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They should just put this in Basic instead of giving us the glorified Auctioneer enabler that is Radiance. It would give Priest a heal card people would consider running, and people wouldn't be able to abuse it readily in OTK combos since it would also burn their own face off, unlike Flash Heal.
I think this card is slightly overrated, and honestly, understandably so. "Wow! 10 healing for a 1 mana card? That's really good! Flash Heal was 5 healing for 1 mana and it was a good card!" The thing is, the elements of this card work against one another in awkward ways.
Are you pushing for board control? Then what good does 5 face heal do you? If you lose the board, you've probably run low on resources, and you're going to lose whether you heal your face for 5 or not. There are cases where your opponent is Pirate Warrior or something and pushing for your face, but at that point, you've won or lost the board control game whether or not you heal a minion for 5.
Are you playing defensively with lots of removal and few minions? Then the 5 minion healing will work against you in a big way. If the board is completely empty, you can't even play this. You might have to heal your opponent's minion to even play the card, and that will feel terrible.
Do you have Auchenai Soulpriest or Embrace the Shadow going? Then don't even bother. You can't point this at the enemy hero for burst, and even if you use this on a minion, you will take 5 face damage yourself.
Edit: It turns out that the flaw in my reasoning was I didn't expect Lyra the Sunshard to be an auto include in priest decks. Lyra makes any cheap spell have extremely high value, and since this is an alright cheap spell by itself, it sees plenty of play.
Are you actually saying that while you push for board control, you won't take at least 5 damage to the face? Are we really saying that? I mean, you get a Yeti's worth a HP healed on a minion plus 5 healing to your hero, and this is somehow not cohesive and desirable in these situations?
Honestly, I can't even remember a situation where I was priest a few turns into the game and didn't have 5 health down for some reason or another....
And if you're priest, with a hero power the HEALS MINIONS, why on earth would you not play minions? Like seriously - you're a priest. Tell me, why are you not playing minions? Priest has crazy high health minions... so we don't play them... why?
And if you really are playing a spell-only archetype, that doesn't make this card bad, it just means that the card doesn't fit. You wouldn't say Patches is bad because it doesn't fit into a Jade Druid. They are just different decks. The card isn't bad in this case - it would just be an idiot deck designer putting this card in that type of deck in the first place.
The card may still be mediocre, but not for the reasons you're listing.
Fair points, I suppose, but just out of curiosity.
There's probably just no room for it. It's not broken enough, even if when it's used at its best. This meta has way too many broken things you can do. For a reactive card, it doesn't even solve or buffer against all of the new broken stuff this expansion has brought with it.
Anyone else notice this is an untwisted Radiant Elemental in the pic
Fantastic board control card. So many anti-aggro cards in this set. Like freaking finally!
Keep in mind this is what people said before Gadgetzan... and before Old Gods.... and so on and so forth.
Well, to be fair - I wasn't preaching that Gadgetzaan would be a control meta the last time. I think all of these cards are very different... I mean, you can tell right? All of the crazy taunts and weapon destruction effects and other cards?
And with all of these new, cheap 6 health cards, it is very easy to cast this healing spell on them.
Honestly, It would have even been true with Gadgetzaan too if they didn't print 2 certain pirates, but these new cards are so good that even those don't even matter anymore. It's like Blizzard finally playtested cards that would actually counter those best draws in pirate deck and made sure they would win. Like freaking finally.
But there are a ton of quality 1-3 drops in this expansion. Let not forget.
10 healing for 1 mana. Where is your Forbidden Healing now, Uther?
Very, very strong card for control. Thankfully control is all priest has ever been.
Worried that your Velen Soul priest combo will require too much mana even with 1 tick of the emperor, mind blast at 1 mana is too much, well here you go, now you have quadruple flash heals, might sting a bit but hey, risk wins risk losses XD.
Only problem is you can't target the enemy hero with this one...
Ah, damn, didn't properly read that huh XD.
Well, a deck filled with 2x Mind Blast, 2x Flash Heal, Embrace the Shadow, 2x Power Word: Shield and 2 x Binding Heal so you can get max value from 2x Shadow Visions - including you can copy the other shadow visions that is still in your deck, you can get a killing blow pretty fast. Auchenai Soulpriest for board pesence and the effect, Prophet Velen might help as well. Would definitely try to build it.
and i thought Flash Heal was already good for the cost...
straightup upgrade on flash heal in every regard except for Auchenai synergy