clear all


Costs (1) less for each damage your hero has taken.

Book of the Dead

Deal 7 damage to all enemies. Costs (1) less for each minion that's died this game.

Blastenheimer 5000 Ultra Cannon

At the end of your turn, launch a minions at the enemy hero.




Create *{0}* |4(decoration, decorations) for the Tavern.
Progress: {1}/25

A New Hero Approaches

Destroy all minions. Drain all Mana.

Calling for Backup

Choose the next Hero.

Embers of Ragnaros

Shoot three fireballs at random enemies that deal 8 damage each.



Uber Apocalypse

Destroy all minions. Enemy characters take double damage for the rest of the game.


Fill your board with Legendary minions. Fully heal your hero.

Yogg-tastic Tasties

Spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron. Costs (@) less.
(Improves during run)

Another chance to spin that wheel round. Right round.

Your Next Victim Comes

Destroy all minions. Drain all Mana. Gain 5 Health.

Force-Tank OMEGA MAX

Divine Shield.
Battlecry: Summon six Annoy-o-Trons

Gearmaster Mechazod

At the beginning of each turn, Mechazod strikes!

Gearmaster Mechazod

At the beginning of each turn, Mechazod strikes!

Gearmaster Mechazod

Mechazod wins if he defeats either of you!

Gearmaster Mechazod

Mechazod wins if he defeats either of you!

Headless Horseman's Head

Destroy his head to win the game, but watch out for fireballs!

Headless Horseman's Head

Destroy his head to win the game, but watch out for fireballs!

Karl the Lost

Battlecry: Summon six 1/1
Silver Hand Recruits and give
all friendly minions Taunt
and Divine Shield.

A friendly paladin who was found wandering Uldum. He seems to be looking for someone.

King Krush, Untamed

At the end of each turn, attack a random enemy.


Can't be targeted by spells.
Boss: Nefarian wins if he defeats either of you!


Can't be targeted by spells.
Boss: Nefarian wins if he defeats either of you!


Can't be targeted by spells.
Boss: Nefarian wins if he defeats either of you!

Overloaded Mechazod

At the beginning of each turn, Mechazod strikes!

Piñata Golem

Boss, Taunt. Can't be targeted by spells. It's full of candy!

Seabreaker Goliath

Costs (1) less for each time you've fired your Cannons.

4 Mana 7/7, try a 0 Mana 15/15

Bloodreaver Gul'dan

Battlecry: Summon all friendly Demons that died this game.

Infinite Arcane

Destroy your deck.
Each turn, Discover a card
from your destroyed deck
to draw. It costs (2) less.

Be honest -- you weren't using that deck anyway.


Your minions cost (1).

Dr. Boom Boom Boom Boom

Battlecry: Summon six 1/1 Boom Bots. WARNING: Bots may explode.

Noth the Plaguebringer

Whenever an enemy minion dies, summon a 1/1 Skeleton and give your other minions +1/+1.

Frost Lich Jaina

Battlecry: Summon a
3/6 Water Elemental.
Your Elementals have
Lifesteal this game.

Uther of the Ebon Blade

Battlecry: Equip a 5/3 Lifesteal weapon.

Valeera the Hollow

Battlecry: Gain Stealth until your next turn.


Destroy all minions. Your Opponent takes double damage for the rest of the game.

This is fine. Everything's fine.

Darkness Calls

Summon two random Naxxramas bosses and trigger their Battlecries.

Elemental Chaos

Call upon the power of all four Elements! Allied: Shaman.

"Sure, Fred. Why not include all the elements? That sounds like a great spell..." -Instructor of Fred

Holy Book

Silence and destroy a minion. Summon a 10/10 copy of it.

Open the Gates

Fill your board with 2/2 Whelps.

Scales of Justice

Transform all minions into 1/1 Murlocs.
Fill your hand with random Murlocs that cost (1).

An elegant weapon for a fishier age.

Spymaster's Gambit

Summon copies of each minion in your hand and give them Stealth. Allied: Rogue.

How can you be me when I am you?

Staff of Renewal

Resurrect 5 friendly minions with
the highest Cost.
Give them Taunt.

In the right hands, the awesome power of resurrection can be used for the greater good.

Twisting Nether?

This doesn't look like Twisting Nether...


Battlecry: Shuffle all enemy minions into your deck.

Addarah knows that if you've seen one horrifically haunted tomb, you've seen them all.

Archivist Elysiana

Battlecry: Discover 5 cards. Replace your deck with 2 copies of each.

Awakened Ancient

Taunt. Battlecry: Draw @ |4(card, cards), deal @ damage, and gain @ Armor.
(Improves during run)

"I don't know, Fred, but you should probably stop climbing on it." - Friend of Fred



Instructor Razuvious

Battlecry: Equip a 5/2 Massive Runeblade.


Battlecry: Destroy a random enemy minion.

Scourgelord Garrosh

Battlecry: Equip a 4/3 Shadowmourne that also damages adjacent minions.

Shadowreaper Anduin

Battlecry: Destroy all minions with 5 or more Attack.

Royal Greatsword

After your hero attacks, summon a Legendary minion from your deck.

Tales of its power are…Legendary.

Ancient Secrets

Restore 5 Health.

Ancient Teachings

Draw two cards.


Destroy all minions. Deal 3 damage to enemy hero for each minion destroyed.


Destroy all enemy minions with 4 or less Attack.

Forge in Light

Give all minions in your hand +3/+3 and Divine Shield. Allied: Paladin.

You get a shield, and you get a shield! Everybody gets a shield!


Choose an enemy.
Fill your board with 2/2 Locusts that attack it.


Choose an enemy.
Fill your board with 2/2 Locusts that attack it.

Valorous Display

Discover a weapon and equip it, then destroy all minions. Allied: Warrior.

They told her to put down the hammer. That was their last mistake.

Ancient of Lore

Choose One - Draw 2 cards; or Restore 5 Health.


Battlecry: Give a friendly minion +4/+4 and Taunt.

Brann's Epic Egg

After this takes damage, summon King Krush.

If it takes a village to raise a child, then it takes a herd to raise this egg.

Corridor Creeper

Costs (1) less whenever a minion dies while this is in your hand.


Battlecry: Summon two Undead from your deck and Freeze them.

Like candy bars, some taste better frozen.

Killmox, the Banished One

Rush. Lifesteal. This minion has +1/+1 for each card you discarded this game. If this minion is discarded, return it to your hand.

You don't want to know what he's smiling about.

Mogu Fleshshaper

Rush. Costs (1) less for each
minion on the battlefield.


Battlecry: Gain the
Deathrattles of 3 random
minions in your deck.

Malfurion the Pestilent

Choose One -
Summon 2 Poisonous
Spiders; or 2 Scarabs
with Taunt.

Apex Predator

+8 Attack this turn.

Doom Charge

Discover a minion in your
deck. Summon a copy that
attacks a random enemy,
then dies.

Making my way downtown...


Discover a minion in your
deck. Summon a copy that
attacks a random enemy,
then dies.

Claws of Terror

Start of Game: Draw this.
Also damages adjacent minions.

They rip and tear.

Great Royal Sword

After you attack, Summon a legendary minion from your deck.

Tales of its power are…Legendary.


Start of Game: Draw This. After your hero attacks, deal 4 damage to all enemies.

Black Soulstone

Add a Diablo Signature Treasure card to your hand. Shuffle this into your deck.


Destroy All Minions

Collector's Ire

Summon a Mech, Pirate, and Dragon from your deck.

Oh, the whimsy!

Demonology 101

Destroy ALL minions.
Add a Soul Fragment to your deck for each enemy minion destroyed.

Who wants to go first?

Devout Blessings

Add a copy of each friendly Deathrattle minion that died after your last turn to your hand. Allied: Priest.

Belief is the other half of the battle.

Force of Nature

Summon three 2/2 Treants with
Charge that die at the end of the turn.

Fractured Spirits

Summon 2 copies of a minion, then Silence it.

Mime your manners.

Invoke the Void

Summon two 7/7 Flamewreathed Faceless. Overload (4).

In the Old Kingdom, Void invokes you!


Summon 3 Hell Bovines. Give all Hell Bovines Taunt.

Pact of the Lich

Shuffle 5 Fel Rifts into
your deck. Draw 3 cards.
Allied: Warlock.

Rifts in your deck, party on the board.

Remembrance of Ice

Resurrect the minions
your Frost spells have killed this game.

Water has memory.


Rush. Deathrattle: Summon two other minions with Deathrattle that died this game.

Your enemies will have an unhappy Noblegarden.

Brewster, the Brutal

After this minion attacks, summon a minion with Rush from your deck.

"If you want to know why he crossed the road, YOU go ask him."


Battlecry: Summon six 1/1 Bloodhounds to attack an enemy minion.

Drakonid Slayer

Also damages the minions next to whomever he attacks.

Hawkstrider Hen

Battlecry and Deathrattle: Summon a
Noblegarden Egg.


At the start of your turn, give your minions +3 Attack.

Scrapmetal Demolitionist

Battlecry: Gain 5 Armor. Shuffle @ |4(Bomb, Bombs) into your opponent’s deck. (Improves during run)

Bombbastic, tell me fantastic.

Spiteful Summoner

Battlecry: Reveal a spell
from your deck. Summon
a random minion with
the same Cost.


Your cards cost (3) less.

Deathstalker Rexxar

Battlecry: Deal 2 damage
to all enemy minions.

Deathstalker Rexxar

Battlecry: Deal 2 damage
to all enemy minions.