Shadowcrafter Scabbs
Card Text
Battlecry: Return all
minions to their owner's
hands. Summon two 4/2
Shadows with Stealth.
Flavor Text
Sneaking behind enemy lines isn't so different from being a line cook. People are hostile, something's on fire, and your only hope is to get out of there with all your fingers.
Im going to end-up be a sore looser wen playing druid agents this card.
There will be a moment when someone burgles a Coldarra Drake with this...
Okay this might not work but it's a fun idea. What You do is You play scabs and then discount every minion that costs 3 or more with Vanndar Stormpike. With octobot or something else like that maybe even all minions and with returning him back to had You can easily have minions costing 6 or maybe even 9 less.
Now with secret passage You can easily reload for huge burst of high cost minions. I guess it would work great once in a while for a satisfying game.
Let's Total up the rewards you get for playing this.
1 Vanish - 6 mana
2 Jungle Panther - 6 mana
1 Iron Hide - 1 mana
2 Innervate - 2 mana each turn
You get 15 mana for playing a 7 mana card, and 2 more free mana each turn.
Oh man.. yeah. Im sure this wont cause any insanity and rage at all. Lowering mana cost never makes decks stupid strong or anything. And only free every turn? pft. This is fine.
Vanish is back !!! What about hero power ?
o mana, the next card this turn is discounted by 2