragosa cursed her consort and all who abandoned her to die in Icecrown. When she was reborn by the hands of the Lich King, her first freezing exhale wrought only pain. |
Lor'themar TheronBattlecry: Double the stats of all minions in your deck.
Out of all his life accomplishments, making a 2/2 Tinyfin is his finest. |
"Behold, the Underking! I'm always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me! I hereby declare war on peace and happiness! Soon, all will tremble before me!" |
Vengeful WalloperRush. Costs (1) less for each Outcast card you've played this game.
If you can't beat 'em, beat WITH 'em! |
Hope of Quel'ThalasAfter your hero attacks,
Hey, give me a minute. I just need to load my.... uh, hope. |
Life from DeathDraw 3 cards.
Just because you came up with a nicer name for it doesn't mean that necromancy is any more justified. |
Unending SwarmResurrect all friendly minions that cost (2)
swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm swarm - |
Blaumeux, FamineriderLifesteal
Blood CrusaderBattlecry: Your next Paladin
Defending Silvermoon takes a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and blood. |
Bonelord FrostwhisperDeathrattle: For the rest of the game, your first card each turn costs (0). You die in 3 turns.
Downside? Not if you want to be a Death Knight! |
Death BeetleTaunt
Well that'll be useless next expansion. WINK WINK. |
Felscale EvokerBattlecry: If you've cast three
So it’s a demon and a naga, but NOT a dragon? |
FleshshaperTaunt. Battlecry: If you have 5 or more Armor, summon a copy of this.
Even THIS is better than paper straws. |
Korth'azz, DeathriderRush
Rivendare, WarriderDeathrattle: Shuffle the other 3 Horsemen into your deck.
More like the 4 Horsemen of the "Can't Get Here On Time." |
Shatterskin GargoyleTaunt
Don't worry, this one's just a statue. |
Silverfury StalwartRush
Don't strike until you see the whites of their teeth. |
Sister SvalnaBattlecry: Permanently add a Vision of Darkness to your hand.
Hello darkness my old friend. |
Zeliek, ConquestriderTaunt
Windrunner's BowAfter your hero attacks,
Beetle JuiceGain 12 Armor.
BeetlemancyChoose One - Gain 12
Beetlemancy. Beetlemancy. Beetlemancy. |
Bug SnacksSummon two 3/3 Beetles with Taunt.
Corpse ExplosionDetonate a Corpse to deal 1 damage to all minions. If any are still alive, repeat this.
What? It's not like they were using them anymore. |
Corpse ExplosionDetonate a Corpse to deal 1 damage to all minions. If any are still alive, repeat this.
What? It's not like they were using them anymore. |
Deal with a DevilSummon two 3/3 Felfiends with Lifesteal.
Fine, three Felfiends - final offer. |
Shadow Word: UndeathDeal 2 damage to all enemies. If a friendly Undead died after your last turn, deal 2 more.
We like to call it FUNdeath here! |
Soul BarrageWhen you play
Works especially well on jazz musicians. |
Amorphous SlimeBattlecry: Discard a
A crucial component of the Lordaeroneon Choice Awards. |
Anasterian SunstriderRush. Also damages the minions next to whomever he attacks.
Astalor, the ProtectorBattlecry: Add Astalor, the Flamebringer to your hand. Manathirst (@): Gain 5 Armor.
Bronze DefenderTaunt
Disruptive SpellbreakerAt the end of your turn, your
Elder NadoxBattlecry: Destroy a friendly Undead. Your minions gain its Attack.
For an Undead, is an elder the least or most dead? |
Elfgate of SilvermoonSylvanas is Immune. Deathrattle: Summon the Inner Gate of Quel'Thalas.
Golem GuardianTaunt
Harkener of DreadTaunt, Reborn
I hope it's good news! |
Infantry ReanimatorBattlecry: Resurrect
Get a life! Or two! |
Infectious GhoulDeathrattle: Give a
They call him that because of his laughter! Also his plague. |
Infectious GhoulDeathrattle: Give a
They call him that because of his laughter! Also his plague. |
Inner Gate of Quel'ThalasSylvanas is Immune. Deathrattle: Deal 20 damage to Sylvanas.
RotgillBattlecry: Give your other
In the summer: Hotgill. Mechanized: Botgill. Everyone else: Notgill. |
Savage YmirjarRush
When is an Undead door not an Undead door? When it's a(Ymir)jar! |
Shambling HorrorRush
Tenacious San'laynLifesteal
Once bitten, twice healed. |
The PuratorTaunt
With the rise of the undead, the Curator sees it as his duty to take care of them. |
Translocation InstructorBattlecry: Choose an
*Translocates behind you* psssh... nothin personnel, kid. |
VexallusYour Arcane spells
He only casts the spells once - it's Shmexallus that casts the copy. |
Demonic BlastHero Power
Equip LightbringerHero Power
Hammer of the Lightbringer
Souleater's ScytheStart of Game: Consume
Would you like those souls for here or to-go? |
CannibalizeDestroy a minion. Restore its Health to all friendly characters.
The Silvermoon health inspector has some choice words for the Lich King. |
Conjured ArrowDeal 2 damage
We just call them "cursors". |
Eversong PortalSummon 1 4/4 |4(Lynx, Lynxes)
In retrospect, it's pretty impressive that they had the Lynxes just ready to go. |
Fel'dorei WarbandDeal 4 damage.
"Felerin, I made you a friendship bracelet!" "...what? I said WARband, not WRISTband..." |
Grave DiggingDraw 2 cards.
Grave digging as a profession has high turnover; it's important to maintain headcount. |
Light of the PhoenixDraw 2 cards. Costs (1) less for each damaged friendly character.
It's 3 in the morning, could you PLEASE put out that phoenix?! |
PrescienceDraw 2 minions. For each that costs (5)
Wait don't change the channel! I love this vision. |
Sunfire SmithingEquip a 4/2 Sword.
It's simple, just throw it into the sun. |
Tear RealityAdd 2 random
One time it gave me a black flower, a smiling pot, and a foil first edition Dracthyr. |
Twisted TetherDestroy a minion.
First, convince your opponent that you just want to play tetherball. Then, you GET 'EM! |
Hello, am I speaking to the undead of the household? We have been trying to reach you about your skeleton's extended warranty. |
Daring DrakeRush
First of all, how dare you? Second of all, how <i>dare</i> you! |
Drakkari SpecterTaunt
Eversong LynxRush
Felerin, the ForgottenBattlecry: Add a random
flavor text |
This HAS to be worth more dust, right? |
High Cultist BasalephBattlecry: Resurrect all friendly Undead that died after your last turn.
"It's not a cult! It's a collection of like-minded individuals that enjoy undead. And rituals. And doing what I say. " |
Lost ExarchDeathrattle: Spend all your
She resisted the temptation of the Burning Legion's power only to fall victim to the Scourge. |
Noxious InfiltratorPoisonous
Noxious, but not toxic - he's very polite! |
PlaguespreaderDeathrattle: Transform a random minion in your opponent's hand into a Plaguespreader.
What do they mean by Patient Zero? I'm very patient! |
Rotting NecromancerBattlecry: Dredge. If it's an Undead, deal 5 damage to the enemy hero.
You can't spell dredge without D-E-D. |