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This weapon can transform into the new weapons from Kobolds & Catacombs right?
"Kingsbane has joined the party."
Well hello...
Now that legendary weapons are going to be added to the game, this could see some play.
One of my favourite weapons. Doomhammer + Double Heroic Strike. 20 Damage in one turn. Shutdown.
Grimestreet Pawnbroker's buff sticks to this card, so you can buff and then wait for a good weapon to show up. Not a competitive card, but fun. Spices things up.
My last game I buffed this with Pawnbroker, got a Doomhammer, and played Heroic Strike. Instant 14 damage to face.
Does this weapon work with Hobart Grapplehammer? Getting this to work on a 1-mana Gorehowl or Doomhammer would be pretty cool.
Edit: It doesn't cost 1-mana all the time, oops.
So, the cost reduction should also work with Ebon Dragonsmith from K&C, yes? reduces cost of weapon in hand by 2 permanently on Battlecry, making all molten blade shifts -2 of cost?
ill craft the golden one, its great weapon !
I think it's better than Zerus by the fact that there are less weapons in the game, leaving you with the possibility of having a Doomhammer on a warrior deck, wich is the best case scenario I think.
There are far more bad minions and ones that cost 1-3 than there are bad weapons. A 4.3% chance (1/23) for a Doomhammer is insane. Bad weapons like Argent Lance Poisoned Blade and most importantly Cursed Blade rotate out.
This card has a 17.4% of being a god tier weapon, 39.1% of being good/okay, and 43.5% chance of being bad.
I don't think it will be amazing, but you can't run 3x Fiery War Axe so it will likely show up as a 1 of, in taunt warrior you can afford to have to wait 3 turns to attempt to get a better weapon. This will definitely be the worst weapon in your deck, but if you need another weapon for your warrior deck you are extremely limited especially as King's Defender is rotating. Warrior only has 1 weapon that costs less than 4 mana right now unless you want to run N'Zoth's First Mate or Upgrade!. It might be interesting to see if Upgrade! sees play over this as Upgrade! can allow a Gorehowl to go face for 15 points of damage in a control match-up.
can that be sulfuras weapon ???
Collectible weapons only.
I like this card its worse early than war ax but it is much better later on where war axe is usually pretty useless.
Sulfuras says "Helooooooooow!!!"
My bad , it's token generated...
The list of the weapons (that have been shown) so far and are in the next standard rotation are Fiery War Axe, Light's Justice, Arcanite Reaper, Assassin's Blade, Fool's Bane, Spirit Claws, Stormforged Axe, Truesilver Champion, Eaglehorn Bow, Jade Claws, Perdition's Blade, Rallying Blade, Brass Knuckles, Doomhammer, Gladiator's Longbow, Gorehowl, Hammer of Twilight, Piranha Launcher, Sword of Justice and Tentacles for Arms.
Out of all of those weapons, the only good ones for aggro would be Fiery War Axe, Arcanite Reaper, Truesilver Champion, Jade Claws, Doomhammer while the weapons that might be good are Assassin's Blade, Stormforged Axe, Perdition's Blade, Hammer of Twilight and Sword of Justice.
As for control, the ones that would be good for control, I would say they are Fiery War Axe, Fool's Bane, Truesilver Champion, Perdition's Blade, Gladiator's Longbow, Gorehowl and Hammer of Twilight with possibly good weapons being Doomhammer, Brass Knuckles, Assassin's Blade, Piranha Launcher and Tentacles for Arms.
So overall, there are good choices for both an aggro deck and a control deck. However, with the amount of anti-weapon tech already in the game and a tier one deck, (Pirate warrior) using them, it might not even be worth it to include slower weapons (if pirate warrior stays on top of the meta). This doesn't even include the fact that the weapon changes every turn. This makes it too unreliable as if you are unlucky, you can just get the same weapon over and over again that does not support your deck's goals.
Edit: Didn't tag Spirit Claws correctly.
Anti-Weapon tech? Almost negligible - just play another weapon afterwards. Usually people don't go over 2 in their deck.
However to in order to guarantee you keep your weapon, that means throwing away another one. This means that Molten Blade has to shuffle to the right weapon after you blow their removal. Considering that right now, there is 22 weapons (I only listed 21 above but then I remembered that Molten Blade is going to be in that pool too), the chances of getting one that supports your deck type is not that considering that around only half of the weapons are playable for each type (according to my list above, might be wrong).
As of now, I don't see how this card is better than just a normal weapon. This card offers you the possibility of strong cards *cough* Doomhammer and Truesilver Champion *cough* for warrior, it's at the cost of RNG so this card can perform insanely well, giving you an on curve Doomhammer or Truesilver Champion, there is only a 9% chance to get either of those either turn. If the amount of standard weapons stays at 22, it would be a 4.5% to get the weapon you want on a turn. If you were to get a weapon that you wanted and had the mana to play it, you should play it or else you would have to wait a bunch of turns until you are likely to roll another good weapon. This might cause you to play off curve, which in a game which is mainly about curving out well, playing off curve is terrible.
Anyway, this card could be insane if you are lucky. If you are unlucky, good luck using this card. I personally don't want to mess around with more RNG when you can instead just run the normal weapons.
The longer you can afford to let it sit in your hand, the better chance you have of getting something really good. Admittedly rare, but having a Doomhammer with Heroic Strike is crazy. I've gotten Coghammer surprisingly often. I also run a Grimestreet Pawnbroker, and the buff sticks, making for some really interesting weapon plays.