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I cant seem to ever get the raptors to revive when taunt druid plays their Witching Hour feelsbad
Plays Cornered Sentry => Witching Hour be like "Where did that spider go?:o"
Having run the "Guarding the Shard" deck a ton, I found this card to be a liability more often than not. If you don't have Ravaging Ghoul or Whirlwind queued up right behind it (which effectively makes this a 3 or 5-mana card) you're taking an awful risk by giving your opponent three free beast minions. There's simply too many ways they can be used against you to justify a 2/6 taunt (off the top of my head, Hunters, Priests, Druids, and Pallys can buff, Warriors can turn them into a Frothing Berserker boost-machine, Locks can sacrifice them, etc). All in all, it's a mixed blessing at the best of times, and an active detriment at worst. You're probably better off swapping it out for another, more reliable 2-cost Taunt.
After some trial, Ive learned it combos great with Brawl or Second-Rate Bruiser
And MC tech!
A nice little raptor always wins the Brawl
And Protect the King!
Also with the new Drywhisker Armorer
Turn one: coin + Stolen Goods on Cornered Sentry
Turn two: 5/9 taunt
Enemy: You win this one, friend
WHy does she say "clever girl" when she dies??? the raptor(s) are clever girls for killing her? Is she talking about herself being clever?
It's a Jurassic Park (first movie) quote, the hunter/wrangler dude says "clever girl" when the raptor traps and kills him
Ah. I see. Thanks! :-)
also a great card with sea giant
So the Raptors generated are Beasts, huh?
Let's see... Timber Wolf, Scavenging Hyena, Houndmaster, Stablemaster, Crackling Razormaw, King of Beasts, Acidmaw, Ram Wrangler, Infest, Bestial Wrath, Druid of the Fang, Power of the Wild, Mark of Y'Shaarj, Wildwalker, Virmen Sensei...
Yeah, don't play this against Hunter or Druid.
IN that case, follow with a Whirlwind, Ravaging Ghoul, or your angst.
This card is better than it seems, you can play this in turn three with Whirldwind to clear the raptor (and meybe some one drops) and you still have a 2/5 Taunt on your board, plus is a cheap card to clear the quest.
I can safely say that it is better to run Pompous Thespian because the matter that this card backfires MASSIVELY when against classes with buffs, unlike Thespian
Death sound is "Clever girl"
I'm in love with her accent.
Meh. Sounds like someone spent 5 minutes learning a Russian accent from old Bond films.