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I think if they just used the word 'clone' they can clean up the text a whole lot
Maybe this enough power to win.
In Wild:
Turn 10: Ragnaros the Firelord + Ancestral Spirit
Turn 11: Lightning Storm (to clear little guys and possibly upgrade your spellstone if you need it) + Greater Sapphire Spellstone
It's pretty good with 0 mana arcane giants in yogg feat runespear deck.
I won't lie. I'm a whole 2 1/2 hours into the expansion (yes, that's sarcasm and gives me room to be let down a week from now), and this card is so fun. With 7/7's and Earth Ele's if you keep this in your starting hand or draw it early, you can pull off some fun shenanigans with Ancestral Spirit.
In 2 consecutive I had a board of 4 8/3 Giants all with Ancestral Spirit, then the next game I had 3 Earth Ele's with Ancestral Spirit on turn 8.
People who assume this is a rare occurrence are completely wrong too.. if you run enough large threats, something is bound to stick. Whether it's Giants, Earth Eles, 7/7s, White Eyes, Cairne... you'll get something to stick and if you just run 1 of these, you'll get value in almost every game.
Snowfury Giant should be 0 mana when you want to play spellstone since you are overloading for them anyway 4, 0 mana 8/8s isnt bad
In 4/5 matches, got a triple Earth Elemental with Ancestral Spirit on it => 4 EE's with Ancestral Spirit on it.
Things will become clear once you break out of level 25 and start actually understanding the game.
My advice: give up on huntard.
Imagine having a Malygos survive, then play the max'd spellstone to get three more of him so you get +20 spell damage and then you use Lava Burst for 25 damage.
Voting "Playable" because I think there could be a really strong overload deck out there that involves Snowfury Giants, Al'Akir/flametongue/spellstone mixes, and some kind of OTK in the end.
In a pinch you could play Drakkari Defender plus Lesser Sapphire Spellstone and you get 6/24 worth of taunt immediately and without having to previously have charged it at all. If you did get 1 upgrade, that's 8/32 worth of taunt! Radical!
I'm curious how upgrading it works. Do I need to simply overload 3 mana? 3 within a turn? Or 3 within a card?
drakkari defender times 2 is only 6/16 of taunt
Let's say you top deck both spellstone and defender. So your stone isn't upgraded at all. At 10 you can play the defender to get a guaranteed upgrade and still have enough mana to spellstone. Since it upgraded once, you'd get 2 more drakkari defenders. 2 x 3 is 6. 8 x 3 is 24. tyvm.
1 tick from emperror
Ancestors call malygos into spellstone into 2 spells for easy overkill
Quadra Snowfury Giant might be a thing for overload crusher shaman.
I will definitely try that out. Control shaman is my spirit animal :D
edit: I want something like anchestral knowledge back! Farsight can not be the only card draw for a control shaman :\
theres a certain 3 mana totem you can use
Which is pretty bad in a control shaman. It's mostly unprotected early and rarely draws more than 1 card.
Leeeeeeeeroy + this (leveled up ofc) after thaurissan, can't wait to try this combo in wild
This card has potential in midrange shaman decks. The hard part about shaman is that all of your minions tend to die on your opponents turn. If you can figure out how to get sticky minions into play then this is really strong. That's a big if though.
This card is pretty bad I think. It's really hard to pull off having a big minion on board sticking and having to upgrade this while it's in your hand. Two much of an ask for something that can still be countered by a single twisting nether or even dragon fire potion. Vs aggro this card is pretty irrelevant.