Flik Skyshiv
Card Text
Battlecry: Destroy a
minion and all copies of it
(wherever they are).
Flavor Text
Junior explorers scan the night sky in fear of her candle’s flame!
Battlecry: Destroy a
minion and all copies of it
(wherever they are).
Junior explorers scan the night sky in fear of her candle’s flame!
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Doesn't remove jade display copies when it should jade is display isn't a spell.
Tried it out and never looked back - it's way more than just stats with removal on it (on galakrond matchups you can destroy their minion and thin your deck if you don't need to invoke , also killing a full board for example of treants or murlocs feels good when they concede after making superior tempo.)
It doesnt kill dormant copies... Error?
why are they pushing this female kobold shit? I get sick everytime i have to look at these ugly things yikes and then they try to make them look graceful xD just keep it an all male race pls
This card is ridiculous, it gives Rogue a level of survivability against token decks that it shouldn't have. It should at least be a combo card.
Absolutely this. Also, didn't the dev team say it wasn't Rogue's identity to be able to remove wide boards and why they nerfed Blade Flurry and moved Vanish to HoF? I know Skyshiv doesn't "remove" a wide board like let's say Plague of Death or even Twisting Nether. But it's still able to deal with huge treats like Eye of the Storm, The Forest's Aid, etc., destroy minions in the deck AND put a 4/4 body on the board. As it is, it's too good for a 6 mana card.
Shudderwock counter!
You wot mate? How does it counter Shudderwock? :thonk:
It gets rid of all copies no matter where they are, including the copy Shudderock makes of himself in the hand.
Question: Does this effect kill a board of Jades in wild? They have different stats and artworks depending on the progress of the jade deck even if they are all "Jade Golems", so I'm kinda confused about this.
It will destroy all Jade Golems on the board, and ones that happened to be shuffled into your/your opponent's deck or added into your hand/their hand. Don't think it kills the effect of them growing, since the effect grows with each Golem summoned.
Pogo bunny meta destroyer!
Prime Shadowstep target. Finally rogue has a way to fight back against infinite combos. Keep in mind this destroys your own copies of the minion as well.
The bonus effect didn't justify the cost. A 4/4 body that not just kills, but eliminates all copies of what it kills, certainly does. Flik and Unidentified Contract are apples and oranges; you cannot compare them.
Even ignoring the "all copies" part, it's Assassinate + 4/4 body for 1 additional mana. Also shadowstep-able and otherwise duplicable because it's a minion, not a spell. VERY good.
Flik Skyshiv can stop Shirvallah, the Tiger Holy Wrath and any card that copies of a card and you can even stop Mecha'thun if you play your own and play Flik Skyshiv on it just to stop it or in wild N'Zoth, the Corruptor can be a pain but if you play your N'Zoth, the Corruptor and they don't kill it you can trade up then use Flik Skyshiv on it to make sure they lise there N'Zoth, the Corruptor turn only things i am not sure of is the interactions with cards like Sylvanas Windrunner will it stell take one of there minions if it die's in your hand or deck or if you use Flik Skyshiv on a card like Khartut Defender will you get a heal and 3/1 or will they both die or will you get any heal at all
The Artwork is superb
༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽ EVERYONE,GET OUT OF HERE ༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º༼ ºل͜º ༽
This will see play no matter what. Even if it only kills a minion, it's a more consistent vilespine slayer. And even when a card doesn't see play for a meta, it doesn't mean it's bad. Boom for example didn't see serious play until rise of shadows, now it's nerfed. Vesinna didn't see play when uldum came out, now it's in a tier 1 deck. As long as rogue is a playable class in the meta this card will be a staple for him until it rotates out. That might not happen right on release but It will eventually be a tier 1 legendary.
Spreading Plague