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+1 Mana for +3/-3 on a Stranglethorn Tiger... No thanks.
luring aoe cards out n using this as a late game finisher isnt a p bad idea imo
You could set up some weird OTK druid with the warden (or whoever it was that summons a copy of a beast) or something.
t r a s h
... this video is being very useful today.
Yeah, definitely. But as filler goes, this is pretty cool. Beats Worgen Greaser and Backstreet Leper, at least.
since Ravenholm Assassin isn't played in stealthy buff decks I don't think this will....I mean, it's a lot easier to remove a 2 health stealthed minion than a 5 health one.
However the beast tag makes me think of synergy with tundra Rhino and that new HUnter spell that lets you give your beasts +2/2
"hope u put a consec in ur deck scrub"
pretty much this lol
I hope we can build an Ice age deck with this guy and Mastodon. Now all we need is a sloth...
Until Sloth is released, we can pretend that Weasel Tunneler is one.
No, That guy is obviously the Eye patch dude from Ice Age 3, looks at his face!
Possible new Shaman Finisher
I don't get why you got down voted. It actually has a turn 7(6 coined) setup for Shamans.
A 3 card 20 damage(or 22 damage) setup, or 4 cards OTK setup.
Not the safest of plays, but still as you said it. Possible.
Not to say a cheap setup for an empty dust wallet for the very least. :)
Very scary card in Arena. Not really the best card to use in Constructed though.