Absolution {0}Resurrect all friendly Mercs that died this game with 25 Health.
Holy Beam 1Deal damage to a character equal
Purified ShardDestroy the enemy hero.
The Garden's GraceGive a minion +4/+4 and
The perfect place to hold Conchella. |
Atonement {0}Deal {0} damage.
Atonement 1Deal {0} damage.
Atonement 2Deal {0} damage.
Atonement 3Deal {0} damage.
Atonement 4Deal {0} damage.
Divine Assault 1Attack an enemy. Deathblow: Gain
Divine Assault 2Attack an enemy. Deathblow: Give this
Divine Assault 3Attack an enemy. Deathblow: Give your characters Divine Shield.
Holy Beam 2Deal damage to a character equal
Libram of HopeRestore 8 Health. Summon an 8/8 Guardian with Taunt and Divine Shield.
"Think you got lethal? Libram of NOPE!" |
Mass ResurrectionSummon 3 friendly minions that died
One's company, two's a crowd, and three's a “mass” resurrection, apparently. |
The SunwellFill your hand with random spells. Costs (1) less for each other card in your hand.
The Lich King had extinguished the light of the Sunwell once before - it will take all the might Silvermoon can muster to defend it! |
Avenging Wrath {0}Deal @ damage
Avenging Wrath 1Deal @ damage
Avenging Wrath 2Deal @ damage
Avenging Wrath 3Deal @ damage
Avenging Wrath 4Deal @ damage
Divine Assault 4Attack an enemy. Deathblow: Give your characters Divine Shield.
Greater Healing Potion {0}Restore @ Health.
Holy Shock {0}Deal @ damage to a random enemy. Repeat for each Holy ability you've cast this game.
Martial Mastery {0}Gain +{0} Health and
Martial Mastery 1Gain +{0} Health and
Martial Mastery 2Gain +{0} Health and
Martial Mastery 3Gain +{0} Health and
Martial Mastery 4Gain +{0} Health and
Resurrection {0}Resurrect a friendly Merc that died this game with @ Health.
Wrath of the Lightbound {0}Deal {0} damage to all enemies. Then deal {1} damage to all characters who have not used a Holy ability this turn.
Wrath of the Lightbound 1Deal {0} damage to all enemies. Then deal {1} damage to all characters who have not used a Holy ability this turn.
Wrath of the Lightbound 2Deal {0} damage to all enemies. Then deal {1} damage to all characters who have not used a Holy ability this turn.
Wrath of the Lightbound 3Deal {0} damage to all enemies. Then deal {1} damage to all characters who have not used a Holy ability this turn.
Wrath of the Lightbound 4Deal {0} damage to all enemies. Then deal {1} damage to all characters who have not used a Holy ability this turn.
Holy BookSilence and destroy a minion. Summon a 10/10 copy of it.
Holy BookSilence and destroy a minion. Summon a 10/10 copy of it.
Holy BookSilence and destroy a minion. Summon a 10/10 copy of it.
Lay on HandsRestore 8 Health. Draw 3 cards.
A grammatically awkward life saver. |
Power Word: FortitudeGive a minion +3/+5. Costs (1) less for each spell in your hand.
Part of a balanced breakfast. |
Divine Assault {0}Attack an enemy. Deathblow: Give your characters Divine Shield.
Holy Beam 3Deal damage to a character equal
Holy Blast {0}Deal {0} damage.
Holy Blast 1Deal 4 damage to an enemy. Give characters adjacent to this Merc +2 Health.
Holy Blast 1Deal {0} damage.
Holy Blast 2Deal {0} damage.
Holy Blast 2Deal 7 damage to an enemy. Give characters adjacent to this Merc +3 Health.
Holy Blast 3Deal 10 damage to an enemy. Give characters adjacent to this Merc +4 Health.
Holy Blast 3Deal {0} damage.
Holy Blast 4Deal {0} damage.
Crafter's AuraAt the end of your turn, summon a random 6-Cost minion.
She has at LEAST Craftsmanship +3. |
Diamond SpellstoneResurrect 3 different friendly minions. @
Divine TollShoot 5 rays at random
Never send to know for whom the bell tolls. |
Divine TollShoot 5 rays at random
Never send to know for whom the bell tolls. |
Greater Diamond SpellstoneResurrect 4 different friendly minions.
Hallowed WaterRestore your hero
Immortalized in StoneSummon a 1/2, 2/4, and 4/8 Elemental with Taunt.
They all secretly have '<b>Deathrattle:</b> Become very mortalized.' |
Lesser Diamond SpellstoneResurrect 2 different friendly minions. @(Cast 4 spells to upgrade.)
A diamond, white, this stone the eighth A precious jewel for those of faith A whispered prayer restores the lost But none among them know the cost. |
Lesser Diamond SpellstoneResurrect 2 different friendly minions. @(Cast 4 spells to upgrade.)
A diamond, white, this stone the eighth A precious jewel for those of faith A whispered prayer restores the lost But none among them know the cost. |
Benediction {0}Restore {1} Health to your characters. (Transform into Anathema)
Benediction 1Restore {1} Health to your characters. (Transform into Anathema)
Benediction 2Restore {1} Health to your characters. (Transform into Anathema)
Benediction 3Restore {1} Health to your characters. (Transform into Anathema)
Benediction 4Restore {1} Health to your characters. (Transform into Anathema)
Blessing of Sacrifice 1Restore @ Health to another friendly Merc. Whenever it takes damage this turn, this Merc takes it instead.
Condemn {0}Deal @ damage to ALL enemies. (Upgrades each time you cast a Holy ability.)
Consecration {0}Deal @ damage to all enemies.
Crusader's Blow {0}Attack an enemy.
Crusader's Blow 1Attack an enemy.
Crusader's Blow 2Attack an enemy.
Crusader's Blow 3Attack an enemy.
Crusader's Blow 4Attack an enemy.
Intensifying Beam 1Deal {0} damage. Gain 1 bonus damage after your characters casts a Holy ability. (Bonus is lost after cast.)@Deal {0} damage. Gain 1 bonus damage after your characters casts a Holy ability.
Intensifying Beam 2Deal {0} damage. Gain 2 bonus damage after your characters casts a Holy ability. (Bonus is lost after cast.)@Deal {0} damage. Gain 2 bonus damage after your characters casts a Holy ability.
Intensifying Beam 3Deal {0} damage. Gain 3 bonus damage after your characters casts a Holy ability. (Bonus is lost after cast.)@Deal {0} damage. Gain 3 bonus damage after your characters casts a Holy ability.
Judgment of Humility 1Set an enemy's Attack to 3 this turn. Attack them.
Modest Aspirations {0}Set a minion's Attack and Health to 1.
Splitting Light {0}Deal @ damage
Splitting Light 1Deal @ damage
Splitting Light 2Deal @ damage
Splitting Light 3Deal @ damage
Splitting Light 4Deal @ damage
Velen's Blessing 1Gain +@ Holy Damage. Your next Holy ability casts twice.
Velen's Blessing 2Gain +@ Holy Damage. Your next Holy ability casts twice.
Velen's Blessing 3Gain +@ Holy Damage. Your next Holy ability casts twice.
Avenging WrathDeal 8 damage randomly split among all enemies.
Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! Wham! |
Celestial AuraWhile you have exactly 1 minion in play, its Attack and Health are 10. Lasts @ turns.
Horse girls rise up! |
Dissonant PopDeal 6 damage to all minions. Summon
Fragment of Mi'daCasts When Drawn
Harmonic PopDeal 3 damage to all minions. Summon
Here with supporting vocals: Snap and Crackle! |
Holy BookSilence and destroy a minion. Summon a 10/10 copy of it.
Holy FireDeal 5 damage. Restore 5 Health to your hero.
Often followed by Holy Smokes! |
Lay on HandsRestore 8 Health. Draw 3 cards.
A grammatically awkward life saver. |
Lay on HandsRestore 8 Health. Draw 3 cards.
A grammatically awkward life saver. |
Libram of FaithSummon three
They used to do leaps of faith until Maraad fell into the void. |
LightbombDeal damage to each minion equal to its Attack.
This is what happens when you allow goblins to be priests. |
LightbombDeal damage to each minion equal to its Attack.
This is what happens when you allow goblins to be priests. |
Pharaoh's BlessingGive a minion +4/+4, Divine Shield, and Taunt.
Life hack: Sneeze near a pharaoh. |
Power SpikeDeal 4 damage.
Jeff, when I said this deck needs a power spike I did not mean it like that. |
Angelic Protection {0}Gain Taunt for 2 turns.