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This card is pretty sickening when pulled by Master Oakheart along with Voidlord
what's your opinion? what would be better - this costing 4 mana or with more health?
because in comparison to Fen Creeper it's only +1/+1 on opponent's turn
it doesn't look like a class specific class
Nice, but why is this a warlock card? What kind of warlock deck is gonna need this card especially? The smaller Tar elemental is neutral and the bigger one is Warrior, both makes sense, but a warlock has no use of this card.
I guess it makes him stronger in arena?
i play him in my wild renolock. hard to kill and buy me some times to find kazakus, reno etc. for standard control-ish warlock is dead not enough heal.
much better then tar lord
do u realize that this is a 4 drop with a text??
5 mana 4/7 taunts are conditional cards and you say this is a 4 mana drop? What?
I think he means this is just a Buff over Mogu'shan Warden, which is a 4-drop.
True but basically +2 attack because Blizzard has refused to make 5+ mana taunts that pass the vanilla test, except for the Druid of the Claw.
Also Bog Creeper
This card won't get played, mark my words.
the fact that its "4" attack makes it that much better
Theres still Earthen Ring Farseer, Mistress of Mixtures, Armor from a Kaza-Potion, and potentially some healing from Kabal Courier and Kabal Chemist.
It's hard to say what's viable and what isn't yet. Let's wait until the new expansion to make hard judgements on such flexible archetypes as reno decks.
That said, of all the Kabal classes, Warlock had by far the most synergy with Reno Jackson himself. Knowing you had a heal in the works let you use Life Tap without worry, and enabled the use of otherwise too self-destructive cards like Felfire Potion. Without Reno, Renolock will suffer, and suffer in a huge way.
Great card.
Another card that has the Priest holding onto a Shadow Word: Pain cursing his opponent.
i like the taunts, but we also need healing
yeah, dude
i know, that there is a thing called wild
but there should be also (good) options for standard as well