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Adapt is better on small minions, so any adapt is very good with this little fellow.
Really good way to put you back in a winning position in an Aggro deck going second.
Not to mention Innervate in Druid really helps it out.
Overall, it's a very well balanced card that I'm loving in my Aggro Druid deck here:
really underrated card so good in zoo.
Is he crying ? BibleThump
This guy looks like he's high as sack
Mark my words this will be the new cancer card for aggro decks in when Un'Goro launch
Fry's spirit animal
I think this card is a pretty nice design. It allows counter play, it plays into things (Second-Rate Bruiser) and even when the card does get to go off early game, it's not game winning on it's own like other early game drops we have seen in the past. While this card is definitely strong, one that I would say to look out for, the meta is not going to get ruled by this type of card unless some busted card gets added to push it over the edge. Overall I'm excited for this card, it's good, but not OP and certainly not an insane, game winning opener (like the old undertaker openers or Small time Buccaneer openers).
Will see play in ZOO and hunter quest decks.
So, we all gonna keep acting like this card is shit or are we gonna acknowledge it's pretty damn good in Hunter since they have Alleycat?
its no a good tempo card. In turn 2 you dont have 2 minions usually
Versatile card for a minion-based deck...too bad Hearthstone told those decks to go eff themselves with the last few expansions.
I don't think it is meant to be played on turn 2 like most people are complaining about.
Wow this is hot garbage. 2 minions required means you likely can't play this on turn 2, the adapt battlecry doesn't make it worth it either. Comparing this to the other minions that adapt with no requirement, this can't compete.
"2 minions required means you likely can't play this on turn 2." Yes, but does that really matter? Decks that tend to swarm the board such as Zoolock rarely play strict curves anyway. You could play this on turn 3 with a one drop or on turn 4 with 2 mana worth of other minions, and if you're playing a three mana card for two mana (Ice Rager, Carrion Grub, Rat Pack) you're probably still going to come out far ahead in the tempo game.
"Comparing this to the other minions that adapt with no requirement, this can't compete." The only cards in the entire game that adapt themselves without requirement are Pterrordax Hatchling (which pays an entire mana over this card for the privilege of no condition), Verdant Longneck, Galvadon, Ornery Direhorn, and Volcanosaur (which are not early game cards like this one).
This forum is sleeping on this card. I think it's extremely strong in basically every iteration, and getting two minions on the board should be easy for Hunter, Druid, Paladin, Shaman, and probably even Pirate Warrior. This card will definitely see play.
He's a sleepy peepy
2 mana ice rager meta incoming.