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Most dangerous card in the Pool !
Love the art of this!
Can I just say how weird it is for them to make up neanderthal murlocs when they could have just made them Gorlocs? They have the missing link right there in WoW, but instead slapped a loincloth on em and called it good.
I know it's a nitpick but c'mon!
Wow, pretty broken in a lot circumstances. Keep in mind though for the Shaman quest on turn 1 you would play the Quest, so you couldn't play this on turn 2 with effect without coining a 1 drop.
Planning on playing Murloc Shaman in Wild and I was hoping they would add something to replace Puddlestomper...here it is.
This is like better Shattered Sun Cleric for murloc decks, damn.
Jesus Christ Murloc shaman will be dirty in wild
Murloc master race unite!
This is actually insane.
that's actually pretty good. If a turn one Tidecaller survives it becomes a 3/3 with this.