Survival of the FittestGive +4/+4 to all minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield.
Sometimes the fittest is the one smart enough to not start a fight with seven 6/6 Treants. |
Flesh GiantCosts (1) less for each time your hero's Health changed during your turns.
"A BIG mistake." |
Ancient Void HoundAt the end of your turn,
What happened to my 1/1 Void Pup? And the glee club?! |
RattlegoreDeathrattle: Resummon this with -1/-1.
He looks bad now, but he was pretty handsome in his 20/20s. |
Focusing IrisSpell Damage +1 Battlecry: Fill your board with 3/6 Water Elementals.
Tidal WaveLifesteal
"Hang Four, mon!" |
Archwitch WillowBattlecry: Summon a random Demon from your hand and deck.
One of the demons will do all the work while the other gets the same grade. |
Plagued ProtodrakeDeathrattle: Summon a random 7-Cost minion.
"What’s in the drake?! WHAT’S IN THE DRAKE?" |
TroublemakerAt the end of your turn, summon two 3/3 Ruffians that attack random enemies.
"Prepare for trouble!" "Make it double!" |
Turalyon, the TenuredRush. Whenever this attacks
"Let evil flee before righteousness; let the innocent live in peace. Let the day come when none need fear. For that day, I give my life gladly." |
Huntmaster's BowAfter your hero attacks,
Mok'Nathal BowBattlecry: If your deck has no minions, fill your hand with Hunter spells.
Staff of AntonidasWhenever you cast a spell, add a 'Fireball' spell to your hand.
CommencementSummon a minion from your deck. Give it Taunt and Divine Shield.
"Remember, graduates—you carry a heavy weight on your shoulders now." |
Cycle of HatredDeal 3 damage to all minions. Summon a 3/3 Spirit for every minion killed.
If you run 2 of these, would that make it the bi-cycle of hatred? |
Fel GuardiansSummon three 1/2 Demons with Taunt. Costs (1) less whenever a friendly minion dies.
What happened after the guardians tripped? They Fel. |
Guardian AnimalsSummon two Beasts that cost (5) or less from your deck. Give them Rush.
The guidelines specifically state: "Students may also bring an ironbeak owl OR an alleycat OR a toad." They never said how big. |
MonsoonDeal 6 damage to all minions, then deal 3 damage to all enemy minions.
Keymaster AlabasterWhenever your opponent
The key to his mastery is a solid stack of backup copies. |
Maim BlackhandBattlecry: If you're holding a Dragon, gain +1 Attack and Taunt.
MalkorokBattlecry: Equip a random weapon.
Shandris FeathermoonStealth
Soulciologist MaliciaBattlecry: For each Soul Fragment in your deck, summon a 3/3 Soul with Rush.@ (@)
If you value your life, don't call it a "soft science." |
Rain of ChaosSummon two 6/6 Infernals.
Alarm the ForestSummon four 2/2 Treant Totems with Rush. |
Call to AidSummon four 2/2 Treant Totems. |
InitiationDeal 4 damage to a minion. If that kills it, summon a new copy.
The things a murloc's gotta go through to graduate from Scholomance… |
Runic CarvingsChoose One - Summon four 2/2 Treant Totems; or Overload: (2) to summon them with Rush.
"That totem was beautiful… and you runed it!" |
Bloodmaul BruteAt the end of your turn, summon two 2/2 Bloodmaul Maulers that attack random enemies.
Book of RunesAt the end of your turn, reduce the Cost of cards in your hand by (1).
Cairne BloodhoofCharge
Devout PupilDivine Shield, Taunt
He considers textbooks Light reading. |
Forest Warden OmuSpellburst: Refresh your Mana Crystals.
She wishes all things could grow and flourish at Scholomance. If only she knew… |
Gronn TrapTaunt Can't Attack.
Judicious JuniorLifesteal
She's judge, jury, and junior! |
Onyx MagescribeSpellburst: Add 2 random spells from your class to your hand.
Sometimes you gotta spend spells to earn spells. |
Smug SeniorTaunt. Deathrattle: Add a 5/7 Ghost with Taunt to your hand.
You want to see something funny? Go visit him in five years. |
Sorcerous SubstituteBattlecry: If you have Spell Damage, summon a copy of this.
This substitute's substitution is a dangerous institution. |
Spectral SeniorTaunt
Equip GorehowlEquip Gorehowl.
DoomhammerWindfury, Overload: (2)
Blessing of AuthorityGive a minion +8/+8. It can't attack heroes this turn.
A paladin fights with honor! We don't go face... until next turn! |
Cutting ClassDraw 2 cards.
When you actually are the sharpest tool in the shed. |
Archmage KalecYour first spell each
Blood HeraldWhenever a friendly minion dies while this is in your hand, gain +1/+1.
"Red Blood, it gives you wings." |
Cobalt SpellkinBattlecry: Add two 1-Cost spells from your class to your hand.
Doctor KrastinovRush
He is not a medical doctor. |
Headmaster Kel'ThuzadSpellburst: If the spell destroys any minions, summon them.
"You wish to know my secrets, hmm? I carry little bits of tuna in the sleeves of my robe, he loves that. Oh, you meant the risen dead? That was trivial, trivial." |
Jandice BarovBattlecry: Summon two
Her parents own Scholomance. Of course she's going to play tricks on the students! |
Kul Tiran FootmanSpell Damage +2
Lake ThresherAlso damages the minions next to whomever
"There’s a monster in the lake?!" "That’s not a monster, that’s Gary." |
Lake ThresherAlso damages the minions next to whomever
"There’s a monster in the lake?!" "That’s not a monster, that’s Gary." |
Mozaki, Master DuelistAfter you cast a spell, gain Spell Damage +1.
Treats her students like her peers, which means defeating them in one-sided duels all day long. |
OgremancerWhenever your opponent
After their third attempt, Tharg began to suspect that Krul was summoning the skeletons on purpose. |
Ras FrostwhisperAt the end of your turn,
Always the favorite of Headmaster Kel'Thuzad, Ras nonetheless received a chilly reception from the other faculty. |
Soulshard LapidaryBattlecry: Destroy a Soul
Also known as a soul sequincer. |
Steward of ScrollsSpell Damage +1
Oh dang it, I spilled ink elemental all over my essay! |
Teacher's PetTaunt |
Teacher's PetTaunt
Really goes the extra mile to get the Hay+. |
Totem GoliathDeathrattle: Summon all four basic Totems.
It was an art project, and nobody knew when to stop. |
Twilight RunnerStealth
Every morning you find two dead cards at your doorstep. |
VectusBattlecry: Summon two
Don’t let that dark magic worry you. He’ll ensure they hatch without a scratch. |
Void DrinkerTaunt. Battlecry: Destroy
It has no taste. |
Void DrinkerTaunt. Battlecry: Destroy
It has no taste. |
Wounded FootmanSpell Damage +2
Launch WarshipSummon a Kul Tiran Warship.
Summon ElementalSummon a 3/6
Summon Elemental Rank 2Summon a 4/7
Summon Elemental Rank 3Summon a 5/8
MarrowslicerBattlecry: Shuffle 2 Soul Fragments into your deck.
Perfect for killing the first boss in Icecrown Citadel. |
Reaper's ScytheSpellburst: Also
Die. Die. Die. |
GlideShuffle your hand into
"Come with me, and you'll see, a whole new hand of possibly the same cards." |
IceballDeal 6 damage.
Potion of IllusionAdd 1/1 copies of your minions to your hand. They cost (1).
Unfortunately, there's no potion that can make you unsee all the faces in that bottle. |
Arcane KeysmithBattlecry: Discover a Secret. Put it into the battlefield.
Assistant BigglesworthBattlecry: Discover a copy of a minion in your opponent's deck.
Brittlebone DestroyerBattlecry: If your hero's
Broke many a leg in drama class. |
Cabal AcolyteTaunt
How did he get to the top of his class? He pulled a few strings! |
Crimson HotheadSpellburst: Gain +1 Attack and Taunt.
Has a real passion for spelling. |
Disciplinarian GandlingAfter you play a minion,
"He doesn’t grade on a curve, but on a sharp spike instead." |
Divine RagerDivine Shield
For when you need to rage, rage against the dying of the Light. |
Failed Student
Fishy FlyerRush. Deathrattle: Add a 4/3 Ghost with Rush to your hand.
Like a fish out of water. |
Forsaken Lilian
It’s tricky for dryads to tend the garden without trampling the flowers. |
Hapless Handler
Hench-Clan BurglarBattlecry: Discover a spell from another class.
High Abbess AluraSpellburst: Cast a spell from your deck (targets this if possible).
She's all about hitting the books. Literally. |
Infiltrator LilianStealth
She'll get to the bottom of this even if it kills her. Twice! |
Krolusk BarkstripperSpellburst: Destroy a random enemy minion.
My friend went krolusk tipping once… once! |
Kul Tiran WarshipTaunt
Lorekeeper PolkeltBattlecry: Reorder your deck
quicksort [] = [] quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort small ++ (x : quicksort large) where small = [y | y <- xs, y <= x] large = [y | y <- xs, y > x] |
Malfurion Stormrage
Prisoner BaineDormant
Shifty SophomoreStealth
Experienced enough to do crimes, inexperienced enough to be super obvious about it. |
Spectral FlyerRush
SpiritAll friendly attacks ignore Taunt.
Star Student StelinaOutcast: Look at 3 cards
Cheating is just using your resources wisely. |
SteeldancerBattlecry: Summon a random
Pretty powerful if you blade your cards right. |