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One yeah and a half has passed and still the question remains unsolved
Gonna miss you buddy :((
Is there ANY hunter who does not have this in their opening hand? I'm pretty sure there is not such person in the universe.
I sometimes don't have it. Instead I take my Scavenging Hyena!
Rest in Pieces Bloodfen Raptor.
This is the most OP card since pre-nerf undertaker.
This card is ridiculously imba. It might as well be 3/2 battlecry summon a 3/2.
C'mon, either make it a 1/1 or put it at 3 mana. This is a Bloodfen Raptor on some serious steroids...
IMO I think this is the worst designed card in Un'Goro. Adapt is a cool mechanic but its not cool when its on a such an easy card. 90% of Un'Goro is great then you have cards like these. Its just my silly opinion but I think this rivals some of the broken 1 drops we've had printed. Tho im probably very wrong on this.
Well looks like I was wrong.
And wow I worded this really poorly
2 mana 3/5 LUL
It cannot adapt itself LUL
This is the best card hunter get this expansion. Adapting a minion on the board is way better than adapting minion himself.
Housemaster is an insane 4 drop dude, everyone is complaining about hunter and Crackling Razormaw, but Housemaster is the real deal here!
I can see hunters are getting some love. I like hunter so this is good for me. This will most likely be a staple in any hunter decks playing beasts, that being almost every single viable hunter archetype.
This card will be strong if Hunter gets other good 1 drop beasts. Currently, only Small Raptor, Alleycat, Timber Wolf and Stonetusk Boar are the only current 1 drop beasts that will be in standard. Chances are hunter is not going to run Timber Wolf and Stonetusk Boar (not sure with the quest) so you only would have 4 1 drop beasts (if no more is revealed). If you get a hard mulligan towards them, chances are you can play a 1 drop into this card to be a very low percent of the time (not doing math here sorry :s). However, the difference between Crackling Razormaw and other cards you play turn 2 to buff your 1 drops is that while not the best, Crackling Razormaw still provides a decent body on it's own. Also, it can be used on late game minions such as Savannah Highmane and still pay off really well. This card also can provide some interesting turns with Rat Pack.
Overall I think this card will see play if Hunter becomes a class again.
Can it target itself? I'd assumed so until I remembered Shattered Sun Cleric's text is similar to this card's, yet Sun Cleric can't target itself if I remember correctly.
Afaik, it shouldn't be able to target itself.
You can't target yourself, that would make it so OP as a 2 drop and make it an auto-include in Hunter