Grand Empress Shek'zara
Card Text
Battlecry: Discover a card in your deck and draw all copies of it.
Flavor Text
So is a Grand Empress an empress that's grand or an empress's empress?
Battlecry: Discover a card in your deck and draw all copies of it.
So is a Grand Empress an empress that's grand or an empress's empress?
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Where is the "pool" when you can rating the card? anyway, we need wait the next expansion, maybe we can see something for this card
This card is improperly named on this website, it is shEk'zara not shAk'zara
Might be good with Ticket Master.
This card is even better than Tak Nozwhisker. On wild, even with a highlander deck, you can search for Reno in case of desperation.
Seems like we both have the same idea, using this card less as a shuffle synergy and more as a card to discover a better card, a pricy discover cycle.
Don't need to complicate things.
A simple example: in highlander rogue you shuffle some copies of Zephrys the Great into your deck! That would be enough, or not?
But for the duration of time that there are 2 zephryses in your deck, none of your highlander cards will trigger
This is basically stowaway, but consistent and on steroids?
I like it :)
Yes there is combo potential in this card but is it enough to make a deck?
Look at omu is there playable otk with it??
YOU don't kill me with bombs, I kill me with bombs!
So its stats are not that bad, using it as a "discover a card to draw" is good but the shuffle synergies look interesting. I'm especially happy that there is a hope that a stealth shuffle rogue will be a thing, I've had waxadread ever since decent of dragons and always wanted to use him, I guess you could say he's my mascot as he was the card that told me to become rogue (got him and flick, so I crafted heist baron togwaggle and made galakrond rogue). Maybe the dragon of wax can have one final show before he gets snuffed out in wild.
In my eyes, 5/5, may craft immediately, and may see some play if shuffle becomes less of a control deck and more of a tempo deck. If not, is great with shuffle rogue and will certainly be in some over the top combo.
Mark is that you?
So if I get this correctly, you put a copy of a card in your deck into your hand + you draw all copies that you haven't drawn yet? This has some insane combo potential.
This expansion's legendaries are really weird. Not like, bad or weak, but they feel so uninspired and boring
Honestly, I have to disagree. While they may not be the flashiest things we've seen in a while they do offer some strange potential. Not only for this expansion but for future ones. This one right here already gives me some ideas to mess around with using Waxadred, Shadows of Death, Ticket Master, etc. And we haven't even seen all the cards that are coming out either so what else will this pair with?
I have to agree with you here. This seems like the one expansion we get every 1-2 years that does not have these insane "you just win the game" cards like Zeph but some very cool mechanics and interesting setups.
I'm saying it right now: 5 star card, period.