Reska, the Pit BossRush. Costs (1) less for each
Overseer of the Bloodrock Mine, Reska will work you to the bone. They'll then reanimate your bones and work THOSE bones to the bone. |
Chained GuardianRush, Reborn
Eternally jealous of the Unchained Gladiator. |
Army of the DeadSummon seven 3/3 Ghouls with Taunt.
Climactic Necrotic ExplosionLifesteal. Deal {0} damage.
The less legible the band's logo, the more hardcore it is. |
Stitched GiantCosts (1) less for each
Sew big or go home! |
Wakener of SoulsTaunt, Reborn
The alarm again!? Wake me up in 5 more eternities. |
The ScourgeFill your board with random Undead.
“You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I will show you the justice of the grave and the true meaning of fear.” |
The ScourgeFill your board with random Undead.
The ScourgeFill your board with random Undead.
The ScourgeFill your board with random Undead.
“You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I will show you the justice of the grave and the true meaning of fear.” |
Blight BoarCharge
Stitched GiantCosts (1) less for each
Sew big or go home! |
Fate's DemandDeal your weapon's damage to all enemy minions. Draw 3 cards.
Boneguard CommanderTaunt
Commander? In Hearthstone!? FINALLY! |
Boneguard CommanderTaunt
Commander? In Hearthstone!? FINALLY! |
Cage HeadDeathrattle: Summon
You get your head stuck in a cage ONCE, and all of a sudden you've got a new nickname. |
Lord MarrowgarBattlecry: Raise ALL of your
And now, Lord Marrowgar with the weather. |
Lord MarrowgarBattlecry: Raise ALL of your
And now, Lord Marrowgar with the weather. |
SoulstealerBattlecry: Destroy all other
"Wanna see what destruction looks like? Here it is in undead form - it's your boy Soulstealer!" |
SoulstealerBattlecry: Destroy all other
"Wanna see what destruction looks like? Here it is in undead form - it's your boy Soulstealer!" |
SoulstealerBattlecry: Destroy all other
"Wanna see what destruction looks like? Here it is in undead form - it's your boy Soulstealer!" |
The 8 Hands From BeyondBattlecry: Destroy both players' decks EXCEPT
It was a one-eyed, eight-handed, giant purple planet eater. |
The PrimusTitan
As there is a Pantheon of titans, so is there also a Pantheon of Death, comprised of powerful rulers in the Shadowlands. |
Toysnatching GeistGigantic
FrostmourneDeathrattle: Summon every minion killed by this weapon.
FrostmourneDeathrattle: Summon every minion killed by this weapon.
FrostmourneBattlecry: Remove all your minions. Deathrattle: Resummon them.
FrostmourneDeathrattle: Summon every minion killed by this weapon.
Frostwyrm's FuryDeal 5 damage. Freeze all enemy minions.
Terrible destruction, but minty fresh breath! |
Frostwyrm's FuryDeal 5 damage. Freeze all enemy minions.
Terrible destruction, but minty fresh breath! |
Frostwyrm's FuryDeal 5 damage. Freeze all enemy minions.
Terrible destruction, but minty fresh breath! |
Alexandros MograineBattlecry: For the rest of the game, deal 3 damage to your opponent at the end of your turns.
Mo' graine, mo' problems. |
Frost Queen SindragosaColossal +2
With her final breath, Sindragosa cursed her consort and all who abandoned her to die in Icecrown. When she was reborn by the hands of the Lich King, her first freezing exhale wrought only pain. |
Gluth-sicleBattlecry: Summon two Undead from your deck and Freeze them.
Like candy bars, some taste better frozen. |
Harrowing OxTaunt
Dead or alive, you're pulling that plow. |
PatchwerkBattlecry: Destroy a random
This card is so good, it might need patch work. |
PatchwerkBattlecry: Destroy a random
This card is so good, it might need patch work. |
PatchwerkBattlecry: Destroy a random
This card is so good, it might need patch work. |
The Headless HorsemanBattlecry: Destroy the enemy
This flavor text, you would expect to rhyme and reference, to great effect! It starts out strong, but as you can tell it doesn't end very good. |
Equip FrostmourneEquip Frostmourne.
Corrupted AshbringerLifesteal
Put your faith in the blight! |
Corrupted AshbringerLifesteal
Put your faith in the blight! |
FrostmourneDeathrattle: Summon every minion killed by this weapon.
Death Nights, Frost Morn, what's next - Blood Noon? |
FrostmourneBattlecry: Remove all your minions.
FrostmourneDeathrattle: Summon every minion killed by this weapon.
Death Nights, Frost Morn, what's next - Blood Noon? |
Airlock BreachSummon a 5/5 Undead
Open the pod bay doors, Maladaar. |
Army of the Frozen ThroneRemove the top 5 cards of your deck. Summon any minions removed.
Frostwyrm's FuryDeal 5 damage. Freeze all enemy minions.
Terrible destruction, but minty fresh breath! |
Remembrance of IceResurrect the minions
Water has memory. |
Boneguard CommanderTaunt
Commander? In Hearthstone!? FINALLY! |
Dr. StitchensewBattlecry: Discover a 5, 3, and
First, do some harm. |
Exarch MaladaarBattlecry: The next card you play this turn costs Corpses instead of Mana.
The Auchenai order was founded to preserve the memory of Draenei that have passed. But why stop at remembrance when they can live once more? |
Gnome MuncherTaunt, Lifesteal
Gnom gnom gnom. |
Gnome MuncherTaunt, Lifesteal
Gnom gnom gnom. |
Hollow HoundLifesteal, Rush
Uh oh, the hollow hound is coming out of its cage! Don't worry though, it's doing just fine. |
Marrow ManipulatorBattlecry: Spend up to 5
Also buffs your Calcium by 1000mg. |
Marrow ManipulatorBattlecry: Spend up to 5
Also buffs your Calcium by 1000mg. |
Marrow ManipulatorBattlecry: Spend up to 5
Also buffs your Calcium by 1000mg. |
Obsidian RevenantTaunt
What is this? A Reven for Ants?! |
Overseer FrigidaraBattlecry: Draw 2 spells.
Is your refrigidarator running? |
Overseer FrigidaraBattlecry: Draw 2 spells.
Is your refrigidarator running? |
Overseer FrigidaraBattlecry: Draw 2 spells.
Is your refrigidarator running? |
Travel SecurityTaunt. Deathrattle: Summon a random
"You're just gonna let ANY 8-Cost minion get past you!?" "...Yeah..." |
The Headless HorsemanBattlecry: Destroy the enemy
FoamrenderWhenever your hero attacks, spend 3 Corpses to gain +1 Durability.
No honey, we have Shadowmourne at home. |
Death Nights, Frost Morn, what's next - Blood Noon? |
Army of the DeadRaise up to 5 Corpses as 2/2 Risen Ghouls with Rush.
Yesterday's army, today. |
Army of the DeadRaise up to 5 Corpses as 2/2 Risen Ghouls with Rush.
Yesterday's army, today. |
Blood BoilLifesteal
And once your blood is at a boil, throw in the plaguetti. |
Blood BoilLifesteal
And once your blood is at a boil, throw in the plaguetti. |
Corpse ExplosionDetonate a Corpse to deal 1 damage to all minions. If any are still alive, repeat this.
What? It's not like they were using them anymore. |
Corpse ExplosionDetonate a Corpse to deal 1 damage to all minions. If any are still alive, repeat this.
What? It's not like they were using them anymore. |
Corpse ExplosionDetonate a Corpse to deal 1 damage to all minions. If any are still alive, repeat this.
What? It's not like they were using them anymore. |
Doom PactDestroy all minions.
Amateur PuppeteerMiniaturize, Taunt
"I'm a real toy!" |
BoneshredderBattlecry: Spend 5 Corpses to
Is that his makeup or just his natural fur pattern? |
Corpse BrideBattlecry: Spend up to 10
Until undeath do us part. |
Corpse BrideBattlecry: Spend up to 10
Until undeath do us part. |
Deathbringer SaurfangTaunt
"In hindsight, maybe I should have let the Alliance have all the fun back at the Wrathgate." |
Deathbringer SaurfangTaunt
"In hindsight, maybe I should have let the Alliance have all the fun back at the Wrathgate." |
GluthBattlecry: Give your
Sai's training included feeding the plague-dog. |
Inexorable GhoulRush
He's too undead not to tread. |
PossessifierBattlecry: Summon two 1/1 Fighters with Rush and Reborn.
Beating the best, being the best, and brainwashing the rest. |
PossessifierBattlecry: Summon two 1/1 Fighters with Rush and Reborn.
Beating the best, being the best, and brainwashing the rest. |
Rime SculptorBattlecry: Summon two
Also known as a Rapper. |
Rime SculptorBattlecry: Summon two
Also known as a Rapper. |
Rime SculptorBattlecry: Summon two
Also known as a Rapper. |
Screaming BansheeLifesteal
Her singing will be sure to wake you up (wake you up inside). |
Shambling HorrorRush
Unfortunate SoulTaunt
Horizon's EdgeDeal 3 damage
Originally named Horizony McHorizonface. |
GlaciaxeDeathrattle: Equip a 2/3
What's better than one giant rune weapon? |
IcebladeBattlecry and Deathrattle:
Might of MenethilBattlecry: Spend
Menethil's Might, at night, fights the light, not quite the blight, right? |
Might of MenethilBattlecry: Spend
Menethil's Might, at night, fights the light, not quite the blight, right? |
Might of MenethilBattlecry: Spend
Menethil's Might, at night, fights the light, not quite the blight, right? |
Quartzite CrusherLifesteal. Freeze any character damaged by your hero.
It's not just a weapon… it's a rock! |