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This card has saved my life so many times I now carry a copy of it in my wallet instead of condoms
I don't know how much everyone else uses this card, but it has been amazing for me. 4/7 stat line is really difficult to remove, especially in priest matchup. It's like a sludge Belcher with both minions packed together as one.
As vanilla card, it's great and it's really easy to get the taunt. Beast synergy on top of that really kills it. This is crucial card in my menagerie quest shaman deck featuring mainly taunt beasts and murlocs.
pretty good arena card, 4/7 is a good body for 5 mana. pala can use the hero power for 1 missing (low mana cost) minion to trigger taunt.
Let's rock.
Taunts are good against minion spam and this card answers to that nicely. Especially against very spammy decks that ignore your minions.
Maybe a top end in zoo? Probably not.
Two heads? Un'goro ain't where Sinbad went
4/7 is a decent statline for a 5-drop, and with taunt it's a lot better than Fen Creeper, especially since it's out of range of Shadow Word: Pain and Fireball. I'd say this one is roc solid.
Nesting Malphite meta?
Aggro anti-aggro synergy, kappa.
Avian Watcher is kinda sad
It's not even a beast, either. I cry every time.
Just goes to show the living are superior to the machine (or golem).
Well it's a statue.
Very powerful card in Arena. Technically has 5/6 worth of stats which is already good for a 5 mana. It also has the beast tag on it and can gain taunt just by having two minions.
arena stuff, yay
This is great in arena
warrior quest...