The Sunwell

Card Text
Fill your hand with random spells. Costs (1) less for each other card in your hand.
Flavor Text
The Lich King had extinguished the light of the Sunwell once before - it will take all the might Silvermoon can muster to defend it!
Those dirty ghouls are blocking the blinding majesty of the Well.
So it always adds 10 cards to your hand, but you get it discounted for each card it fails to add. Weird card, but probably powerful.
At 8 other cards in your hand it's a 1 cost generate 2 spells. That's really good.
It doesn't really have enough synergies at the moment to be that good, but it's a card to look out for in the future.
One cool application is that you can use it to completely fill your hand, preventing Warlock from giving your curses.
Why a Spell and not a Location?
Was probably designed before locations were designed.
(They don't release expansions in the order the designers created them)
It works better as a spell instead of a Location in this context. Plus WE FINALLY GOT A NEUTRAL SPELL!