The Amazing RenoBattlecry: Make all minions disappear. *Poof!*
"Reno!" "Please address me by my proper title." "<sigh> <i>Amazing</i> Reno..." |
Eye of the StormSummon three 5/6 Elementals with Taunt. Overload: (3)
If that's the eye, I would hate to see the rest of the storm. |
Dragonslayer SkrukFrozen.
DragonstormTransform your minions into Legendary Dragons.
Imprisoned Reno
Galakrond, Progenitor of DragonsMega-Windfury.
HeartseekerDeal 25 damage to the enemy hero.
HeartseekerDeal 15 damage to the enemy hero.
Animated AvalancheBattlecry: If you played
Always sliding down mountains because it can't stop talking with its hands. |
Winged GuardianTaunt
Take these broken wings, be reborn, and learn to fly again. |
Old God ExperimentsSummon a copy of a minion. If your C'thun has at least 10 Attack, give it +3/+3.
Aeon ReaverBattlecry: Deal damage to a minion equal to its Attack.
Ripping centuries asunder helps him manage his busy schedule. |
Sr. CamelBattlecry and Deathrattle:
The Amazing RenoAfter you play a spell, gain Spell Damage +1.
Upgraded CannonAuto-Attack: Deal 3 damage to enemies opposite this minion.
Dragonslayer's GreatbowCan't attack heroes.
Dragonslayer's GreatbowCan't attack heroes.
Stand Against E.V.I.L.Choose a minion. Summon three 2/2 Treants that attack it.
The Sands of TimeRewind to the start of your last turn in an alternate universe.
Will of the ForsakenChoose a minion.
WormholeSummon a 5/5 Worm. Repeat this for each spell cast this turn.
Boompistol BullyBattlecry: Enemy Battlecry cards cost (5) more next turn.
Preventing insults with injuries. |
Commander EliseBattlecry: Add three Legendary Dragons to your hand. They cost (3).
Dragonrider BrannBattlecry: Deal 8 damage
HailbringerBattlecry: Summon two 1/1
Knows every way to greet someone. |
Piloted Whirl-O-TronDeathrattle: Summon a random 3-Cost minion.
Rotnest DrakeBattlecry: If you're holding
Clean your room, or I'm taking your favorite minion away! |
ScalelordBattlecry: Give your Murlocs Divine Shield.
It's about what they have in common, not what makes them different. |
Shadow SculptorCombo: Draw a card for each card you've played this turn.
Carving out new territory in the realm of shadow puppetry. |
Whole Worm
The Fist of Ra-denAfter you cast a spell,
The mighty Ra-den was known as the Keeper of Storms. Unfortunately, he could not keep his fist. |
High Five!Swap to Karl. Give all minions in your deck +1/+1.
High Five!Swap to George. Give your minions Divine Shield and Taunt.
Master PlanReplace your hand with Legendary minions.
Death Ray Mk IIAuto-Attack: Deal @
Escaped ManasaberStealth
Captive manasabers don't behave much better--they're always scratching your furniture and coughing up mana balls. |
F.U.S.E.Deathrattle: Deal 5 damage to your hero.
Frenzied FelwingCosts (1) less for each damage dealt to your opponent this turn.
Not to be confused with the "friendsy” felwing. |
Grand Lackey ErkhAfter you play a Lackey, add a Lackey to your hand.
Esteemed leader of Rafaam's Inhuman Resources department. |
Missile PodAuto-Attack: Deal 1 damage to each enemy minion.
Sir Finley the ValiantBattlecry: Fill your battlefield with random Murlocs.
Sky Gen'ral KraggTaunt
He's gunning for Sky Adm'ral. |
Snow Elemental
Sculpted IceCreate a copy of a minion and Silence it.
SnowstormSummon a Frozen
StormrageDeal 2 damage to a random
Bombs Away!Deal 3 damage to a minion. If it survives, summon Sharkbait.
Dark ProphecyDiscover a 2-Cost minion. Summon it and give it +3 Health.
It's always a dark prophecy with Madame Lazul. Where's my happy, fluffy prophecy?! |
Diamond WindsReturn all enemy minions
DragonbreathDeal 4 damage to a minion. If you're holding a Dragon, return this to your hand.
From the DepthsSummon three friendly Murlocs that died this game.
In a SnapMake all enemy minions disappear. They return in 2 turns.
PuppeteerTake control of an enemy minion until the end of your turn.
Wail of the ShudderwockReplay all cards you played last turn.
Arcane AmplifierYour Hero Power deals 2 extra damage.
Not on good terms with warlocks. |
Bomb FlingerAuto-Attack: Shuffle a Bomb
Bomb WranglerWhenever this minion takes damage, summon a 1/1 Boom Bot.
Bomb Wranglers tend to have short fuses and even shorter lifespans. |
Chaos GazerBattlecry: Curse a
No matter the game rules, it's always playing Go Fish. |
Chopshop CopterAfter a friendly Mech dies, add a random Mech to your hand.
Invention is the mother of entropy. |
RecyclebotBattlecry: Destroy a friendly
RocketRush. After this minion attacks, destroy it.
Rocket LauncherAuto-Attack: Summon a 5/2 Rocket with Rush. After it attacks, it dies.
Skydiving InstructorBattlecry: Summon a
"Is it dangerous?" "For me? Not at all. Now jump!" |
AnnihilationDestroy an enemy minion and all copies of it (wherever they are).
Breath of LifeSet a minion's Health to 5.
BURN!!!Deal 3 damage to all enemy characters.
ChronoechoSummon an Echo of Me.
DragonflameDeal 2 damage to an
From BelowSummon a random Tentacle of Go'rath.
Golden AegisGive a friendly minion Divine Shield.
Golden AegisGive a friendly minion Divine Shield.
Golden BladeGive your weapon +1 Attack.
HookedYour opponent summons a
Lead the ChargeGive a friendly minion Rush and Divine Shield.
Maximum WaximumSummon a 1/1
Plan AheadLook at the top three
Prepare the Cannons!Add a random cannon to your hand.
Prepare the Cannons!Add a random cannon to your hand.
Prepare the Cannons!Add a random cannon to your hand.
Summon ElementalSummon a 2/3 Elemental. It copies your spells.
Summon GalakrondPassive
Summon GalakrondPassive
SUMMON THE BOTS!Add a random Boomlabs Mech to your hand.
Swampqueen's TouchTransform a friendly
True PowerUnleash a Devastation of Galakrond.
Trusty WhipDeal 1 damage to a
Wax EffigySummon a 1/1 copy of a minion.
Wings of RebirthGive a minion
Galakrond's ClawMega-Windfury.
Wax LanceDeathrattle: Summon 1/1 Living Candles equal to this weapon's Attack.
Air RaidTwinspell
It's difficult to get an air raid together. You have to get twenty-five people, and they all want to play a paladin! |
Air RaidSummon two 1/1 Silver Hand Recruits with Taunt.
Air RaidSummon two 1/1 Silver Hand Recruits with Taunt.
Air RaidTwinspell
It's difficult to get an air raid together. You have to get twenty-five people, and they all want to play a paladin! |
Boom BarrageDeal 2-4 damage to a random enemy minion. If it dies, repeat this.
Explosive EvolutionTransform a minion into a random one that costs (3) more.
Let's give a big hand for goblin experimentation! |
Fresh ScentGive a Beast +2/+2.
Fresh ScentTwinspell
*Sniff, sniff* Elite troops... *sniff, sniff* ...armed to the teeth and... *sniff, sniff* ...BAAACON! |