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I don't know why, but I love this card.
i love how downs syndromy this card sounds
How is this card seeing any play?
Is good in Egg/Aggro Druid.
I know that but it seems weak overall, even with the with the two tokens.
strangely works very well in my shaman list dispite being an inferior rat pack
shows how strong class specific cards like flame tongue totem and blood lust are.
Favorite card in the Expansion, just because of its play quote.
Is this work with hunter quest? Its say summon...
The Marsh Queen the quest says play not summon.
Teenage mutant ninja turtle ... unplayable in constructed , decent for arena
Dat face
That art tho...
Stop him! he got my balls!
worse pack rat
pack rat
i can't stop laughing ... xD
not even that bad, considering that Infested wolf is also a card that exists
maybe Infested Wolf isn't the best card but it's A LOT BETTER than this
i still think infested wolf is a really good card for hunter i use this card instead of rat pack sure its not better but it served me well