Kael'thas SunstriderDormant
Lady VashjDormant
Sword of a Thousand TruthsAfter your hero attacks,
Purified ShardDestroy the enemy hero.
Goldshire GnollRush
They're searching for one ring. They're pretty sure someone said Goldshire. |
A Father's MemoryFill both boards with
Lord of OutlandDraw 3 cards, gain +3 Attack this turn, and destroy 3 of your opponent's Mana Crystals on their next turn.
Fate's DemandDeal your weapon's damage to all enemy minions. Draw 3 cards.
Goliath, Sneed's MasterpieceBattlecry: Fire five rockets
“Listen, this baby has blades, rockets, and rocket blades. Only thing it doesn’t have is good gas mileage.” |
Grand Magus AntonidasBattlecry: If you've cast a
He's really disappointed Jaina became a frost mage. |
Jace DarkweaverBattlecry: Cast all Fel spells you've played this game (targets enemies if possible).
As a former mage, making the transition from fire to felfire was quite easy. |
Maddest BomberBattlecry: Deal 12 damage randomly split among all other characters.
Talk about a name that limits design space. |
Mo'arg ForgefiendTaunt
Enraged not by fel energies, but by an itchy nose he cannot scratch. |
Sheldras MoontreeBattlecry: The next 3
Sheldras really went to the park for his pilgrimage. |
Varian, King of StormwindBattlecry: Draw a Rush
Man, this guy is so cool. Sure hope nothing happens to him. |
Elekk MountGive a minion +4/+7 and Taunt. When it dies, summon an Elekk.
Pink Elekks are on parade! |
Clumsy CourierBattlecry: Cast the highest Cost spell from your hand.
Not the nacho cheese! |
Irebound BruteTaunt
"You don't understand… ogres are an untapped market for vengeance and hatred!" |
Kael'thas SunstriderEvery third spell you cast each turn costs (1).
LotharAt the end of your turn, attack a random enemy minion. If it dies, gain +3/+3.
Has been around since before there were paladins and those newfangled paladin mechs. |
Mr. SmiteYour Pirates have Charge.
“Please, Mr. Smite was my father. Call me Yorik.” |
SI:7 AssassinCosts (1) less for each SI:7
You can't keep the streets clean if you're afraid to get your hands dirty. |
Vengeful Crypt LordWhenever this minion takes
Best in ShellTradeable
The agility course takes a while. |
Proving GroundsSummon two minions from your deck.
1v1 me on Proving Grounds, DH only, no items, 4 stocks. |
Rats of Extraordinary SizeSummon seven 1/1
They don't care if you believe they exist. |
Summon Shadow DemonsSummon a 6/6 Shadow Demon.
Tiny ToysSummon four random 5-Cost minions.
Mom, they're action figures! |
AkamaPermanently Stealthed.
AnetheronCosts (1) if your hand is full.
Leads every demonic invasion. Hopefully this one turns out better than the World Tree. |
Battleground BattlemasterAdjacent minions
Farm! No wait… Mine! No wait… 3 to Smith—they're taking Farm. Get there now! |
City ArchitectBattlecry: Summon two
"Oh, wait, I had this turned the wrong way. This was supposed to be a tower." |
Cornelius RoameAt the start and end
Raised two perfectly normal daughters. Then one died and brought doom to Stormwind. |
Cowardly GruntDeathrattle: Summon a minion from your deck.
Cowardice is the wisest part of valor. |
Elder VoidwalkerTaunt
Entitled CustomerBattlecry: Deal damage equal to your hand size to all other minions.
"Do you have any idea how much mana I've spent at your store? 6." |
Grey Sage ParrotBattlecry: Repeat the last spell you've cast that costs (6) or more.
Nothing is more terrifying than a parrot squawking "Pyroblast!" |
Highlord FordragonDivine Shield
"Through my faith and my courage, I shall be protected. And through my honor and sacrifice, another will rise in my place." |
Highlord FordragonDivine Shield
"Through my faith and my courage, I shall be protected. And through my honor and sacrifice, another will rise in my place." |
Highlord FordragonDivine Shield
"Through my faith and my courage, I shall be protected. And through my honor and sacrifice, another will rise in my place." |
Kurtrus AshfallenRush
Lady PrestorBattlecry: Transform minions
To her credit, the best bodyguard for the king WOULD be a dragon in disguise. |
Lady VashjSpell Damage +1
Lady VashjSpell Damage +1
Shadow Demon+2 Fel Spell Damage
Towering Infernal
Unleashed TerrorguardBattlecry: Shuffle a Soul Fragment into your deck for each friendly minion on the board.
Xyrella's ElekkTaunt
Runed Mithril RodAfter you draw 4 cards,
"Please, I need these greens to disenchant them." —Every Enchanter Ever |
Warden's GlaiveIf this kills an enemy minion, adjacent minions go Dormant for 2 turns.
Arcane OverflowDeal 8 damage to an
On this ship, when you can’t use an int, learn how to float. |
Flame CrashDestroy an enemy minion and deal damage equal to its Health to the enemy hero.
Need for GreedTradeable
Sorry guys, I TOTALLY meant to click greed. |
SleepTarget minion can't attack until the start of your next turn.
Subtle ButterAdd four Spy Gizmos
Warden's DeterminationGive +2/+2 to all minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield.
Arcanist DawngraspBattlecry: For the rest
Blightborn TamsinBattlecry: For the rest of
Cap'n RokaraBattlecry: Summon The Juggernaut!
Darkbishop BenedictusStart of Game: If the spells in your deck are all Shadow, enter Shadowform.
Dark Bishop takes Light Pawn, check. |
Defias BlastfisherBattlecry: Deal 2 damage
She's a dynamite fishing trainer. |
Demonslayer KurtrusBattlecry: For the rest of the game, cards you draw cost (2) less.
Festering GhoulBattlecry: Deal 1 damage to a random enemy for each minion that died this game.
Greater MyrmidonTaunt
GuffDeathrattle: Return this to your hand and restore 2 Health to all friendly characters.
GuffDeathrattle: Return this to your hand and restore 2 Health to all friendly characters.
GuffDeathrattle: Return this to your hand and restore 2 Health to all friendly characters.
Guff the ToughTaunt. Battlecry: Give your
Imported TarantulaTradeable
Which forbidden forest did you get this from? |
Lightborn CarielBattlecry: For the rest of the
Lion's GuardBattlecry: If you have 15
She takes the lion's share of the credit, too. |
Mur'gul ReaverBattlecry: Summon 3 Deathrattle minions that cost (3) or less from your deck.
Sanctum ChandlerAfter you cast a Fire spell, draw a spell.
Has been burning at both ends to keep the place illuminated. |
Shady BartenderTradeable
One sin and tonic, coming right up. |
Spymaster ScabbsBattlecry: Add one of
Stormcaller Bru'kanBattlecry: For the rest of
Stormwind GuardTaunt
1% Guarding, 99% providing directions. |
Tavish, Master MarksmanBattlecry: For the rest of
The JuggernautStart of Your Turn:
The Rat KingRush. Deathrattle: Go
"I'm the giant rat that makes all of da rules!" |
Vanessa VanCleefPoisonous, Elusive
Wealth RedistributorTaunt. Battlecry: Swap the
Xyrella, the SanctifiedTaunt
Blacksmithing HammerTradeable
Passed through the hands of countless smiths, and eventually the skulls of their enemies. |
Counterfeit BladeBattlecry: Get a copy
Don't worry, the blade retracts into the handle! |
Dark Alley PactSummon a Fiend with Taunt and stats equal to your hand size.
"With your help, I can finally install some proper lighting in this alley." |
Demonic AssaultDeal 3 damage.
Right next to the demonic pepper. |
Fire SaleTradeable
Everything is 50% off now that our warehouse burned down. |
Kodo MountGive a minion +4/+2 and Rush. When it dies, summon a Kodo.
No matter how big they are or how many times you tell them no, they STILL won't stay off the couch. |
ManipulatePut a random minion from each player's hand into the battlefield. If yours costs more, attack the enemy hero.
Pick the LockPick a lock to help
Sketchy InformationDraw a Deathrattle card
"I trust the Forsaken as far as I can smell them. Which, I guess is actually pretty far." |
Void ShardLifesteal
Light's easy. Void's hard. |
Big Mind DemonAfter this attacks, destroy the top 2 cards of your opponent's deck.