Mur-nadoShuffle all minions into your
Book of the DeadDeal 7 damage to all enemies. Costs (1) less for each minion that's died this game.
Mur-nadoShuffle all minions into your
Puzzle Box of Yogg-SaronCast 10 random spells (targets chosen randomly).
The Final Plague?!Resummon that which was long dead.
Colossus of the MoonDivine Shield
Strike him down, and you'll face the Colossus of the New Moon. |
Highkeeper RaAt the end of your turn, deal 20 damage to all enemies.
King PhaorisBattlecry: For each spell
When you're the king of the cats, the whole desert is your litterbox. |
Living MonumentTaunt
This is not the greatest card in the world. This is just a monument. |
Plague of DeathSilence and destroy all minions.
Don't worry, there's a happy little funhouse right under that sand pit. |
Anubisath WarbringerDeathrattle: Give all minions in your hand +3/+3.
Some dogs will bring you a bone or a squeaky toy. This one brings war! |
King KrushCharge
Mogu FleshshaperRush. Costs (1) less for each
He's here to shape *clap* you up! |
Tip the ScalesSummon 7 Murlocs from your deck.
Hold on, I need to get some murlocs to weigh in on this. |
OctosariDeathrattle: Draw 8 cards.
Eight arms of sand-flinging, foe-wringing, card-slinging fury! |
Pit CrocoliskBattlecry: Deal 5 damage.
PIT! Not PET! |
Tomb WardenTaunt
Also known as an ancient copy machine. |
Tortollan PilgrimBattlecry: Discover a spell
A tortollan made it to the desert! |
EarthquakeDeal 5 damage to all minions, then deal 2 damage to all minions.
Shake it, sh-sh-sh-shake it like a Kalimdor fissure. |
Flex-plosionBlow up half your opponent's stuff.
Murky's Battle HornSummon 7 Murlocs and give them Rush.
OverflowRestore 5 Health
It's a high five followed by a low tide. |
Staff of RenewalResurrect 7 friendly minions with
In the right hands, the awesome power of resurrection can be used for the greater good. |
Dinotamer BrannBattlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, summon King Krush.
Brann's new dino-taming hobby is going well—his pet can already make him sit, stand, and roll over! |
SiamatBattlecry: Gain 2 of Rush,
Wasteland ScorpidPoisonous
After they get to a certain size, it doesn't matter if they're poisonous or not. |
Wrapped GolemReborn
The end result of one of the greatest wrap battles of all time. |
Befriend the AncientSummon a 6/6 Ancient with Taunt.
Drink the WaterRestore 12 Health.
Hidden OasisChoose One - Summon a 6/6 Ancient with Taunt; or Restore 12 Health.
Amazing that it's been hidden, given the twenty-foot treant splashing around in it. |
Pharaoh's BlessingGive a minion +4/+4, Divine Shield, and Taunt.
Life hack: Sneeze near a pharaoh. |
Swarm of LocustsSummon seven 1/1 Locusts with Rush.
Good things never come in swarms. |
We may never know what provoked it, but we will never forget the consequences. |
Armored GoonWhenever your hero attacks, gain 5 Armor.
Armored except for non-critical areas, such as the head, torso, fists and thighs. |
Blatant DecoyDeathrattle: Each player
"Hah! You is being tricked by ME! Togwaggle!" |
Brann's Epic EggAfter this takes damage, summon King Krush.
If it takes a village to raise a child, then it takes a herd to raise this egg. |
Khartut DefenderTaunt, Reborn
Gesundheit! |
Reno the RelicologistBattlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, deal 10 damage randomly split among all enemy minions.
All his life, Reno Jackson was only a gatling wand away from becoming the greatest and most terrifying mage who ever existed. |
RiftcleaverBattlecry: Destroy a minion. Your hero takes damage equal to its Health.
Brings you face to face with your destructive impulses. |
RiftcleaverBattlecry: Destroy a minion. Your hero takes damage equal to its Health.
Brings you face to face with your destructive impulses. |
Scarlet WebweaverBattlecry: Reduce the Cost of a random Beast in your hand by (5).
Isn't that nice? The spider made the explorer a sleeping bag! |
Vir'naal AncientTaunt
Wild BloodstingerBattlecry: Summon a minion from your opponent's hand. Attack it.
Tame Bloodstingers would politely invite your minion to tea. |
Phaoris' BladeWindfury.
Advanced Targeting MonocleCast a copy of all spells in your deck (targets chosen randomly).
Ancient ReflectionsChoose a minion.
Divide and ConquerSummon a copy of this minion.
Focused BurstGain +2/+2.
Plague of WrathDestroy all damaged minions.
"Thanks, I HATE it!" |
Staff of ScalesSummon three 1/1 Snakes with Rush, Poisonous and Reborn.
Stone Fox StatueChoose a minion and add 2 copies of it to your hand that cost (0).
The Gatling WandDeal @ damage split
The mightiest, mysticalest, fully automatic spellcasting tool the world has ever seen. |
Anka, the BuriedBattlecry: Change each Deathrattle minion in your hand into a 1/1 that costs (1).
"You look familiar. Were you at my first funeral?" |
Anubisath DefenderTaunt. Costs (0) if you've cast a spell that costs (5) or more this turn.
Also comes running when he hears a can opener. |
Bazaar MuggerRush
Premium muggings at a discount price. |
Cloud PrinceBattlecry: If you control a Secret, deal 6 damage.
"In West Cloudidelphia, born and raised; flinging lightning for the rest of my days." |
Dark Pharaoh TekahnBattlecry: For the rest of the game, your Lackeys are 4/4.
He'll get that League of Explorers and their little murloc too! |
Desert ObeliskIf you control 3 of these
The Obelisk of the Stars can hide an entire land from prying eyes! Or zap a rando. |
Elise the EnlightenedBattlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, duplicate your hand.
From cartographer to combatant, Elise has taken the road less traveled—because no one else could find it on a map. |
EVIL Demon
Faceless LurkerTaunt
Longtime lurker, first time attacker. |
Karl the LostBattlecry: Summon six 1/1
A friendly paladin who was found wandering Uldum. He seems to be looking for someone. |
Mortuary MachineAfter your opponent plays a minion, give it Reborn.
The ankle bone's connected to the shin bone. The knuckle bone's connected to the... eh, it'll be fine. |
Naga Sand WitchBattlecry: Change the Cost
5 mana footlong, anyone? |
Oasis SurgerRush
Surge's up, dude! |
Phalanx CommanderYour Taunt minions
Turns out he's really good at herding cats. |
Runaway GyrocopterRush. Deathrattle: Deal 5 damage to all enemy minions, then shuffle
Sandhoof WaterbearerAt the end of your turn, restore 5 Health to a damaged friendly character.
Used to carrying for his team. |
Wasteland AssassinStealth
They'll never see me coming, what with my glowing body, eyes and daggers. |
Wasteland AssassinStealth
They'll never see me coming, what with my glowing body, eyes and daggers. |
Chain LightningDeal 1 damage to a minion.
Forbidden PowerDeal @ damage to a random
Noble ChampionDeal damage to a
Blade of the Burning SunBattlecry: Give all minions in your deck +2 Attack.
Splitting AxeBattlecry: Summon copies of your Totems.
The ancient shaman chant, "Control Axe, Control Vee." |
Bauble of BeetlesTwinspell. Resurrect
Bauble of BeetlesResurrect the first
Bob's BouncerChoose a minion
House SpecialReplace your Adventure Deck with one of Bob's Bombastic Decks.
ImpbalmingDestroy a minion. Shuffle 3 Worthless Imps into your deck.
With your complexion, Imp Balm is a great demonizer. |
Scales of JusticeTransform all minions into 1/1 Murlocs.
An elegant weapon for a fishier age. |
ShadowCasts When Drawn
Shadow of DeathChoose a minion. Shuffle 3 'Shadows' into your deck that summon a copy when drawn.
Making new friends takes skill. |
Staff of AmmunaeTwinspell.
Staff of AmmunaeYour minions have Windfury and Immune this turn.
Ancestral GuardianLifesteal
No one knows whose ancestor he is, but he's still upset that you never call. |
Body WrapperBattlecry: Discover a friendly minion that died this game. Shuffle it into your deck.
She uses pickle slices for the eyes. Keeps them well-preserved. |
Bone WraithTaunt
It uses only the eco-friendly bones from free-range humanoids. |
Bone WraithTaunt
It uses only the eco-friendly bones from free-range humanoids. |
Conjured MirageTaunt
What you see is Isiset. |
Diseased VultureWhenever your hero takes damage on your turn, summon a random
He's off the twig! He's kicked the bucket! THIS IS AN EX-VULTURE! |
Enflamed GolemDeathrattle: Deal 3 damage to all minions and summon a Sanctum Golem.
Garden GnomeBattlecry: If you're holding
"Greetings, my little shrubs... It's whittlin' time." |
High Priest AmetWhenever you summon a
All minions are equal, but some minions are more equal than others. |
Hyena AlphaBattlecry: If you control
Everything the sun touches is ours—so long as it's already dead. |
Jr. ExcavatorBattlecry: Draw 3 cards.
A good explorer's got to start somewhere - and this one is starting with digging. Lots of digging. |
Jr. Tomb DiverBattlecry: If you played
This young explorer is looking to gain experience, even if it means facing off against horrific Plague Lords. |
PsychopompBattlecry: Summon a
"Come with me if you want to re-live." |