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This could be better if the skeletons are 1/2 just like firefly.
This is not a bad card at all. Combo enabler, works well with Roll the Bones and N'zoth.Tomb Pillager is 4 mana 5/4 so this is one more health and one more token for one mana more. Playable certainly.
People thought the 1-damage petals from Razorpetal Lasher were weak, but the card is good and sees play. Having a decent body that provides weak 1 mana cards is really useful for Rogues, for the same reason that they love The Coin. Being able to trigger Sherazin, or summon a large Van Cleef, or even get value with the new Spectral Pillager, without making awkward and/or expensive plays is really useful. Not to mention this has a Deathrattle, opening up a really cute Deathrattle deck possibility with Sherazin and N'Zoth. This is good, it'll see play.
Holy shit that attack line! They added a Mad Max reference!
the "play" line is as well, remember?
"You will ride eternal by my side, Shiny and chrome!"
Only good if mid-range rogue becomes a thing. The 1 mana 1/1s aren't impactful enough.
Even if they are good for activating combos, rogues just have better options.
yeah lemme get uhhhhhhhhhh... Boneless Baron
If your opponent is a paladin, and you steal cards from his class, there's a chance you can turn them into 3/3s!
I've been running Fire fly for edwin, sherazin and questing deck. Dont need a useless 5/5 taking up space. dust this shit.
It's not great, but it's not bad either. having 1 mana crap minions is still nice to simply trigger combo
Hmm... Quest Rogue minion? Midrange Quest Rouge looks ... well, worth testing at least.
"I will ride eternal !" When summoned
"Witness me !" When attacking
I didn't hear the death sound but if it's not something like "Witnessed !" I'll be very disappointed.
Tomb Pillager replacement for combo enabler.. not as good though
Ahh yes. The obligatory 5-mana rogue minion. Join the party friend.