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This card is crazy in Wild. I always get a Reno, Kazakus or any other strong cards. Hell, i even had 40 health ragnaros and jaraxxus :'D
[x] Doubt
This card is very very good for several reasons:
1. Elemental Synergy - there are going to be neutral Elementals that will syngerize with this card and this card is very easy to play at 1 mana.
2. Card steal - It's a little like a loot hoarder but better because it prevents fatigue and lets you know what cards are in your opponent's deck while also giving you a copy of that card.
3. Synergizes with the Priest quest - we really don't know how good quests will be but it should be noted that this card helps the quest and is easy to play.
That said, I think we will see this card often and that it will replace Northshire Cleric in a decent amount of instances. Cleric just doesn't get the value that it used to because of how fast this game has gotten. Crystalline Oracle guarantees a draw of at least 1 card and has deathrattle synergy.
WALL OF TEXT INCOMING: I think this card is good, don't get me wrong, but I've been thinking about it and I'm not so sure Quest/N'Zoth Priest is going to want to play it.
1.) Because your Quest is already your defacto 1-drop and you'd never play this thing BEFORE the quest. So at best you're playing it on turn 2 with, what, Power Word: Shield? At that point you'd rather just play Loot Hoarder right?
2.) The body is too small to justify bringing it back with N'Zoth, especially since the Priest Quest necessitates you play at least 7 Deathrattles; would you rather get this thing back over Cairne or Tortollan Shellraiser? Hell, since Shifting Shade exists, if you value the effect but want better N'Zoth synergy you'd just play that right? Or if you really value having a 1-drop Deathrattle you can weave into your curve, Mistress of Mixtures has a significantly better body as well as helping you stay alive long enough to complete the damn Quest.
3.) Going back to the Loot Hoarder comparison, since the Quest takes up one card in your starting hand always unless you mulligan it (so you not only give up your turn 1 play, you're down a card at start) you REALLY want to cycle through your deck faster to get your removal & Deathrattles. Priest has Northshire & Power Word: Shield, sure, but Loot Hoarder is better on curve, does the same job, & makes progress towards your quest. That's gotta be better than getting a random card from your opponent's deck most of the time right? Oracle's effect may be better in the long term if you're grinding it out in the control mirror but if all of your Deathrattles + N'Zoth don't win the grind, is this little guy really going to tip you over the edge consistently?
Am I crazy? Again, the card is obviously pretty good overall and may make Elemental Priest a thing (dat Lightspawn synergy!) but if we're assuming Awaken the Makers and N'Zoth are key cards for this deck, I don't see this guy being all that good.
Priest has a lot of viable 4-drop deathrattles but practically no 5-drops. This is something you play on 5 alongside a Shellraiser or Shade.
Hearthstone: a game where Priests steal everything and Rogues perform miracles.
Open your eyes, Priests were always the Rogues!
In both Hearthstone and in real life.
Im pretty sure this card is better than the mage Babbling Book. And it has synergy with the quest too.
Enough of steal mechanic. I'm really tired of this nonsense.
Priest is the new rogue.
1. This
2. Entomb
3. Convert
4. Drakonid Operative
5. Mind Vision
6. Cabal Shadow Priest
7. Shifting Shade
have you had enough?
So, Shifting Shade young sibling? Not very creative, I guess Priest needed 1 drops with Twilight Whelp rotating out. And it's not an overstated body.
Idk really, Swashburglar and babbling book gains immediate value while this card is a death rattle effect (can be silenced and all). Also I like that they removed random which screams RNG. This just copies a card from the opponents deck which is most of the times a Good card. But it's 1 drop for priest that goes 1 for 1 most of the times. So i'm not complaining. (I don't play dragon priest)
For me, the card is most of the time either Deadly Poison or Shatter. Oh yeah, Shield Slam also. It's not only wasted mana, but also wasted hand space. Priest needs a discard button.
No one plays shatter though
double post sorry
Strange response to a post about getting useless spells.