• 1

    posted a message on New Hunter Card Reveal - Corpse Widow

    Could make Umbra viable. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Suicide Warlock

    Bittertide Hydra into Spreading Madness ftw

    Posted in: Suicide Warlock
  • 2

    posted a message on I hate what Druid has become

    I've been trying to make the druid quest work for some time now and have concluded it's the most worthless card design ever. Not that I consider myself a genius who can make every card work but it just feels wrong. Even if you do survive and activate the quest you had already won without it. I tried so many things: Beast synergy with menagerie warden and tiger/hydra, C thun synergy, ramp based with lots of taunt, moonglade portals, you name it. Broadly speaking you can say there's a ramp version and a beast version. Neither makes sense and here's why:

    1) Ramp: The theory is you skip early game, take some damage and hit back hard with biggies. Having 0 cost is useless when you have the mana to pay for it and dumping many biggies at once is kinda stupid cause you only ever get to do it against classes like warrior, mage or warlock who will brawl, freeze stall or twisting nether. Obviously you usually just die in the first 5-6 turns because of pirate warr / rogue quest. 

    2) beast based: This worked the best for me (in the sense of the quest doing something) but requires a lot of card draw luck (order makes a huge difference). However you so often encounter the situation where your hand is nearly empty when you drop Barny. Meaning it's actually useless cause you can always play 1 card per turn, 0 cost means you get to hero power as a bonus if it was 9+ costed. 

    My point is you lose both to aggro and in value games so what does this make the quest? Pure trash. I get the feeling you need more (overstatted) taunts with 5 damage in this meta to stand a chance. Maybe a taunt with an AOE effect like Chillmaw on turn 3 or 4. The fact that druid has no decent boardclear and no decent single target removal is so crippling that it makes the class unplayable unless maybe token-based aggro, which is also a luck fiesta in my opinion. 

    The quest could work if Barnabus had a deathwing effect, even w/o discarding . Seems OP but in the games I encountered it would be fair compensation for the crippling effect the quest has. Moreover, you'd be able to punish aggro if you're quick enough and make value match ups more strategic about board flooding. Less important: it would also kinda fit the theme: huge dino stomping the board. :)

    Posted in: Druid
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