Fanottem, Lord of the OperaTaunt, Lifesteal
Writing a compelling symphony takes time. Usually around 20 turns or more. |
Climactic Necrotic ExplosionLifesteal. Deal {0} damage.
The less legible the band's logo, the more hardcore it is. |
Amplified ElekkTaunt
Before this show can continue, we have to bass-boost the elephant in the room. |
You'll all be singing along once he gets to the tyranno-chorus. |
Annoy-o-TroupeTaunt, Divine Shield
Some classes get Void Lords, other classes get Annoyed Lords. |
Annoy-o-TroupeTaunt, Divine Shield
Some classes get Void Lords, other classes get Annoyed Lords. |
Annoy-o-TroupeTaunt, Divine Shield
Some classes get Void Lords, other classes get Annoyed Lords. |
Blight BoarCharge
DJ ManastormBattlecry: Set the Cost of spells in your hand to (0).
Do not sleep on his Tinker Town deep house set - absolutely legendary. |
Stranglethorn HeartTradeable
The Stranglethorn mentality is to be happy with the bare necessities. |
Cage HeadDeathrattle: Summon
You get your head stuck in a cage ONCE, and all of a sudden you've got a new nickname. |
Concert Promo-DrakeTradeable
There's a reason why it's promoting the festival instead of playing in it - it's a rhyme-lost protodrake. |
Mish-Mash MosherRush
In the pit, he feels more alive than ever. |
Drum CircleChoose One - Summon five 2/2 Treants;
It's more of a drum pentagon, really. |
Flower PowerSummon five 2/2 Treants.
Good VibrationsGive your minions +2/+4 and Taunt.
Pack the HouseSummon a random 6, 5, 4, and 3-Cost minion.
How many Pack the Houses would a pack house if a pack could house Pack the House? |
Abyssal BassistTaunt, Lifesteal
DoomkinBattlecry: Take one of
Now THIS is Mana cheating. |
The One-Amalgam BandBattlecry: Gain a random
Why be good with ONE instrument when you can be terrible with ALL of them!!! |
Tony, King of PiracyBattlecry: Replace your deck with a copy of your opponent's.
Tony prefers sailing on torrents rather than streams. |
Horn of the WindlordWindfury
Woodwinds! Obey my command! |
Dirge of DespairDeal 3 damage to a
Oh, the misery! |
Dissonant PopDeal 6 damage to all minions. Summon
Harmonic PopDeal 3 damage to all minions. Summon
Here with supporting vocals: Snap and Crackle! |
Bored DoomlordTaunt
Hollow HoundLifesteal, Rush
Uh oh, the hollow hound is coming out of its cage! Don't worry though, it's doing just fine. |
Lead DancerDeathrattle: Summon a
"Follow my lead!" *dies* |
Mister MuklaRush. Battlecry: Fill
Music is Mukla's escape from his anger. When he's on-stage, it's like he's a whole different gorilla… Until you boo him. |
Unpopular Has-BeenDeathrattle: Summon a random 5-Cost minion from the past.
Oh man, she used to rock more than ANYONE back in the Year of the Kraken. I wish I could've seen her perform back then… |
Zok FogsnoutBattlecry: Summon two
Despite having only 3 digits on each hand, Zok plays Bass like he has 5. |
Altered ChordLifesteal
I'll never understand how bands and orchestras allow musicians that just…. play... off-key. Would love opinions on this. |
Angsty RhapsodyDeal 3 damage to all minions. Draw 3 cards.
Big DreamsSummon the
Just a small town Taunka Livin' in a lonely... waunka |
Blackrock 'n' RollGive all minions in your deck Attack and Health equal to their Cost.
Thank goodness it's not called Black-ska Mountain. |
Bridge RiffSummon a 3/4 Rocker with
Can be played in other places too. |
Dissonant DiscoDiscover a 1-Cost minion. Summon it
Emotional RhapsodyDeal 3 damage to all
Harmonic DiscoDiscover a 5-Cost minion. Summon it
"Worry not, festival patrons! A disco is hardly any means for panic!" |
JIVE, INSECT!Transform a minion into
Remixed RhapsodyDeal 3 damage
"Is this real life?" "No, this is a card game." |
Resounding RhapsodyDeal 3 damage to
Star PowerDeal 5 damage to a
Five of the spectators were star-struck. |
Symphony of SinsDiscover and play a
Makes for some killer final boss music. |
Wailing RhapsodyDeal 3 damage to all minions. Summon
Blood TreantCosts Health instead
The blood of my enemies makes for some great fertilizer! |
BoneshredderBattlecry: Spend 5 Corpses to
Is that his makeup or just his natural fur pattern? |
Drum SoloistTaunt
"Was I rushin' or was I dragon?" |
Elite Tauren ChampionFinale: Start a ROCK DUEL!
Strumming his guitar with a molten ember from the first fire of Azeroth, E.T.C.'s ear-splitting, heart-wrenching, head-banging solo held back Magatha and her forces of evil, single-handedly saving music for centuries to come. |
Ghost WriterBattlecry: Discover a spell. Finale: Discover another.
This eccentric scribe was cursed to an afterlife of never being recognized for his talents! Muahaha! |
Guitar SoloistBattlecry: If you control no
She is the hero of the guitar. The guitar hero. Trademark. |
InzahBattlecry: For the rest of the game, your Overload cards cost (1) less.
Inzah plays the trumpet, saxophone, piano, guitar, AND bass. No wonder he's always so overloaded! |
Kangor, Dancing KingLifesteal
After Dr. Boom's involvement with the League of EVIL, Kangor cut ties with the Boomsday Labs and began pursuing his true passion - DISCO!!! |
Living Spotlight
Magatha, Bane of MusicBattlecry: Draw 5 cards. Give any spells drawn
Not to be confused with that one other "-agatha" that likes when you play minions. |
MC BlingtronBattlecry: Both players equip
If this is the outcome of the robot uprising, then sign me up! |
Opera SoloistBattlecry: If you control
It ain't over until the imp mother sings. |
Rin, Orchestrator of DoomTaunt. Deathrattle: Both
Rin's orchestra is the best of the best. When your replacement is just one summoning away, you have to play perfectly. |
Screaming BansheeLifesteal
Her singing will be sure to wake you up (wake you up inside). |
Summer Flowerchild Battlecry: Draw two cards
"Ugh, those Winter Floweradults just don't get our music." |
Wailing Fanatic
Glaivetar Deathrattle: Draw @ |4(card, cards).
Might need tuning, I think it's a bit sharp. |
Jungle JammerDeathrattle: Summon a
When asked what animal they would be, people always say things like "I'd be wolf-lion hybrid mix. King of the jungle, but still sociable and ferocious." No, you'd be a rat. |
Kodohide DrumkitDeathrattle: Deal @
Stolen from a druidic drum circle, now destined to make music that is actually good. |
Timber TambourineDeathrattle: Summon @
Timberine anyone? TIMBERINE!? |
Ancient's MelodyIn 2 turns, summon three 5/5 Ancients (Secretly).
Boogie DownSummon two 1-Cost
Whatever you do, do NOT sashay to the right. |
Fight Over MeChoose two enemy minions. They fight!
And you thought the battles between the Alliance and Horde got ugly… |
Giant's DanceIn 4 turns, summon three 8/8 Giants (Secretly).
Going Down SwingingGive your hero +2 Attack
Halveria was outcast from Gilneas for being too edgy, which she sees as an achievement. |
Rhythm and RootsChoose One (Secretly) -
Rhythm and RootsChoose One (Secretly) -
For Zok's latest song, he decided to go back to his roots. Like the ones on a tree. Tree roots. |
Spread the WordDraw 2 cards.
W_____O_____R_____D |
Volume UpDraw 3 spells.
You have to pay Mana to do that!? I thought it was just in the settings menu! |
Ambient LightspawnFinale and Overheal:
Make sure it's smaller than your other lightspawns for the best fill lighting. |
Backstage BouncerTaunt
Doesn't see your name on the list. Also doesn't know how to read the names on the list. |
Brass ElementalRush, Divine Shield,
You handle the water spells. It's got the earth, wind, and fire covered. |
CandleraiserDivine Shield
You would not believe your eyes If ten million kobold guys Lit up the world to this ogre beat |
Cool GhoulDivine Shield
He has disco fever! :D Because of the disco plague. :( |
Cover ArtistBattlecry: Transform into
The Faceless Ones are servants of Yogg-Saron, and they feed on fear. Right now they are feeding on our fear of you realizing we copied this flavor text. |
Crazed ConductorBattlecry: Take Fatigue
"The Twisting Nether is singing to me… WHAT IS THAT MELODY!?" |
E.T.C., Band ManagerWhile building your deck,
"This next band features the one and only M.C. Tech on the drums, the fungal king of the keyboard Loatheb, and the showstopping vocal chops of Spellbreaker!" |
Free!? But it costs Mana! |
Grimtotem BuzzkillBattlecry: Discard a weapon to draw 3 cards.
I'd be mad too if you called me a 'buzzkill'. |
Halveria DarkravenRush
You know someone's cool when their name sounds like a font. |
Heartbreaker HedanisBattlecry: Deal 4 damage
Hedanis has won over the hearts and minds of millions of fans all over Azeroth! Shadow magic had nothing to do with it - not that you asked or anything. |
Instrument SmasherWhenever your weapon is
Guitar? Nah, she plays percussion. |
JitterbugDivine Shield
The only bug that was intentional. |
Keyboard SoloistBattlecry: If you control no
Give her a hand, everybody! Or maybe 4! |
Merch SellerAt the end of your turn, put
"Sorry, we're all out of Mediums. All we've got left are Gnome, Extra Large, and Annihilan." |
Obsessive FanBattlecry: Choose a minion. It has Stealth while this is alive.
"Obsessed? No! I'm just really really really really really really really really really really into E.T.C.'s music and everything he says, does, thinks, lives, and breathes!" |
Pozzik, Audio EngineerBattlecry: Add two 3/3 Bots to your opponent's hand. Deathrattle: Summon them for yourself.
"I'm down here, fixin' all the Gnomish tech that breaks down mid-set while that buffoon Fizzle is up there taking pictures of the sky. YOU tell ME who's the better engineer!" |
PyrotechnicianAfter you cast a spell,
The difference between a pyrotechnician and a pyromaniac is a paycheck. |
Rhythmdancer RisaRush
Shadowstep to the left! Double jump to the right! Class cross! |
Speaker StomperTradeable
Just like in Hoofloose. |
Yelling YodelerBattlecry: Trigger a friendly
Maybe it's OK for the Grimtotem to destroy <i>some</i> music forever. |
Arcanite RipperDeathrattle: Summon a @/@
A guitar with a skull - perfect for headbanging. |
Disco MaulDeathrattle: Give a random
Nah, dis go face. |