The Ceaseless ExpanseCosts (1) less for each time
If you play this for its full Mana cost, you know what? You win. Good day sir! |
Obliterate 1Deal @ damage to all enemies.
Obliterate 2Deal @ damage to all enemies.
GolemaggCosts (1) less for each damage your hero has taken.
Fanottem, Lord of the OperaTaunt, Lifesteal
Writing a compelling symphony takes time. Usually around 20 turns or more. |
KhadgarSpell Damage +2
Reska, the Pit BossRush. Costs (1) less for each
Overseer of the Bloodrock Mine, Reska will work you to the bone. They'll then reanimate your bones and work THOSE bones to the bone. |
Shirvallah, the TigerDivine Shield, Rush, Lifesteal
On bended knee Thekal placed his weapon upon Shirvallah’s altar, whereupon she slowly knocked it off with her paw. |
Buddy Meter
Buy 2 BuddiesGet 2 Buddies!
Buy Your BuddyGet your Buddy!
Molten GiantCosts (1) less for
He gets terrible heartburn. BECAUSE HE IS FULL OF LAVA. |
Molten GiantCosts (1) less for
He gets terrible heartburn. BECAUSE HE IS FULL OF LAVA. |
Phoenix EggDormant
Phoenix EggDormant
DominateTake control of Razorgore next turn. (Once per Game)
IdleDo nothing.
One And The Same {0}Discover a Lineage ability.
One And The Same 1Discover a Lineage ability.
One And The Same 2Discover a Lineage ability.
One And The Same 3Discover a Lineage ability.
One And The Same 4Discover a Lineage ability.
Princess Power! {0}Discover an enemy ability.
Princess Power! 1Discover an enemy ability.
Princess Power! 2Discover an enemy ability.
Princess Power! 3Discover an enemy ability.
Princess Power! 4Discover an enemy ability.
To Make An OmeletteTransform into an egg. Shuffle your minions.
Naga GiantTaunt
Naga GiantCosts (1) less for each Mana you've spent on spells this game.
He might be giant, but he’s still a couple thousand protein shakes away from competing in the Colossal Wrestling Championship. |
Playhouse GiantCosts (1) less for each card you've drawn this game.
Burning AdrenalineThe highest health enemy deals double damage next turn. Then it dies.
ME SMASH 1Destroy the highest Health damaged enemy.
ME SMASH 2Destroy a random damaged enemy.
Oh My Yogg {0}Randomly use @ other Abilities from Mercs in play with random targets.
Oh My Yogg 1Randomly use @ other Ability from Mercs in play with random targets.
Oh My Yogg 2Randomly use @ other Abilities from Mercs in play with random targets.
Oh My Yogg 3Randomly use @ other Abilities from Mercs in play with random targets.
Oh My Yogg 4Randomly use @ other Abilities from Mercs in play with random targets.
Mur-nadoShuffle all minions into your
Timebound GiantCosts (1) less for each card you've drawn.
Book of the DeadDeal 7 damage to all enemies. Costs (1) less for each minion that's died this game.
Book of the DeadDeal 7 damage to all enemies. Costs (1) less for each minion that's died this game.
Book of the DeadDeal 7 damage to all enemies. Costs (1) less for each minion that's died this game.
Ur'zul GiantCosts (1) less for each friendly minion that died this game.
Nothing personal, tiny human. I have many mouths to feed. |
Book of the DeadDeal 7 damage to all enemies. Costs (1) less for each minion that's died this game.
Arcane GiantCosts (1) less for each spell
Claims to be drawn to Karazhan because of the ley lines. Actually, just loves Moroes’ cooking. |
CarrierAt the end of your turn,
Yeah, my teammates always call me this. |
Clockwork GiantCosts (1) less for each card in your opponent's hand.
He and Mountain Giant don't get along. |
Clockwork GiantCosts (1) less for each card in your opponent's hand.
He and Mountain Giant don't get along. |
ColossusBattlecry: Deal @ damage
How's the weather up there? |
Grave HorrorTaunt
Trolls can regenerate lost limbs, but this is what they do with the leftovers. |
You talk to your mothership with that mouth!? |
Mountain GiantCosts (1) less for each other card in your hand.
His mother said that he was just big boned. |
Mountain GiantCosts (1) less for each other card in your hand.
His mother said that he was just big boned. |
The Perfect CrimeSteal all cards from
Alleria WindrunnerDormant
Ambassador FaelinDormant
Ambassador FaelinDormant
Blastenheimer 5000 Ultra CannonAt the end of your turn, launch a minions at the enemy hero.
Broll BearmantleDormant
Burning Blade PortalAt the end of your turn,
Caye StarduskDormant
Caye StarduskDormant
Caye StarduskDormant
Chained GuardianRush, Reborn
Eternally jealous of the Unchained Gladiator. |
Dathril EvenlarDormant
Exhausted RecruitDormant
Garona HalforcenDormant
Gelbin MekkatorqueDormant
Genn GreymaneDormant
Giant TentacleDormant
Giant TentacleDormant
Grace FarsailDormant
Grace FarsailDormant
Grace FarsailDormant
Grommash HellscreamDormant
Halus SunwatcherDormant
Halus SunwatcherDormant
Halus SunwatcherDormant
Hamuul RunetotemDormant
Illidan StormrageDormant
Ini StormcoilDormant
Ini StormcoilDormant
Jaina ProudmooreDormant
Kael'thas SunstriderDormant
Lady VashjDormant
Large TentacleDormant
Large TentacleDormant
Large TentacleDormant
Meryl WinterstormDormant
Nether PortalAt the end of your turn, summon two 3/2 Imps.