Reska, the Pit Boss
Card Text
Rush. Costs (1) less for each
minion that died this game.
Deathrattle: Take control of a
random enemy minion.
Flavor Text
Overseer of the Bloodrock Mine, Reska will work you to the bone. They'll then reanimate your bones and work THOSE bones to the bone.
Such a house of a card
since this is unholy and it needs 20 minions to die (friendly+unfriendly) ... i am guessing its a turn 8+ card , at that point in the game you should be able to deal with stuff like this so its an okey card nothing super strong.
DK is seem to be happy again
Zero Mana Sylvanas Windrunner but only for Death Knight. Also good with Death Growl, Farm Hand and Harrowing Ox