Y'Shaarj, the Defiler
Card Text
Battlecry: Add a copy of each
Corrupted card you've played
this game to your hand.
They cost (0) this turn.
Flavor Text
Y'Shaarj made an excellent office intern, doing the copying AND defiling.
Battlecry: Add a copy of each
Corrupted card you've played
this game to your hand.
They cost (0) this turn.
Y'Shaarj made an excellent office intern, doing the copying AND defiling.
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Same old classic vanilla stats. How about a 7/12?
16 face damage + free flame strike with shaman using dunk tank and circus medic.
I understand they are sticking true to flavor, but really this does not need to be a 10/10.
if the corrupt cards see play, this card is totally better than nzoth.
The stats alone won't be what makes this card stronger, it's the effect. If they're stats were switched I still think Y'shaarj would be the stronger card
yes i totally agree. yshaarjs effect is already way better than nzoth's (if corrupt is good). The fact that yshaarj is also a huge threat being a 10/10 is overkill. nzoth as a 5/7 isn't really that scary, you're more worried about the stuff nzoth summons. where as yshaarj will probably be the biggest single minion on the board when you play him.
Imagine a Control Warrior running ALL Four Gods in a deck, for ultimate Greed Pleasure !
Neah, realistically its either between N'Zoth or Y'Shaarj, with N'Zoth receiving better Support due to Ringmaster Whatley
are you serious? Yshaarj was in some extremely broken decks. Barnes+Yshaarj was the dumbest combo ever.
Y'shaarj is still played in all "Big" wild decks
Will the cards be in their corrupted form or their pre-corruption form?
Corrupted form. So it’ll be a nuts turn
Funny how the 3 remade old gods are similar to their original versions.
N'zoth summons a board as a battlecry
C'thun does a lot of damage split among all enemies
Yogg-Saron is randomness based on spells
But original Y'shaarj was so bad and unplayed that they couldn't make something similar.
Are you kidding me... the original Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound is so broken in Big / recruit decks, especially in big shaman with Muckmorpher and Lightning Bloom could be summoned on turn 2
Also Barnes.
Yeah but not when he was first released.
Because they obviously only looked at the first week of Y'Shaarj's release and ignored the card afterwards
There are already strong corupted cards ... turn 10 fill your board clear opponent board seems fair ... and they nerf alex for just random dragons ... there you can manage what you get and play it immadiately ... what a joke... question is how they nerf this one
They keep making 0-cost adds despite all the past nerfs and they know exactly what tney're doing.
Buy pre-order pack now, nerf later.
Seems busted if it works. Costing (0) is insane at that point in the game.