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lolz. They just gave it the entire playfield full of tokens as a deathrattle. It's so well designed and greatly balanced ;)
This should be banned from the Arena
Combo with Psychic Scream (After trading) for 7 Weasels lategame. If your opponent is in topdeck mode, he will concede.90% of the time.
Perfectly Balanced
king of arena
Reminds me of Dynidon from Unepic.
Somehow I didn't see this card with the list. The card looks good to recruit or copy with Barnes but not much else I am afraid unless somehow Token Druid find a use for it.
budget onyxia ?
Ony-what? Ony-who?
Are Grubs also beasts?
very likely
Are you seriously replying on the post from December? :>
This can be recruited by Kathrena Winterwisp for huge value
depends on how that deck is built. If you also run Abominable bowman the grubs would be counterproductive
Card for Big Hunter? Decent Arena neutral.
hum.... it's a deathrattle... you don't lose value off of an evolve into this, it's actually like one of the best 8 drop to get with evolve