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This card was vastly overrated before release. Still has some fun interactions with Desert Camel though.
As Underrated1 says, you probably wouldn't even include this in a quest deck. Sure, 4/3 for 1 is efficient, but you don't really want to draw it past the early stage of the game. Imagine you're in top-deck mode (which is very common in hunter) and you draw this on turn 6 instead of Savannah Highmane. I was excited about this card when the set was released, but the card has literally cost me the game before.
4/3 for 1 mana is preeeettty good. But you're playing a 1 mana 2/1 which might not be good enough for constructed. bit slow i guess.
1 mana 2/1 ISNT GOOD ENOUGH? Are you high? Stop smoking Biteweed
No, actually, it's not good enough. Just ask Brave Archer, Kabal Lackey, Pit Snake, Arcane Anomaly, Tournament Attendee, Young Priestess...
1 mana 2/1s need strong upsides to be playable.
Arcane Anomaly is very strong in Druid decks though.
Now he is right i guess. This card is only good in mission hunter, while mission hunter isn't that good at this moment.
This card is not as good as people are making it out to be. It is still playable but I don't think it's even "Very Good". The problem with this card is effects that shuffle cards into your deck are designed to be most useful in long-game decks. A 2/1 for 1 does not fit, generally, into a long-game style deck. Furthering the problem is the 4/3 Raptor you draw is incredible for 1-mana BUT when you consider that the style of deck that favors a bunch of 1-drops is likely going to be somewhere close to empty handed by turn 5-7, a 1-mana 4/3 may as well be a 4 mana 4/3.
It's clearly intended to help support The Marsh Queen but even then. The best thing going for this card is Tol'vir Warden being able to tutor out the Raptor cards from your deck. It'll definitely see play, but it's not as good as people seem to think it is and I'd venture to say it's much, much worse than the Big Bad Wolf a lot of ppl seem to compare it to. "Shuffle into deck" is leagues away from "Summon".
if you are playing the long game but depending on 1 mana minions (and the quest) to get you there you are going to need lots of card draw and lots of shuffles to get you there. I think this is pretty good - an insanely cheap card goes into your deck - this guy can trade into most ones and some 2s and help get the quest going. Presumably nzoth is going to be bringing back a spam of these little shits.
au contraire - G2U is shaping up to give lots of good card draw to beast hunters targeted exactly to this quest
33% voted meta defining.....what the fuck
Everyone thinks this card is OP, but I honestly don't even think it'll make the cut. Remember, this is a hunter deathrattle card. We already have enough of these! There's already like 10 different super strong deathrattle hunter cards and none of them ever got played. Rat Pack sees very little to no play even in hunter decks, which already see very little to no play!!!! And that card's crazy!!! The hunter class and deathrattles actually have 0 synergy together because you can't build your board back up most of the time after it gets cleared. Hunter has 0 card draw and this card makes that problem WORSE. You typically start to go into top deck mode with most hunter decks around turn 8. Since hunter also has no card draw, it's typically been a "power curve" class that builds their entire deck around curving out with strong plays until 6 with your Savannah Highmane and, or some kind of finisher. When you're topdecking, a 1 mana 4 3 is the last thing you want to draw! It's completely irrelevant that it only costs 1 because you're going to have like 3 unspent mana anyway. The 1 mana 2 1 gets you no board control, and you're honestly better off with Alleycat, Fiery Bat, or even Hungry Crab in your 1 mana slot because you can't stack your deck with 1 drops no matter what class or deck it is. There has never, and there never will be a class that has any win condition that runs out of cards turn 3. Doesn't matter how powerful your plays are for the beginning. Trust me, I tried sooooo hard to make "empty your hand" hunter a thing when Core Rager and Brave Archer came out.
I'm going to give this a playable rating though because it synergizes with the new quest. (although Firefly is a much better way to activate it)
Call me a pessamist, but from the hunter cards they've released, it looks like they're continuing the same design behind hunter, which means that it will probably continue to be a terrible class. I couldn't care less though because I love hunter and hunter always has a special place in my heart and because it will continue to be shitty, that makes it more appealing to me because i only play fun decks.
This card is actually pretty good. It's a one drop that feeds the hunter quest. Basically the entire hunter class is gonna play the quest and like 15-20 one drops and try to flood the board early. The reward for playing this is gonna give the hunter insane card cycle to continue in the mid game. This card will make the cut for the one drops in hunter. The only redeeming part of the hunters play style is they cannot do anything on turn one because they have to set up a quest, but this card is good off curve.
You mention that you don't want to topdeck a 1 mana 4/3, which is generally true. If this card was added in an earlier expansion it would not be as good, But because the hunter reward is shuffle 1 mana minions with card draw into your hand, I doubt you will ever be in topdeck mode. his card just fits into the new hunter so well it's nearly an auto include.
(I also don't think death rattle hunter will be viable but decent death rattle minions are still played)
First Murloc Tinyfin now this Small Raptor I CAN'T TAKE THE CUTENESS!
I can already see the BibleThump in twich chat after someone kills this thing.
Well Hunter is God for a while....
Are the raptors the ones that draw u a card
You can see the Raptor Patriarch that is shuffled into the deck behind the Raptor Hatchling.