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this card pisses me of so hard atm.
currently the weakness of shaman is that they have no tools to pressure quest rouge in 4-5 turns. rouge wis insane ofc, but this card is probally the only thing that can cheat out a win with flame tounges, direwolfs, arguses and bloodlust.
that ofc and the dreaded eggnapper
If it was possible, I'd vote "Good" (more than Playable, less than Very Good).
Also, love the art. That expression on the totem face is so funny :D
Why does Trump think this card is good? It's basically a 1/4 for 2 mana over 2 bodies. This is good? I mean, I don't actually expect the 2 drop to survive at all under most conditions, and doing 1 damage to something for 2 mana doesn't seem great.
We're all familiar with the mantra "if it's scary, it dies the turn you play it" because of Emperor Thaurissan. The Emperor doesn't live because by turn 6, your opponent has plenty of mana and cards to answer it. On turn 2, they have neither.
On turn 2, the odds of being able to kill a 3 health minion are considerably lower. If your opponent doesn't have a turn one play, they won't be able to attack into this played turn 2 (going first) or coined turn 1 (going second), so it's "2 mana removal, or it sticks." Even if they can kill it, it's even harder still to kill the 0/3 AND the 1/1, and once the 1/1 lives you can use it with Murloc Warleader or some equally terrifying murloc buff.
You can also play this later than turn 2, when your opponent will be far too busy with your other murlocs to kill this, and you'll have plenty of time to stack 1/1s. Whichever way, if your opponent can't kill this right away, they'll be helpless against the win-more murloc cards. They really might as well concede. This is triply true in Wild where Everyfin is Awesome exists.
It's not proving to be really strong now that we can play with the cards. It's super easy for pirate warrior, hunter, rogue, or elementals to get rid of this before it becomes a problem. Warrior has win axe and priest has shadow word pain. Warrior has taunts. Only druid really doesn't have any good answers to it.
Emperor Thaurissan is still a 6/6 with a completely nuts ability that ramps you at basically a single health point of value. This totem doesn't even get value until 2 murlocs spawn after 2 full turns. They are in very different leagues.
That play sound is really annoying D:
2 mana Moroes without stealth that gain -1/+2 and the token is tagged Murloc
Do you guys think murloc shaman will be viable after Everyfin is Awesome rotates out
You can always have fun in wild, check out trump's Un'goro shaman quest murloc
Has that totem got Murloc bits stuck to it? Eww....
I love the design and flavor but it looks so mediocre. And it straight up dies to a 3/2 with nothing to show for it.
That being said, against ping classes it's a more powerful tidehunter, and it sets up for a very good flametongue turn, so I don't know. It's difficult to say, since we haven't really seen a spawning type minion at this low cost, what with moroes and imp master costing 3. I think it's worth messing around with at least.
considering we are usually playing the quest on turn 1 this is probably the best "Murloc" to actually play on turn 2
Strong card
The best part is that this doesn't even need to go into a Murloc deck.
This thing alone threatens a Bloodlust turn if left unchecked.
so does Moroes , it's more reliable but it was never played. So I would say that this would have to go into a murloc deck to work.
That's definitely true about the Thing from Below and I completely forgot about that synergy. I can see this being played in like a mid range/value The Curator deck similar to Brian Kibler's. Thanks for pointing that out.
Yeah, this thing is kind of the Azure Drake of Totems; Not the *best* choice, but it's never the wrong choice.