AmalgadonBattlecry: Randomly Adapt
AmalgadonBattlecry: Randomly
The One-Amalgam BandBattlecry: Gain a random
Why be good with ONE instrument when you can be terrible with ALL of them!!! |
White KingDeathrattle: Destroy all White Chess Pieces.
Motley PhalanxTaunt
Motley PhalanxTaunt
Amalgam Explorer {0}This minion has
Amalgam Explorer {0}This minion has
Amalgam Explorer 2This minion has
Amalgam Explorer 3This minion has
Amalgam Explorer 4This minion has
Amalgam Explorer {0}This minion has
Amalgam Explorer 1This minion has
Amalgam Explorer 2This minion has
Amalgam Explorer 3This minion has
Amalgam Explorer 4This minion has
Mutating LifeformAfter this survives
Who knows how many amazing discoveries are out there! ... Never mind, I'm going home. |
Circus AmalgamTaunt
Who needs a petting zoo when you have all the creatures right here?! |
Infinite AmalgamInspire, Frenzy, Spellburst,
The Infinite Amalgam sought Gammy, the greatest among them, though it feared the queen of the amalgams would never be found. |
Winged ChimeraWhenever this takes damage,
Winged ChimeraWhenever this takes damage,
MishmashWhenever your Amalgam gains stats, this gains them twice.
MishmashWhenever your Amalgam gains stats, this gains them too.
Nightmare AmalgamThis has all minion types.
Be all that you can be. |
Nightmare AmalgamThis has all minion types.
Be all that you can be. |
Nightmare AmalgamThis has all minion types.
Be all that you can be. |
Abominable AmalgamVenomous
Abominable AmalgamVenomous
Amalgam of the DeepBattlecry: Choose a friendly
Most explorers call it a success to find just one new species. Imagine Finley's excitement when he identified ten at once! |
Amalgam of the DeepBattlecry: Choose a friendly
Most explorers call it a success to find just one new species. Imagine Finley's excitement when he identified ten at once! |
Amalgam of the DeepBattlecry: Choose a friendly
Most explorers call it a success to find just one new species. Imagine Finley's excitement when he identified ten at once! |
AmalgamationThis has all minion types.
Book-eating AmalgamVenomous
Book-eating AmalgamVenomous
Adaptive AmalgamThis has all minion types.
We've only explored 5% of the ocean. So there's like a 95% chance this is accurate. |
AmalgamThis has all minion types.
Amalgam ExplorerThis has all minion types.
AmalgamationThis has all minion types.
MistakeThis has all minion types.
We like to think of it as a happy accident. |
Arid AtrocityDeathrattle: Summon a
Arid AtrocityDeathrattle: Summon a
Ball of MinionsWhen you sell this, give
Ball of MinionsWhen you sell this,
Carrion CrabBattlecry: Destroy an Undead to gain Reborn.
Circus AmalgamTaunt
Jumping JackAfter the first time this
Jumping JackAfter the first time this
Mirror MonsterWhen you buy or Discover this, get 2 extra copies
Mirror MonsterWhen you buy or Discover this, get an extra copy
MistakeThis has all minion types.
We like to think of it as a happy accident. |
MistakeThis has all minion types.
We like to think of it as a happy accident. |
One-Amalgam Tour GroupWhenever you play a card, give friendly minions of its Tier or lower +2/+2.
One-Amalgam Tour GroupWhenever you play a card, give friendly minions of its Tier or lower +1/+1.
Totally Normal HorseThis has all minion types.
Totally Normal HorseThis has all minion types.