Captured Jormungar
Flavor Text
You can keep him, but you have to promise to feed him and clean out his tank every day!
Card Sounds
You can keep him, but you have to promise to feed him and clean out his tank every day!
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This card is amazing. Hands down 10/10
Anyone try one or two of these in beast druid? If it survives you can use mark and then copy it for a total of 36 stats between the two jormungars and 10 from the warden plus you get a card draw. Maybe it would be good in a slightly slower variation of the deck? Not exactly sure what you would cut though.
This card > Gahz'rilla
Why is this card good for mages? I always see it played in Mage arenas but not really any other classes.
because you only see mage in arena
This card is stupid strong in COntrol Hunter. If you cant destroy it immediatley, they will buff it up with Houndmaster and you face a 7/11 with Taunt. It's Bgh-able, but you wont run 2 of them in your deck and if you Bgh it, they just play Dr. Boom or a buffed up Savannah Highmane. Also, this is way too good from Ram Wrangler. I think, this is almost better than Gahz'rilla because you can have 2 of them and he's a common and easlier to get.
Not the worst result from Webspinner
Way better than core hound. Core hound is too fragile. It's easy to trade for it with lower cost minions. This card isn't great outside arena, but it allows for far greater control of the board. It could pretty easily trade with 2 mid-range minions, more if you can heal it. It represents a solid defensive body. Core hound gets very little value if you don't have board control. This allows for you to achieve or maintain board control. The fact that it can't get hurt by BGH is more of a bonus than it is a curse
Kappa might help
Yo, bro, that's why you tech the Hemet Nessingwary to hard counter MC.
I will try it in constructed, I think that this card might be better for beats hunter that dr balanced :-)
Random beasts summoning buff + really good arena pick
It's dnuoH eroC!
Holy hell, this card is a monster in arena.
It'll be pretty good against all the 5-health minions your opponent can play, like Emperor Thaurissan, Loatheb, Sludge Belcher, but I feel that maybe Pit Fighter is better suited for that purpose.
At least 9 health is really hard to deal with. Flame Lance buff? :P
Nerfed Gahz'rilla for everyone, so people will start to appreciate it.
It's more like Upgraded War Golem
Exactly this. We have to remember that not all these cards are meant to dominate the veteran meta game. This card represents a solid high cost minion for a starter deck. It's got great stats, and it doesn't require any synergies to be of value. It's simple, but solid
Ram Wrangler is getting more OP by the second.... HOLY SWEET FUCKING JESUS!
Reversed Core Hound ... Like it!