Shield Shatter

Card Text
Deal 5 damage to all
minions. Costs (1) less
for each Armor you have.
Flavor Text
"Is the shield being shattered or doing the shattering?" "Yes."
Deal 5 damage to all
minions. Costs (1) less
for each Armor you have.
"Is the shield being shattered or doing the shattering?" "Yes."
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Seems like a more reasonable reckless flurry. I'm down.
I think I like it less. 5 damage might be far too little in a lot of circumstances, and Reckless Flurry had a great risk-reward thing going on, IMHO, where giving up a huge armor stack could be pretty FeelsBadMan. This just kinda feels more linear. Always the same damage. Either you can afford it or you can't.
But that's just, like, my opinion.
I mean typically this is going to cost between 1-5 ideally. Probably in control warrior more often than not it'll be close to 0 mana.
5 damage is more than anything in the 1-5 cost range has any business dealing and it will make the game even less board focused than it is now.
Such a beautiful art!
WOW, love this...
Now this is just crazy. It's free with Frozen Buckler, if you're ever going to play it for mana you can use your hero power for free for +2 armor, and unlike our old two card combo using Reckless Flurry - you get to keep the armor after.