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After KotFT is released, is this gonna be read "Lifesteal. Deal 4 damage to a minion."?
Considering there's also Jinyu Waterspeaker to choose from, which rather than doing 4dmg to a minion heals you for 6 and develops a 3/6, I'd rather run jinyu.
Very useful card, especially in a deck such as Elemental Shaman. The flexibility of healing when you need it is much more attractive than only crapping out a 1/1 or 2/2 outside of Jade Shaman. VERY reliable against Pirate Warrior.
More direct face damage from hand, yes. CONTROL SMOrc shamans incoming.
It very clearly says "deal 4 damage to a minion."
Oh, well, I always wanted this spell for players, but I guess it had to be nerfed. http://www.wowhead.com/spell=76133/tidal-surge
You know whats better than healing for 4? Summoning a Jade Golem.
This should be for priest...
this should be for rogue
So much shaman spell art with Murlocs featured, yet now Paladin has the majority... Something is clearly amiss here.
best art yet :D love it!
Healing seems weak in upcoming meta.
I like that this card fit's the Control shaman game, however Jade Lightning is just better then this card. I mean the heal is nice, but the Jade body just synergizes with Flametongue Totem, and other cards not to mention it can also go face. Perhaps it will be used as a one of.
Jade lightning is better in aggro and jade, this is better in a non-jade control deck.
If ypu are actually playing control shaman with out jade, your Jade Lightning will only give you a 1/1 or a 2/2, the healing seems better
Edit: i would play both anyway, non-overcharge removal is very valuable
Seems decent, more control oriented Shamans might run it over Jade Lightning.
Weaker than Jade Lightning in most cases, but still a great pick in Arena. It's better than Drain Life, better than Holy Fire, and about on the same level as Bash.
Heal Lightning?
I just did this exact thing earlier today (killed Frothing Berserker with it), then came here and read your comment. Just thought it was a funny coincidence.