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This card has a good potential.
They probably could've, just make the beasts she summons maybe 4 or 5 cost
Can it summon Wardruid Loti forms?
it can summon only a no-form loty as a 1-2 vanilla
Neither. Loti herself is not a beast, and her forms are not collectible cards.
*Taps roof of mammoth* “You can fit so many squirrels in this thing!”
Could be good in Druid with cheap spells like Innervate, Pounce, Claw, Biology Project. And rump to get value of this. Too slow, otherwise.
Her name is Mel Francis. Blizzard pls.
Two things:
It's Mei Francis
They would have had to make her a legendary if they used her real name, you wouldn't want that would you?
*Clic* to see all 3 cost beast
Who knew there was that many beast in the 3 mana pool? I mean 31 options ain't bad

Cards this can summon in standard, in order of relative value (somewhat):
King Mukla, Ornery Tortoise, Augmented Elekk, Nightmare Amalgam, Emperor Cobra, Jungle Panther, Ironfur Grizzly, Blink Fox, Duskbat, Messenger Raven, Silverback Patriarch, Ironbeak Owl
Black Cat goes Away too
Oh, right. Hall of fame. Fixing it now.
That makes it even more amazing the pally i just fought got 3 cobras and 2 mukla
good to know, thanks!
There's definitely a dick in the background of exotic mount seller.
She can make a mount out of me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)