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Elemental Mage's Loot Hoarder
Deathrattle: Add a random Glacial Mysteries into your hand.
Happened way too many times for both me and my opponent.
The synergy with Frost Lich Jaina is real. Play this & ping it, you get a Water Elemental and a random spell for 4 mana. value!
Reynad ranting about more "Random" in 3..2..1 -
Blizz don´t seem to like Pavel as Worldchampion, they could´ve clearly made this card related to Pavel as they did it with Fiery Bat after Firebat won.
It could be in the flavour text like how Priest of the Feast's flavour text relates to Ostkaka.
If only he is 2/2 or 3/1
Great for the Open the Waygate quest.
I doubt it will be good enough for the quest deck. I have no idea why it's a 2/1 or why it's deathrattle and not battlecry like babbling book. It just seems strictly worse than babbling book..
It would fit elemental quest mage if that architype would exist but with Lesser Ruby Spellstone it could happen
Fun fact: This is the very first Deathrattle minion in Mage that isn't a Legendary. How it took them 4 minions to do that, I don't know?
Elemental synergy, does the same shit as babbling book, aggressive stats. Blizzard why.
I gess this will only be played in quest mage. Otherwise you would just put Loot Hoarder on its spott.
Edit: Well, since it is an elemental, it may be played in elemental mage decks if there were any.
OP in any other class (except Priest maybe)
unless N'zoth mage this is just a weaker Babbling Book
Elemental Book